加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Ruth给Tim的邮件
Dear Tim, As recommended by the law society, if we want to make a complaint against you to them,we'd better first talk with you about the problems and the best place, they say, is where we start. Also they say a lawyer has the obligation to answer the litigant's questions and not to be rude, and they believe if we talk with you first, problems will be removed,for complaint is always the last option. And we do take it. First, we want to know why 35 of litigants, the same group with the lead case Liang Dong, are bound , as you wrote, to the same order made by the judge, and why we are finally treated the same way as a different group by CIC, and you did not oppose it? Until now, no reasonable explanations are given. So we'd appreciate if you could give us one. Second, 36 days has passed since the court decision was made, but it has nothing to do with us, but only with Liangdong. And now we are still in the process of waiting for the final response of CIC, and in your counter offer, you did not fix a dealine for a reply and what we should do now seems to be waiting. So would u pls urge or at least confirm with DOJ for a response, for we have wasted so many endless days in waiting. We totally understand your focus now is on the 1,100 litigants, and I ,myself, am always focused on them as well, for many of them are also recruited from my internet group, your ads is, until now, is still on the first page of my page. But we all know before the court makes a ruling, there is actully little we can do, and only with the ruling will the bulk know in what direction they will proceed. We want to apologize to you if you think we offend you by writing so many letters, and we hope that you can also understand our status, and really do something for us, not seemingly opposite. We know you think that we are safe, and that we need not be so concerned. But any passing day without the substantial commencement of our case a is a torture to us, and we hope you do understand. Regards Ruth
[email protected] 超赞 赏 J jesuismajeur 0$(VIP 0) 2502012-07-19#2 回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件这么刺激啊
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件律师让人发的,大概他很生气我态度如此恶劣吧。我错了。。。
网络暴力和现实中一样无处不在,远离不诚信的人,管它老乡,同胞,还是网络名人!!! 超赞 赏 M Milky MonkeyModerator 0$(VIP 0) 2722012-07-19#4 回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件I don't want to say anything else except we seriously appreciate what Tim has done for us.
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件到底是谁的ID?
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件You should have noted who the recipients are到底是谁的ID?点击展开...
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件第一次想骂人. 已经是35人里面了, 却一再为那几个月的时间纠结, 将尚处于危机之中的几百人的的策略完整的公诸于众并鼓动大家去耽误Tim的时间... Tim如果能够取消和此人之间的合同, 向法院申请撤回此人的诉讼并向CIC申请冻结她的移民申请, 我愿意为Tim支付由于合同终止而需要承担的费用. 请赵律师转达我个人的意见. 谢谢.
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件律师让人发的,大概他很生气我态度如此恶劣吧。我错了。。。点击展开... 越来越搞不懂
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件赤裸裸的威胁律师。其他不做评说。
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件信里口口声声 We We We. 其实就是I I I.
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件没有羡慕,只有嫉妒恨。赤裸裸的威胁律师。其他不做评说。点击展开...
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件看到这么多人现在支持Tim,我感到很宽慰,终于松了一口气。因为我曾经支持他招来了很大的非议,对我的攻击扩散面很广而且持续时间长。看到大家的支持,我感到真的不孤单了。 不过希望大家对Ruth的声讨到此为止,不要一会天上一会地下的。Ruth在北京版和香港版都认错了。
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件最后我来一句就收口: 不论官司结果如何, 我始终信任律师, 也感谢律师为案子做的努力. 这是最起码的用人不疑的道理. 这个Ruth不是喜欢把Tim的信源文搬到论坛上么? 我建议以后她的信, 我们也都看看原文, 看看她鼓动大家是为了自己的利益还是真的是为了那大几百号人的利益. Over - 收工.
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件楼上你又让我送了一口气,如果最后结果不好,还真的不会有几个人会怪我,我预计有1%的人会把我当消气的耙子,现在看来,应该1%都不会有了。
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件RUTH还是向tim认个错吧,tim还是非常负责任的,我们每写信都马上回信,而且隔几天就通报情况,其它正在接案的律师都做不到,有些人低估了这个案子复杂性和艰巨性,希望不要打搅我们的tim律师,现在是跟CIC谈判的最关键时刻了。
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件We also appreciate your capability to execute what you said. We all know we do this with a purpose, there is nothing wrong to care about personal interest, and it is a plus bonus if this also benefits the others. Appreciate you are doing something with value to all of us.楼上你又让我送了一口气,如果最后结果不好,还真的不会有几个人会怪我,我预计有1%的人会把我当消气的耙子,现在看来,应该1%都不会有了。点击展开...
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件可以轻装上阵啦,再接再厉! 谢谢大家!
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件如果1100人中,每个人都像ruth这样每天花10分钟写email跟Tim沟通而Tim回一封信平均用时1分钟那么Tim每天要花18.33333小时回信麻烦体谅一下你email另一端的人威胁从来都不会解决问题,只会让对方厌恶而已
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件Dear Tim, As recommended by the law society, if we want to make a complaint against you to them,we'd better first talk with you about the problems and the best place, they say, is where we start. Also they say a lawyer has the obligation to answer the litigant's questions and not to be rude, and they believe if we talk with you first, problems will be removed,for complaint is always the last option. And we do take it. First, we want to know why 35 of litigants, the same group with the lead case Liang Dong, are bound , as you wrote, to the same order made by the judge, and why we are finally treated the same way as a different group by CIC, and you did not oppose it? Until now, no reasonable explanations are given. So we'd appreciate if you could give us one. Second, 36 days has passed since the court decision was made, but it has nothing to do with us, but only with Liangdong. And now we are still in the process of waiting for the final response of CIC, and in your counter offer, you did not fix a dealine for a reply and what we should do now seems to be waiting. So would u pls urge or at least confirm with DOJ for a response, for we have wasted so many endless days in waiting. We totally understand your focus now is on the 1,100 litigants, and I ,myself, am always focused on them as well, for many of them are also recruited from my internet group, your ads is, until now, is still on the first page of my page. But we all know before the court makes a ruling, there is actully little we can do, and only with the ruling will the bulk know in what direction they will proceed. We want to apologize to you if you think we offend you by writing so many letters, and we hope that you can also understand our status, and really do something for us, not seemingly opposite. We know you think that we are safe, and that we need not be so concerned. But any passing day without the substantial commencement of our case a is a torture to us, and we hope you do understand. Regards Ruth点击展开...可能我英文太滥,看的费劲。
回复: Ruth给Tim的邮件大家都消消火,宽容些吧,谁都不容易. ruth也是为了大家好,想把事情问明白,你们怎么能这么说她呢?难道这里真的不允许提意见吗?ruth还是我们的带头人,和律师经常沟通是必要的
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