加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民为什么CIC网站无法查到申请的状态?
我今天心血来潮去CIC网站上想看下申请状态,可是得到的结果是:We were not able to identify you using the information you provided. There could be three possible reasons:Please be sure the information you entered is correct and then try again.This service is only available to clients with applications in process. We may have received your application but not yet begun processing it. The following link may help you determine if your application is being processed:Application Processing TimesAt this time, you may use this on-line service to view the status of your application ONLY if you have:sponsored a member of the family class;applied for permanent residence from within or outside Canada;applied for a permanent resident card (initial, replacement or renewal);applied for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship);applied for Canadian citizenship for a person adopted by a Canadian citizen (on or after January 1, 1947);applied for a citizenship certificate (proof of Canadian citizenship);applied to renounce Canadian citizenship; orapplied to resume Canadian citizenship.The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) may help you to access the status of your application through CAS. 选择的是immigration application number,其他都按要求输入的。 不知道出了什么问题,请问有人知道原因吗?
10/05/2007 签发FN(SKM)11/12/2006 信用卡扣款。23/11/2006 香港签收。22/11/2006 上海EMS寄出,全程DIY开始。自评分68分[雅思7/5/5/6.5],有亲属。 超赞 赏 让子弹飞 0$(VIP 0) 1482012-01-04#2 回复: 为什么CIC网站无法查到申请的状态?很多种情况1、用单位的网关,第一次进入总是显示此信息,按地址栏后退建,重新输入FN 号2、输入的号码要连同打头的英文字母一同填写3、发给你的信件上有几个号码?请确定是不是FN号。4、没启动对该案子的审核时,也出现此种显示。建议你给CIC发电子邮件询问。
3月长登 超赞 赏 E enetbutterfly 0$(VIP 0) 2492012-01-04#3 回复: 为什么CIC网站无法查到申请的状态?我是在家查询的,以前是on process,很久没有管过它,今天一查发现有问题。我也发个邮件问问CIC。谢谢建议。
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