加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 移民局长Mayorkas就改善EB-5流程的建议(具体内容)


Director Mayorkas Proposes EB-5 Processing Improvements移民局长Mayorkas就改善EB-5流程的建议(具体内容)July 20th, 2011 by H. Ronald Klasko 2011年7月20日 唐纳德.克拉斯科,AILA EB-5分会主席 USCIS Director Ali Mayorkas’ proposal for reforming and improving the EB-5 process has the potential to be a major step forward in making the EB-5 program more user friendly for real estate developers and other businesses seeking foreign investment capital. 移民局长Ali Mayorkas的改革/改善EB-5处理流程的建议将是使EB-5计划成为利于房地产开发商和其他商业用户吸引外国投资资本的主要步骤。 Director Mayorkas’ proposal has three major elements. Mayorkas的建议主要有三个因素。 One element of great importance is providing for accelerated processing (target two months) and premium processing (15 day processing) for “shovel ready” projects. This would apply to the regional center designation application, the exemplar I-526 project preapproval and the petitions of the investors in these projects. Although the definition of “shovel ready” is ambiguous and might better be defined as a project for which the developer is ready to seek investment capital, the concept is a very important one. Present processing times are unrealistic, and developers cannot be expected to wait the 12 to 18 months necessary for a regional center to be approved, a project to be approved, and an investor’s petition to be approved. 第一是最重要的因素是加速处理流程(目标为2个月)并且对于马上动工的项目(shovel ready)的处理时间为15天。这也将适用于区域中心的申请,样本I-526项目预批准和这些项目里面的投资者的申请。尽管就何为“马上可以动工shovel ready”的定义尚且模糊,或者最好定义为“一个开发商已经准备好寻求资金”这个很重要的概念。现在的处理时间是非常不现实的。开发商不能等12到18个月等待一个区域中心被批准,一个项目被通过,或者投资者的申请被批准。 The second key component of the Mayorkas proposal involves the hiring of qualified expert personnel to adjudicate regional center designation applications and project pre-approval applications. Director Mayorkas proposes to add economists and business analysts for this purpose. Economic development specialists might also be added to the USCIS staff. The issues to be adjudicated in these applications are both complex and technical, and the Immigration Service needs to bring to the task professionals experienced in dealing with these issues. 第二个Mayorkas建议的关键成分包括雇用合格的专业人士来裁判区域中心申请和项目预批准申请。移民局长Mayorkas建议增加经济学家和商业分析师。经济发展专家也可能被雇用到移民局。等待裁决的申请即复杂又有非常强的技术成分,移民局需要更多的专业的有经验的人士来处理这些问题。 The third major component of the Mayorkas proposal is to change the regional center and project pre-approval process from an adversarial to a consultative process. The Director proposes to change the present petition filing/RFE/RFE response process into one where the developer would have the right to a hearing with the expert professionals described above in order for the Service to articulate any questions or concerns and for the developer and his team of professionals to provide answers. This should result in faster, better and more informed adjudications. 第三个关键成分是将区域中心和个人申请程序从对抗式的方式改为咨询方式。移民局长提议将现在提交申请---要求证据---证据回复的方式改成开发商有权利听取专家人士的意见,来为开发商提供答案。这将会使得结果更快,更好和被裁决功能了解。 The public has had an opportunity to comment on the proposal. Although commenters no doubt suggested improvements to the proposal, there is no question that implementation of the proposal, with whatever changes are deemed appropriate, will be a major step forward in making the EB-5 program more attractive for businesses seeking capital. This would be consistent with President Obama’s Select USA Initiative to attract more foreign direct investment into the U.S. 公众有机会对此建议加以评论。尽管评论者都完全同意改善建议,对实施此建议也没有意见,这将是使得EB-5成为对吸引投资的商家更有吸引力的计划的主要的一步。这与欧巴马总统的吸引外国投资直接投资美国的“选择美国活动”的宗旨相一致。 Although the proposal is a major step forward, it means nothing unless and until it is actually adopted by USCIS. The public eagerly awaits notification of its implementation. 尽管有这么多的好处,在其实施前还是没有意义。公众依然急迫地等待移民局公布何时将实施该计划。 唐纳德.克拉斯科是移民超市的荣誉高级精英顾问,本文选自唐纳德律师楼的文章Director Mayorkas Proposes EB-5 Processing Improvements。英文原文请见http://blog.klaskolaw.com/2011/07/20/director-mayorkas-proposes-eb-5-processing-improvements/。我们会就EB-5项目的最新进展不断向唐纳德律师咨询,并及时转达给中国广大中介机构。使得大家尽快及时了解该行业进展情况。

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