加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民To Quote Tim' email September 30, 2012


Tim,Looking back to your September 30 e-mail, now Barnes has brutally rejected your motion, it is time to move on to the Phase II!Thanks.While I know that all of you think that you have a better case -- and you do -- the Minister was to wipe out everyone one and, allowing your files to proceed, opens the door to others, but he wants to keep it slammed shut. Any concession to an 87.4 victims he sees as weakness. So, let's start with the files he's agreed to process. Then I can raise yours with DoJ while moving into Phase II, beginning with Mr. LIang's case.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: Tim Leahy [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 9:17 PMSubject: where we're goingI sent the following email to one of the ME'd group:I don't know. At this point, they've agreed to settle Lawrence's and Lorne's cases for those with open files. I don't want those who signed on with me to be held back. Because CIC is willing to settle these cases -- in fact, I believe that they want them settled and not litigated -- I want to deal with these cases now because Barnes is refusing to rule on the motion. I had hoped for a ruling for everyone one, but we're not going to get it any time soon.After they open files issue is resolved, I will ask them about your cases. I very seriously doubt that they'll agree to settle because the means for doing so is identical to what I want the Court to order in my motion. If they agree to do so for you, they know that it will set a precedent for the entire contingent. So, I am not confident that they will readily agree. So, let's start first with the easy one.I am sick and tired of the Court's ducking issues and foot-dragging. I have always believed that, if the Court does not dismiss my suit for damages, CIC will settle. However, I have been afraid to launch it because, once I do, the Court will be afraid to grant my motion seeking to enforce the Agreement and apply Liang for the group because they know that I will use that ruling in the damages suit. However, because Justice Barnes has decided not to decide the motion and is allowing he 87.4 litigation to drift, I have decided to cease waiting. It's a risk but I have given up on Justice Barnes behaving properly. (He should not have a hand in the damages litigation.)However, before going into Phase II, I want to protect the interest of those whose files have not been closed. Doing so will also give Barnes a bit more time to rule on the motion. But, once I go into Phase II, I very seriously doubt that he will rule on the motion. He'll just hold it up. (Lawrence Wong believes that he's refusing to rule on the motion because it will help the 87.4 litigation and he doesn't want to do so. I believe its because I have proven that he was wrong to have written us off and he doesn't want to admit that he was wrong and I was right. So, he wants us -- me included -- dangling in the wind indefinitely.)While I know that all of you think that you have a better case -- and you do -- the Minister was to wipe out everyone one and, allowing your files to proceed, opens the door to others, but he wants to keep it slammed shut. Any concession to an 87.4 victims he sees as weakness. So, let's start with the files he's agreed to process. Then I can raise yours with DoJ while moving into Phase II, beginning with Mr. LIang's case.Regards,Tim

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