加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民TIM、王仁铎、Waldman 三律师邮箱 查询移民进度和立案信息网站


2012年9月底动态:加拿大移民部的「一刀切」法案将28万名技术移民积案作废,另有2万名已审理完成的旧案申请人幸运逃过一劫,但因移民部迟迟不发签证,有律师酝酿展开针对这一类人的集体诉讼。   依C-38法案,约2万名旧案技术移民申请人已经审核通过,正在等待移民签证,并不在作废之列。但是,尽管今年6月14日法庭裁定移民部不合理延宕,应在180天内将原告梁东(音译,Liang Dong)的案件审理完毕,移民部也在近期发出梁东及其他原告的移民签证,其他未参与诉讼者要取得签证仍遥遥无期,目前已有律师酝酿集体诉讼。   代表千余名联邦技术移民积案申请人状告移民部并获胜诉的律师李希(Tim Leahy)表示,尽管这些人士的申请案未因「一刀切」法案而作废,但因移民部优先审理新申请案,某些外馆根本没有分配任何签证配额给这些旧案申请人。  他说,移民部过去「劣迹斑斑」,不排除明年1月技术移民新法实施後,突然要求这些申请人的学经历重新经过认证,甚至比照新的语言水平要求。但王仁铎律师认为,移民部应不至於为了区区几千个申请案而冒犯众怒的风险,移民部现在玩的把戏就是拖延,申请人若等得不耐烦提出诉讼,移民部也乐得轻松,反正法庭程序一走就是大半年。 由於有梁东的判例,王仁铎认为这一类人的集体诉讼成案机率很高,且几乎百分之百可胜诉,难怪会有律师号召申请人加入。以下是二位著名移民律师的联系邮箱: [email protected]; [email protected] (Tim Leahy 律师,中文名 李希,又名莱希 )TIM组信息交流群qq247669663 有兴趣交流对来年1月诉讼问题看法的均可加入)[email protected] (王仁铎律师,英文名 Lawrence Wong) [email protected] (Lorne waldman 律师) 用立案号查询法院进展情况请进入以下链接: The Federal Court website allows one to access the status of court cases, which may be accessed either by the file number or the surname. Thus, you may follow what occurs in the case via the following links: File Numberhttp://cas-ncr-nter03.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_queries_e.php?stype=court&select_court=T Surnamehttp://cas-ncr-nter03.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_queries_e.php?stype=party&select_court=T 1. select "file number" or "party name"2. hit "select"3. insert surname/file number4. hit "submit"The name of the case will appear below5. click onto "re" on the right side andall the activity on the case will appear. 联邦进度查询:http://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/ECAS.jsp 律师呼吁更多人加入,人越多,移民部的压力越大。另外,查CAIPS,要求完整版的记录也是很好的举措。

200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 依 依然------ 0$(VIP 0) 8042012-09-20#2 回复: Tim Leahy(李希)律师与王仁铎律师行踪和电子邮箱给他们写中文,可行?“这一类人的集体诉讼成案机率很高”就是说这类人参与诉讼否都是一个结果?或者没有诉讼的也能根据诉讼判决结果一样受益?是这个意思?


200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 今我来思 0$(VIP 0) 7792012-09-21#4 回复: Tim Leahy(李希)律师与王仁铎律师行踪和电子邮箱Tim这老头说有位女律师跟他一起处理案子,他们很努力,一天工作12小时,一周工作7天:I have another lawyer who will be working with me on the litigation if it becomes too much for me. At present I am coping by referring other business to her so that I will have time to deal with this litigation and have been working twelve-hour days, seven days a week since last September.

200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 今我来思 0$(VIP 0) 7792012-09-21#5 回复: Tim Leahy(李希)律师与王仁铎律师行踪和电子邮箱以下Tim 介绍加拿大移民律师情况并分析这次诉讼为啥占了先机,加入他的诉讼会有哪些利点以及他今后的对策:Most of the lawyers involved in the litigation are solo practitioners. I have another lawyer who will be working with me on the litigation if it becomes too much for me. At present I am coping by referring other business to her so that I will have time to deal with this litigation and have been working twelve-hour days, seven days a week since last September.(大部分律师都是单干的,我有助手,忙不开的话就可以来帮忙。我尽可能自己处理,很努力,自九月以来,一天忙到晚,周末也不休息)The idea that the bigger the firm the better the result is erroneous. The real issue is the creativity of the lawyers involved. We are dealing with an issue never before litigated. What is needed is a lawyer who is knowledgeable in the law and able to improvise. Most immigration lawyers do not fit this description. If they did, it would not have been I who challenged the backlog in the first place -- 11 months ago -- while the others sat around doing nothing. Indeed, most are continuing to do nothing -- most notably, the big law firms.(并不是律师所越大越好。这次世界媒体关注的大诉讼为啥是我在11个月前最先发起?大律师所干啥去了?他们闲着啥事不干)The second important factor is the character of the lawyer. Immigration lawyers fall into three general categories(移民律师分为三种): the academic(学术型的), the fighters(斗士型的) and the business folk(商业型的). The first category have the best grasp of the law but rarely step into the arena. The second are the ones who fight for justice. The third operate law firms, have many support staff and make lots of money. To think that the third category care about a single distressed FSW applicant, as opposed to a rich investor immigrant, is to elevate one's sense of self-importance far beyond reality. The irony is that most of the second category are those who handle asylum claims and rarely venture into the visa-processing stream. They are the most interested in justice and the most knowledgeable in the law itself. However, they are not up to speed on visa-processing law. So, while their hearts and souls would be in the right place, they'd be a bit like ducks out of the water in this litigation.(并不是所有移民律师都懂得怎么打签证官司,有的就像旱鸭子) Lawrence Wong(王仁铎) and I probably are the most creative thinkers in the group, especially because Rocco Gallati, who alone possesses all of the required attributes, is working with us, and no one exceeds our commitment to justice. (王仁铎和我在这次诉讼中很有创造性。加上知识全面的Rocco,我们的组合对司法公正的贡献无人能比)A second misconception this attitude evinces is believing that, in the end, it really matters which of the other counsel one selects for the 87.4 challenge. DoJ is insisting that applicants' counsel present only one written submission, and Justice Barnes prefers that approach because it means that he will not have to read as much. Thus, the end result of the 87.4 challenge will be the same written submission no matter with which lawyer one signs on. But, even if there are multiple written submissions, as Justice Barnes has noted, if 87.4 is struck down, it will apply to all those whom it affects. For that reason, if those who seek a true class-action prevail, it will not even matter if one does not sign up with anyone because everyone will get the same result.This misconception includes the presumption that I will have to perfect 1,000 files. As I just stated, the likelihood is that there will be only one written submission but, at most, there will be only one written submission per lawyer. Thus, the logistical issues are limited to filing the cases and communicating with the clients.(手中有1000个申请人的案子并不是要一个个打官司,因为判决只有一个。手中案子多,只是要多花工夫去立案和与诉讼人沟通) There is, however, a difference between my group and all the others: we have the Agreement. (我们的诉讼队伍与其他律师的相比,一个重要的不同在于我们有协议---AGREEMENT) If the Court grants my motion, all of my litigants will have their files promptly assessed immediately, whereas those in the 87.4 challenge will have to wait many more months -- if not years -- before their files are assessed. Once that decision comes out, however, joining me -- on the surface -- will be no different than joining anyone else.The difference, however, is that I have a different approach I will be taking than the others are.(我们的诉讼队伍比别的律师的多了一条路) If I can ever get past Phase I, I will go into Phase II. If I succeed in this endeavor, my litigants will have their files assessed even before the 87.4 litigation has been argued in court. In fact, if I prevail, the Minister will likely give up entirely. This is where the creativity of the lawyer is more important than the size of the firm.(这就是为什么我说,律师所大,不如律师有创造性更好)Once we have a ruling on my motion, I will change tact. If the motion succeeds, I go immediately into Phase II. If it does not, I divide my group into three categories: those whose files were never assessed; those whose files were assessed after March 28th and those whose files were assessed before March 29th. Those in the third category have the strongest case legally; those in the second case have the strongest case morally and those in the first category will be stuck in a legal morass for years to come -- unless my Phase II succeeds.Once my motion is decided, it will not matter to me if no other unassessed FSW applicants join our group. I am more interested in the assessed group, who will be the vanguard of Phase II because s. 87.4 cannot be used against them. If the Court refuses to dismiss my Phase II litigation for this group, I will come forward with the post-March 28th assessed group. If the Court refuses to dismiss them -- which is to say, if it agrees with me that 87.4(5), which bars legal action, does not affect my argument -- the door will open for all my litigants. At that point, I expect the other lawyers to follow me once again and CIC will give up. If, however, this approach fails, the 87.4 litigation will continue. So, yet again, our group will have two bites at the apple; not just one(我们的人马不会吊死在一棵歪脖树上).So, we return to the point I made initially: the creativity (and soul) of the lawyer is more important than the size of his/her firm. I will be taking a different approach, one I delineated on unfairCIC.com when I launched it a year ago while the other counsel were doing nothing for the pre-Bill C-50 applicants. (我一年前发起诉讼的时候,别的律师什么也没做,他们闲坐着看91的申请人等了一年又一年)

200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 今我来思 0$(VIP 0) 7792012-09-24#6 回复: Tim Leahy(李希)律师与王仁铎律师行踪和电子邮箱查询联邦进度:在百度上找 “移民家园网” 进度查询

200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 2012年9月底动态:加拿大移民部的「一刀切」法案将28万名技术移民积案作废,另有2万名已审理完成的旧案申请人幸运逃过一劫,但因移民部迟迟不发签证,有律师酝酿展开针对这一类人的集体诉讼。   依C-38法案,约2万名旧案技术移民申请人已经审核通过,正在等待移民签证,并不在作废之列。但是,尽管今年6月14日法庭裁定移民部不合理延宕,应在180天内将原告梁东(音译,Liang Dong)的案件审理完毕,移民部也在近期发出梁东及其他原告的移民签证,其他未参与诉讼者要取得签证仍遥遥无期,目前已有律师酝酿集体诉讼。   代表千余名联邦技术移民积案申请人状告移民部并获胜诉的律师李希(Tim Leahy)表示,尽管这些人士的申请案未因「一刀切」法案而作废,但因移民部优先审理新申请案,某些外馆根本没有分配任何签证配额给这些旧案申请人。  他说,移民部过去「劣迹斑斑」,不排除明年1月技术移民新法实施後,突然要求这些申请人的学经历重新经过认证,甚至比照新的语言水平要求。但王仁铎律师认为,移民部应不至於为了区区几千个申请案而冒犯众怒的风险,移民部现在玩的把戏就是拖延,申请人若等得不耐烦提出诉讼,移民部也乐得轻松,反正法庭程序一走就是大半年。 由於有梁东的判例,王仁铎认为这一类人的集体诉讼成案机率很高,且几乎百分之百可胜诉,难怪会有律师号召申请人加入。以下是二位著名移民律师的联系邮箱: [email protected] (Tim Leahy 律师,中文名 李希,又名莱希 ) [email protected] (王仁铎律师,英文名 Lawrence Wong) 用立案号查询法院进展情况请进入以下链接: The Federal Court website allows one to access the status of court cases, which may be accessed either by the file number or the surname. Thus, you may follow what occurs in the case via the following links: File Numberhttp://cas-ncr-nter03.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_queries_e.php?stype=court&select_court=T Surnamehttp://cas-ncr-nter03.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_queries_e.php?stype=party&select_court=T 1. select "file number" or "party name"2. hit "select"3. insert surname/file number4. hit "submit"The name of the case will appear below5. click onto "re" on the right side and all the activity on the case will appear.点击展开...

回复: Tim Leahy(李希)律师与王仁铎律师行踪和电子邮箱律师本来就是公众人物。他们希望有需要的人找他们商谈。

200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 今我来思 0$(VIP 0) 7792012-09-27#9 回复: Tim Leahy律师与王仁铎律师电子邮箱 查立案进度网站所有参加诉讼的,写请愿信反映问题的,都是对加拿大司法公正做出了贡献。参加诉讼的理所应当得到优先处理。

200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 今我来思 0$(VIP 0) 7792012-10-16#10 回复: Tim Leahy、王仁铎、Waldman律师邮箱 立案进度、移民部联邦进度查询[email protected] 也是Tim每天用的邮箱,Tim 律师希望告诉大家他有这个邮箱,([email protected] 当然正确,他每天都用) ,因为他希望大家顺便浏览www.unfairCIC.com 网站

200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 今我来思 0$(VIP 0) 7792012-10-16#11 回复: 律师呼吁申请人加入诉讼 康尼部长认为不诉讼的人愿意接受一刀切对于加入诉讼的人数多和少有什么利弊的问题,Tim律师这样分析道:“Yes, the more people Lawrence and I have, he better for all. The Minister assumes that those who sit by silently have accepted his decision. The more who leave that impression, the strong he feels himself to be.”如果被作废的申请人坐等一刀切,不去用实际行动维护自己的正当权益,那么部长就有了“那些人本来就不怎么想来加拿大”的印象,认为被切的人来不来都行,反正他们没啥意见。对于诉讼的展望,我们要考虑到东西文化的区别。在特权和独裁国家,通过关系让少数人受益似乎是潜规则,谁都讨厌大锅饭。然而,在西方,神马都靠投票,是“majority rules", 对于一刀切的反对声浪越高,政府最终扭转或修正这个做法的希望越大。另一个想法上的不同是我们从小就被教育成“好孩子",听话,跟告状打官司这些“刁民”不沾边。比如Tim这样的律师,在天朝肯定下场比李庄律师还惨,判个十年二十年的。然而,TIM律师在加拿大活得很受人尊敬,他自我感觉也很好,因为他认为他在为加拿大的司法公正做贡献。

200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 今我来思 0$(VIP 0) 7792012-10-16#12 回复: 律师呼吁申请人加入诉讼 康尼部长认为不诉讼的人愿意接受一刀切关于向法院申请由于移民部无当拖延审理造成的损失的赔偿问题,Tim律师这样回答:The amount I will be seeking is the amount of lost wages from the date of assessment to settlement. That amount will turn on:1. applicant's (and spouse's) occupation.2. city/province identified as intended destination and3. date of assessment.If I have the NOC codes for the various occupations in which the applicant (and spouse) have experience and know the destination, I can ascertain the average wage s/he would have received. Once we know the assessment date, we can determine the starting date.Because this litigation has yet to begin, it does not matter when the litigant signed on. The only requirement at this point is to have had the file assessed. 申请人须是打分的,额度根据本人职业、工作省份、打分日期这几个尺度有所不同。

200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 今我来思 0$(VIP 0) 7792012-10-18#13 回复: 当事人加入诉讼人数说明问题 康尼部长认为不起诉的人愿意接受一刀切加入TIM的已经打分的91TX,如果最近几天没有收到TIM来信,确认一下自己是否包含在可以得到法庭令的人员之内。

200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 今我来思 0$(VIP 0) 7792012-10-20#14 回复: 10月21日 TIM33人名单出炉 没加入的打分的以后可跟进Tim 并没有把当前解决这一波91打分的当做这件事的终结,这不是截止,而是开始。新协议达成之后,再加入的有望享有同等待遇。

200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 T tguozq 0$(VIP 0) 1,0932012-10-21#15 回复: 10月21日 TIM33人名单出炉 没加入的打分的以后可跟进其实就是加钱可以插队。

回复: 10月21日 TIM33人名单出炉 没加入的打分的以后可跟进支持更多329前SD的加入!! 不影响329前没SD的案子!!

​其实就是加钱可以插队。点击展开... 有人加钱了也没有成功插队。 有人4月参加了某律师,329前SD的,到现在还没ME 也有5月参加Tim的,329前SD的,VISA已到手 站错了队伍,再多的钱也解决不了问题 滑稽剧就要上演了~~~

​Tim 并没有把当前解决这一波91打分的当做这件事的终结,这不是截止,而是开始。新协议达成之后,再加入的有望享有同等待遇。点击展开... 上面引用的这句并不确切。我已经确认,协议是针对这次的,TIM原话:“It will apply only to those who have filed court cases in our group on the date the settlement agreement is signed. If I have not identified them, they will still be covered once we know that their Pre-Bill C-50 file had been assessed before March 29th. ”即使在Tim所列名单上没找到自己,如果符合以上条件并加入了Tim,协议中是仍然包含在内的,所以只要抓紧联系律师说明情况就行,不必惊慌。

200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 godream 2$(VIP 0,#281) 9182012-10-21#19 回复: TIM、王仁铎、Waldman 三律师邮箱 查询移民进度和立案信息网站看来Tim组要胜利了,加油!

...有人加钱了也没有成功插队。 有人4月参加了某律师,329前SD的,到现在还没ME 也有5月参加Tim的,329前SD的,VISA已到手 站错了队伍,再多的钱也解决不了问题 滑稽剧就要上演了~~~点击展开...你说的太严重了,tim5月份加入的是幸运,官司是6月份出来结果的,怎么不说去年11月份加入的今年6月也才有结果呢,打官司费时费力,过了这个最幸运的时间点,以后加入的还不是300天,并没有什么特殊。当然,tim是比较积极的一个律师,但也是收费最贵的,所以总要表现出物有所值才行。至于6月后加入的这些人,到底哪个组能提前拿到visa还是未知,最差也是300天,谈不上站错了队伍。

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