加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Kenney's "We will take the next six months to do a lot of the heavy lifting".
How do you interpret Kenney's " We will take the next six months to do a lot of the heavy lifting to get us closer to a fast and flexible immigration system.” Not bad news for the applicants in the queue at least I think.
回复: Kenney's "We will take the next six months to do a lot of the heavy lifting".出处?
回复: Kenney's "We will take the next six months to do a lot of the heavy lifting".http://www.canadavisa.com/news/entr...me-new-immigration-applications-28061012.html
回复: Kenney's "We will take the next six months to do a lot of the heavy lifting".这个不好说. CIC处理tim组的人都给出了60天+180天的期限.
回复: Kenney's "We will take the next six months to do a lot of the heavy lifting".狗屁。他以前还说we want to be fair to those people who have been waiting the longest
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 超赞 赏 W wjfwjf 0$(VIP 0) 3922012-07-17#6 回复: Kenney's "We will take the next six months to do a lot of the heavy lifting".我理解的 heavy lifting, 就是所有VO齐心协力,加班加点,日以继夜,头脑风暴,集思广益,把“池子”系统设计好,制作好,测试好。最后明年初把现有的所有申请人都放进池子里。
喜欢多伦多,中西合璧,享受两种生活。 超赞 赏 D Davidmah 0$(VIP 0) 4552012-07-17#7 回复: Kenney's "We will take the next six months to do a lot of the heavy lifting".我理解的 heavy lifting和你不同。我觉得是去健身房“举重”,“健身”,签证的事是啥也不干。
回复: Kenney's "We will take the next six months to do a lot of the heavy lifting".我理解的 heavy lifting 是VO们都不认祖宗,从VO们出生证改期,驾照,工卡,保险卡,都改了姓氏,都叫Patient。
... 超赞 赏 willis 0$(VIP 0) 5962012-07-17#9 回复: Kenney's "We will take the next six months to do a lot of the heavy lifting".这帮人渣
2007.7 - 2012.10 难以忘记的63个月 => Toronto我理解的 heavy lifting, 就是所有VO齐心协力,加班加点,日以继夜,头脑风暴,集思广益,把“池子”系统设计好,制作好,测试好。最后明年初把现有的所有申请人都放进池子里。点击展开...差不多,重建一套系统,是一个很重的担子。
回复: Kenney's "We will take the next six months to do a lot of the heavy lifting".狗屁。他以前还说we want to be fair to those people who have been waiting the longest点击展开...我终于明白他怎么给我们公平了!
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at GeorgianHow do you interpret Kenney's " We will take the next six months to do a lot of the heavy lifting to get us closer to a fast and flexible immigration system.” Not bad news for the applicants in the queue at least I think.点击展开...即使他答应说“continue to process",仍然是在玩暧昧,因为他没有保证怎样"process",跟以前的人一样"process"呢,还是按照他的伟大构想把我们放进池里让加拿大雇主随便挑,挑到的才继续“process”。
200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 我理解的 heavy lifting, 就是所有VO齐心协力,加班加点,日以继夜,头脑风暴,集思广益,把“池子”系统设计好,制作好,测试好。最后明年初把现有的所有申请人都放进池子里。点击展开...看你着些字,我的神经颤抖了好久...
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