加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民萨省关于技工认证和考试的回信
萨省关于技工认证和考试的回信:Thank you for your recent email. You can apply to be assessed to see if you would meet eligibility to challenge the examination here in Saskatchewan. You would not be eligible to write the examination until you arrive in Canada. If you were deemed eligible and are successful in the examination and receive a passing mark you would then be issued a Journeyperson Certificate. However, I do not believe this would apply to your inquiry about the 'Certification of Qualification'. Immigration stated in their news release that in order to qualify with them the applicants will need to have an offer of employment in Canada OR a certificate of qualification from a province or territory to ensure that applicants are "job ready" upon arrival. This means in order for you to be eligible you must already hold a certificate in Canada. You will not be able to even attempt the examination until you are already here in the country. You need to contact Immigration Canada to see if you meet the criteria for the Federal Skilled Trades Program.If you would like to be assessed by our office we will require the following: • Form 9 - $380.00 fee• Translated/copies of Credentials (Journeyperson Certificate) • Formal training (diplomas/certificates/transcripts) • Attached Form 6a Trade Experience completed from employer in home country (please note we would require a 3rd party letter for verification if the Form 6a can not be signed by an appropriate person.)Thank you. 他们说就是你考试合格也是给你Journeyperson Certificate,不是移民局要求的那种。
回复: 萨省关于技工认证和考试的回信到目前为止,基本上所有的省都不可能给一个在加拿大境外的人技工证书,就算你通过了考试。
回复: 萨省关于技工认证和考试的回信所以这事得有个折中的办法,否则就成经验类了
回复: 萨省关于技工认证和考试的回信vvvv
知我者谓我心忧不知我者谓我何求 超赞 赏 S shijieduoduo 0$(VIP 0) 942013-03-07#5 回复: 萨省关于技工认证和考试的回信考试过了 会给证书的 为什么不给?这个证书应该可以申请移民的
技工移民群285824625考试过了 会给证书的 为什么不给?这个证书应该可以申请移民的点击展开...人不在加拿大怎么考?
回复: 萨省关于技工认证和考试的回信人不在加拿大怎么考?点击展开...过去考
回复: 萨省关于技工认证和考试的回信可以作为移民用的吧
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