加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民for those who care about the nature of Kurland's proceeding


for those who care about the nature of Kurland's proceeding - please note what you have with TIM now is "for leave & jud. review"TypeNature of ProceedingOfficeLanguageType of ActionFiling dateImmigration MattersImm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - Arising outside CanadaTorontoEnglishNon-Action

回复: for those who care about the nature of Kurland's proceeding所有的诉讼组的官司性质都是Application for leave and judicial review Kurland,王仁铎,Bellissimo, Tim等等都是这个性质,无论是不是违宪官司,无论是不是个人官司,全部都是Application for leave and judicial review 这是梁东的案子: 案子才成功了就是the application is granted: 朱飞案也一样: (Final decision) Reasons for Order and Order dated 15-FEB-2013 rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Blanchard Matter considered with personal appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Judicial Review and certification of a serious question of general importance Result: granted Submissions on question s/f by 22-FEB-2013; Responding subs due 27-FEB-2013 Filed on 15-FEB-2013 copies sent to parties Transmittal Letters placed on file. Certificate of Order entered in J. & O. Book, volume 588 page(s) 335 - 335

​ 超赞 赏 反馈:frankpenn L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882013-08-06#3 回复: for those who care about the nature of Kurland's proceeding这个团聚移民被拒签后打官司胜诉: http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=650518 他的胜诉也是Judicial Review granted,根据副申的帖子,她现在已经拿到签证了。 Kurland的案子跟一般人的案子没什么区别,他并不神秘,也没什么阴谋!如果他也得到了一个judicial review granted的判决,ME组就全部胜利了。 难怪Federal Court把起诉人叫做applicant申请人,申请什么呢?申请leave and judicial review,胜诉就是granted,败诉就是dimiss http://cas-ncr-nter03.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=IMM-5635-12 (Final decision) Reasons for Judgment and Judgment dated 18-APR-2013 rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Rennie Matter considered with personal appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Judicial Review and certification of a serious question of general importance Result: dismissed "...These Reasons for Judgment and Judgment apply in respoect of all files listed in Annex D hereto...Leave is hereby granted to the parties to bring a motion beyond the ten day requirement specified in Rule 397 to vary the terms of this judgment by amending Annex D to address any omissions or errors in that Annex...Submissions on costs are due within twenty days of the date of this decision." Filed on 18-APR-2013 copies sent to parties Certificate of Judgment entered in J. & O. Book, volume 596 page(s) 18 - 20

​ 超赞 赏 H hope09 0$(VIP 0) 1092013-08-07#4 回复: for those who care about the nature of Kurland's proceedingKurland 组的案子为什么很长时间了都没有进展呢,好像档案记录还停留在3月21号。

回复: for those who care about the nature of Kurland's proceeding因为被Justice Barnes拦住了。情况和TIM组一样。。。

​ 超赞 赏 大 大地江海 0$(VIP 0) 532013-08-07#6 回复: for those who care about the nature of Kurland's proceeding此法官已胜过专治国的专横,为什么那么多律师找不出有理有据的条款辩倒他?

回复: for those who care about the nature of Kurland's proceeding此法官已胜过专治国的专横,为什么那么多律师找不出有理有据的条款辩倒他?点击展开... 因为他有chief justice撑腰,他本人只是一条看门狗而已。 不过上诉院的案子他是管不到的,因为他在FCA没有职务。所以上诉的所有案子的档案记录,都找不到justice Barnes。

​ 超赞 赏 大 大地江海 0$(VIP 0) 532013-08-07#8 回复: for those who care about the nature of Kurland's proceeding感谢楼主专业的解释,正义最终能见光明

回复: for those who care about the nature of Kurland's proceeding起诉人最担心的是:上诉院会不会重蹈联邦法院的覆辙?

回复: for those who care about the nature of Kurland's proceeding起诉人最担心的是:上诉院会不会重蹈联邦法院的覆辙?点击展开... 不要这样患得患失的。现在的底线很明显了:起诉人仍然有盼头,非起诉人百分之百没戏了。

​ 超赞 赏 大 大地江海 0$(VIP 0) 532013-08-07#11 回复: for those who care about the nature of Kurland's proceeding不要这样患得患失的。现在的底线很明显了:起诉人仍然有盼头,非起诉人百分之百没戏了。

回复: for those who care about the nature of Kurland's proceeding不要这样患得患失的。现在的底线很明显了:起诉人仍然有盼头,非起诉人百分之百没戏了。点击展开...一个无奈的政府,狗屁3权分立!

fn:07-3-7 HK QQ:28694783VO:LSL FN:[email protected];[email protected] 组的案子为什么很长时间了都没有进展呢,好像档案记录还停留在3月21号。点击展开... 感觉现在最着急的人不是ME被切的,而是没S2的,着急的程度都有点匪夷所思了。 K的案子大半年一直没有被dismiss(TIM的也一样),这本身就是个乐观的信号,因为只有被dismiss才能去FCA上诉,法院不判你败诉,你就无法上诉,难道kurland和TIM能自己判自己败诉然后去上诉?法院根本不让这两组败诉,所以这两组无法去打违宪官司!法院究竟想拖到什么时间再对这两组解冻,现在无法预测。不过9月18号是违宪组在FCA上诉的一个milestone,也许那时法院才会对这两组有相应的安排。

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