加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民翻译宣誓,原件翻译件公证?
看坛子里一些朋友的经验,说中文的文件,只要自行翻译,差不多就行。不过今天上cic网站的instruction里面,是这样写的:Translation of documentsAny document that is not in English or French must be accompanied by:the English or French translation; andan affidavit from the person who completed the translation; anda certified copy of the original document.Translations may be done by a person who is fluent in both languages (English or French and the unofficial language). If the translation is not provided by a member in good standing of a provincial or territorial organization of translators and interpreters in Canada, the translation must be accompanied by an affidavit swearing to the accuracy of the translation and the language proficiency of the translator.The affidavit must be sworn in the presence of:In Canada:a notary publica commissioner of oathsNote1a commissioner of taking affidavitsNote1Outside of Canada:a notary public Note2Return to note1referrerNote 2Authority to administer oaths varies by country. Consult your local authorities.Return to note2referrerImportant information: Translations must not be done by the applicants themselves nor by members of the applicant’s family. Family member is defined as being a: parent, guardian, sibling, spouse, common-law partner, grandparent, child, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew and first cousin.Note: An affidavit is a document on which the translator has sworn, in the presence of a person authorized to administer oaths in the country in which the translator is living, that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original document. Translators who are certified members in good standing of one of the provincial or territorial organizations of translators and interpreters of Canada do not need to supply an affidavit.我理解是所有没有英文或法文的文件,必须翻译,而且必须符合如下要求:1 原件的复印件必须certified(被有资格的人认可?)2 翻译人不能是自己,亲属3 翻译人必须在有资格的人面前affidavit自己的翻译是准确的如果真这样要求,在国内办理就只能把所有文件都做公证了吧?然后把公证书扫描,是这样吗?请教请教,蒙圈了。
npjc 说:办过的朋友是怎么处理的呀?最近刚刚申请成功的?我岳父母的结婚证丢了,只有一个复印件了,复印件没法公证呀。点击展开...去民政部门补办结婚证。
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