加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民看看加竞争对手在干吗:澳大利亚重大投资签证出台,500万搞定188签
20分钟前,澳大利亚移民部长公布了《188-重大投资人类签证》详情,只要投资500万澳元,无论其年龄、英文如何,均可以申请澳洲移民签证! 1. 要求通过EOI 2. 获得州担保 3. 投资500万澳元,可以投资各级政府债券或者澳洲有资格的公司! 4. 4年里面只要总计住160天,而且可以延签2年。Key conditions released for significant investor visa [FONT=arial, sans-serif]Wednesday, 29 August 2012[/FONT] [FONT=arial, sans-serif]The full conditions for a new visa designed to encourage significant migrant investment into Australia were released today by the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Chris Bowen MP.[/FONT] [FONT=arial, sans-serif]The significant investor visa, first announced in May, is being introduced as a key component of the Government’s business innovation and investment program, and requires visa holders to invest at least AUD 5 million.[/FONT] [FONT=arial, sans-serif]The visa will commence from 24 November this year, when applicants can submit an expression of interest through SkillSelect.[/FONT] [FONT=arial, sans-serif]'The business innovation and investment program is positioned to target migrants with a demonstrated history of success in business and investment, to make a powerful contribution to national innovation and the Australian economy,' Mr Bowen said.[/FONT] [FONT=arial, sans-serif]Australia is offering a significant investor visa to provide a boost to the local economy and to compete effectively for high net worth individuals seeking investment immigration on an international scale.[/FONT] [FONT=arial, sans-serif]'The AUD 5 million minimum is considered to be sufficient for a meaningful investment contribution, justifying eligibility for visa concessions such as not having to meet the points test, no upper age limit and access to reduced residence requirements,' Mr Bowen said.[/FONT] [FONT=arial, sans-serif]'Importantly, significant investors will be required to make complying investments in Australia which include state and territory government bonds, Australian Security Investment Commission-regulated managed funds that invest in Australian assets, and direct investment into private Australian companies not listed on the stock exchange.[/FONT] [FONT=arial, sans-serif]'Where visa holders choose to invest directly into Australian companies, these companies will need to meet certain qualifying business standards.'[/FONT] [FONT=arial, sans-serif]Mr Bowen said visa holders would have the flexibility to extend their initial four year visa by additional two year periods. They would also be able to satisfy the residence requirement of 160 days in Australia at any time throughout their four year visa.[/FONT] [FONT=arial, sans-serif]'This flexibility recognises the needs of the global investor community while also encouraging investment into Australia,' he said.[/FONT] [FONT=arial, sans-serif]State and territory governments are partnering with the Commonwealth when selecting prospective high net worth migrants, to ensure the available visas are offered to the most experienced business people and high profile investors.[/FONT]
test 超赞 赏 雨 雨纷纷 0$(VIP 0) 1,5912012-08-29#2 回复: 看看加竞争对手在干吗:澳大利亚重大投资签证出台,500万搞定188签扛着金条的 上!敞开大门欢迎你
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回复: 看看加竞争对手在干吗:澳大利亚重大投资签证出台,500万搞定188签3000+w,还要州担保,还先不给PR,感觉肯尼看来还是小手笔啊?步子可以更大一些,参照这个,估计今年投移还要很涨啊3000W,看看这个政策国人有多少加入?
test 超赞 赏 拉菲加拿大政府赞助商 0$(VIP 0) 3,1242012-08-29#5 回复: 看看加竞争对手在干吗:澳大利亚重大投资签证出台,500万搞定188签钱再多都难不住中国人,不差钱的
卡屯集结号(137990988)Calgary Badminton Group (168454634) 超赞 赏 zippo媳妇 0$(VIP 0) 1162012-08-29#6 回复: 看看加竞争对手在干吗:澳大利亚重大投资签证出台,500万搞定188签看见没,论小刀,还是澳洲磨得狠,落得咔嚓!!真想看看,这个标准有多少人前仆后继!澳洲政府真的是认钱不认人,什么年龄,什么英语水平,全是浮云~~
BJ 71, 2151,2011.11.13悉尼妥投,2012.1.31FN,2012.3.6ME,2012.3.16体检,2012.6.11MER,2013.1.21DM,2013.2.27登陆温哥华钱再多都难不住中国人,不差钱的点击展开...太对了
回复: 看看加竞争对手在干吗:澳大利亚重大投资签证出台,500万搞定188签小妮没有这么大魄力吧...3000WRMB+...他会不会怕按照这个政策来,就没人投加国了...呵呵...
11222010.12 备料;2011.7.1 投递HK;2011.9.23 PER;2012.2.14 HK Interview;2012.2.14 电子ME;2012.2.14 正式IP;2012.3.19 BJ体检;2012.3.21 BJ使馆;2012.4.25 MER;2012.5.9 平信PL;2012.5.20DM;2012.5.25毕业啦 超赞 赏 萧了皮镇宅之宝 辟邪驱鬼 0$(VIP 0) 2,4462012-08-29#9 回复: 看看加竞争对手在干吗:澳大利亚重大投资签证出台,500万搞定188签额滴个亲娘啊……
2013年3月长登温哥华你只会感觉物价又涨了、在建项目多了。。。点击展开... 精辟
开tangerine 账户给50刀,开投资账户给250刀bonus, 存款账户1.90%利息,外加支票账户,更可得2.4%利息! 开户使用这个码 40431245S1。 开户网址https://www.tangerine.ca/app/#/enroll 超赞 赏 wyy_56 0$(VIP 0) 1,3692012-08-29#12 回复: 看看加竞争对手在干吗:澳大利亚重大投资签证出台,500万搞定188签中国媒老板都不差钱,这下跑路有出路喽
副申:经历91退档、227不在列表魁省学法语、bj626妥投的枫叶猴 11.3.30ME,4.17体检,11.6.4MER,12.1.10DM,2012.1.29大信封到,2012.5.9短登5周结束,2013年10月15长登多伦多。我的多伦多短登流水账http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?t=554149 超赞 赏 雨 雨纷纷 0$(VIP 0) 1,5912012-08-29#13 回复: 看看加竞争对手在干吗:澳大利亚重大投资签证出台,500万搞定188签领导跑路都是以亿为单位的
回复: 看看加竞争对手在干吗:澳大利亚重大投资签证出台,500万搞定188签EOI?谁给的多谁上?
回复: 看看加竞争对手在干吗:澳大利亚重大投资签证出台,500万搞定188签3000W这么大笔钱怎么转出去?国内也要限制啊?
回复: 看看加竞争对手在干吗:澳大利亚重大投资签证出台,500万搞定188签3000W这么大笔钱怎么转出去?国内也要限制啊?点击展开...不知道以境外投资的方式能不能出去,但我觉得有钱人一定会有办法
回复: 看看加竞争对手在干吗:澳大利亚重大投资签证出台,500万搞定188签哇。3000多万RMB。
回复: 看看加竞争对手在干吗:澳大利亚重大投资签证出台,500万搞定188签3000万会难住有钱人?!简直就是毛毛雨啊。
回复: 看看加竞争对手在干吗:澳大利亚重大投资签证出台,500万搞定188签3000多万,如果不卖房子能拿出这么多钱的真是有钱人了.
回复: 看看加竞争对手在干吗:澳大利亚重大投资签证出台,500万搞定188签3300万人民币投资只是给个4年临时签证,每年必须满足50万澳币以上的营业额,4年以后才给绿卡,真黑。
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