加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民NB商业移民HELP!


To be considered as a Business Plan applicant:you must have previous management experience with proven success as a senior executive and/or business owner;your business skills must be relevant to the business you intend to pursue in New Brunswick;you must have sufficient funds to finance the first phase of the planned business venture without third party assistance and to support your family for a period of up to two years (the personal net worth requirement will vary based on business venture proposed); andyou are required to participate in the business in an active managerial role.好像没说具体要投资多少钱什么的?The ability to speak English and/or French is critical to your success as an entrepreneur in New Brunswick. We expect you to have a basic knowledge of English and/or French and be able to understand and answer the questions during the interview with New Brunswick officials. If we are not satisfied that you have sufficient knowledge of the language to carry on a business in New Brunswick, you will be required to take intensive language training and to participate in a second interview prior to nomination. As a New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program applicant, you must make a commitment to settle permanently in New Brunswick; you will be required to sign a declaration stating your intention to live and work in our province. 大概要多久才可以搬离这里?主要是这里不是很好发展我想要发展的生意,起个头还是可以的。New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program nominees are likely to see their application for immigration to Canada processed expeditiously. 1. Complete the Self-Assessment Guide To be considered under the New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program, you must obtain a minimum of 50 points. 我自评了53的样子,申请应该没问题吧?2. Submit the completed preliminary evaluation form If you score at least 50 points, complete the Business Immigration Evaluation form 这个我打都打不开,不知道什么原因and forward it and required documentation to the Population Growth Secretariat. The certified translations may be in English or in French. 3. Interview in New Brunswick (exploratory visit)A New Brunswick program officer will review your preliminary evaluation and documentation. If you meet the requirements as a business applicant, you will be contacted with an interview date in New Brunswick. During the interview, you will be asked to demonstrate knowledge of the business sector you are interested in pursuing in New Brunswick. Therefore, you should expect to spend at least five full business days in New Brunswick prior to your scheduled interview to:research the business environment;consult with economic development agencies;identify opportunities related to your field of expertise; andexplore education, housing and community facilities.You are responsible for making your own schedule and appointments. Refer to Exploratory Visit Requirements for suggested contacts. Applicants who need a temporary resident visa (TRV) to visit Canada will receive a notice of appointment letter from the Population Growth Secretariat. The letter will be mailed (or faxed) directly to you or your representative, not to the visa post. When making an application for a TRV to the Government of Canada you should include this letter. The granting of TRVs is the responsibility of the Government of Canada, and its decisions are final. For information on how to apply for a TRV, see Application for a Temporary Resident Visa to Visit Canada. 4. Submit a business planFollowing a positive interview, you will be required to submit a detailed business plan for approval by the Province of New Brunswick. The business plan should provide details of the business idea(s) developed during your visit to New Brunswick and include such things as the type of business, description of business (start-up, purchase, partnership, etc.) products and/or services, customers, responsibilities, relevant experience, a market overview, competition, location of the business and related costs, etc. Refer to, Business Plan requirements. During the interview, you will be advised if your business plan should be submitted with the application for immigration or prior to submission of the application. 5. Submit an application for immigration You must organize the forms and supporting documents according to the document checklist included in the application guide and forward the complete application to the Population Growth Secretariat. For specific instructions, refer to, How to Complete the Forms. Some Canadian visa offices may have additional requirements. You must determine where your application will be processed and download the specific instructions from Citizenship and Immigration Canada.6. Written notice of the final decisionUpon final review of the completed application, you will receive written notification of the decision about nomination for immigration under the New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program. If you have been nominated, your application and the New Brunswick certificate of nomination will be forwarded to the appropriate Canadian visa office for final processing. A nomination certificate issued by the Province of New Brunswick does not guarantee the issuance of a permanent resident visa by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. The final decision regarding your application will be made by the Government of Canada. For additional information about immigrating to Canada, refer to, Immigration Canada Guide for Provincial Nominees, which is also available at the Canadian visa post serving your country. Which forms do I include in my application?The Application Guide - Forms outlines the requirements for the New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program. It contains information about the application process and application forms. 这些文件我都打不开,点进去弹出来的是什么文件破损和什么什么错误之类的,各位XDJM可否把NB商业移民的所需文件表格传给我一下?还有邀请函大概有效期多久?申请成功后有效登陆期又是多久?谢谢各位!

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回复: NB商业移民HELP!下载个 Abode Reader 就打开了

回复: NB商业移民HELP!下载个 Abode Reader 就打开了点击展开...已经在电脑里啦,是不是病毒?

回复: NB商业移民HELP!这些文件我都打不开,点进去弹出来的是什么文件破损和什么什么错误之类的,各位XDJM可否把NB商业移民的所需文件表格传给我一下?还有邀请函大概有效期多久?申请成功后有效登陆期又是多久?谢谢各位!主要我想大概知道下时间好算计下什么时候申请!

回复: NB商业移民HELP!一个是时间问题,我好计划;二是准备资料,都知道要些什么,我才好查漏补缺,在提供资料的时候不必耽误时间和想办法。谢谢各位!

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