加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民自己翻译然后公证是不允许的吗?
常常看到论坛上有人说自己翻译,然后再拿到公证处去公证,省翻译费。但是今天看到CIC上面的要求是:Important information. Translations by family members are not acceptable.即是不可以自己翻译,而且翻译还需要提供宣誓书之类的。那么就是一定要公证处那里去翻译?原文如下:Translation of documents Any document that is not in English or French must be accompanied by: the English or French translation; andan affidavit from the person who completed the translation; anda certified copy of the original document. Note: An affidavit is a document on which the translator has sworn, in the presence of a commissioner authorized to administer oaths in the country in which the translator is living, that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original document. Translators who are certified members in good standing of one of the provincial or territorial organizations of translators and interpreters of Canada do not need to supply an affidavit. Important information. Translations by family members are not acceptable.
回复: 自己翻译然后公证是不允许的吗?一般的公证处不会公证别处翻译的文件,即使你翻译的是对的,他们要赚钱三。
回复: 自己翻译然后公证是不允许的吗?这个和公证处商量着来。只要他们能盖章,谁翻译的不重要。
点滴记录:http://forum.canadameet.me/showthread.php?t=529718[/COLOR][/FONT] 超赞 赏 S seven0417 0$(VIP 0) 522013-10-26#4 回复: 自己翻译然后公证是不允许的吗?具体要看公证处啦,我的都是自己翻译的,他们直接给做了公证。有的翻译公司翻的比自己翻得还烂呢。我以前也遇到过不自己翻得不给公证的情况,解决方法是,找个翻译公司,叫他们敲章,你支付敲章费用。
回复: 自己翻译然后公证是不允许的吗?如果公证处愿意帮你做公证,谁翻译都行,我就是有自己,中介,翻译公司,公证处翻译的文件,公证处都给做了公证,我是广州的。
回复: 自己翻译然后公证是不允许的吗?如果公证处愿意帮你做公证,谁翻译都行,我就是有自己,中介,翻译公司,公证处翻译的文件,公证处都给做了公证,我是广州的。点击展开...那你自己是不是还要准备一份东西,证明这个文件是翻译公司翻译的?
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