加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助,发email给大使馆,大使馆的回信,求解读。
Dear Visa Officer:My name is ****** Zhang, who already submitted the application for Immigrant Investorto Canada in Mar 2007. [My file application number:B*********,Was born:November **, 19**]I notice the online status have been changed(IP -> DM,after ME) since Jan 12. but I still not received the letter from CIC until now to inform the next step.could help me have a check for the status? I real afraid the mail missing or any other incident.waiting for your feedback.thanks alot 大使馆回信Dear Sir/Madam, This is in response to your recent email enquiry to the Immigration Section of the Canadian Consulate General in Hong Kong. Please provide a fax number for letter to be sent. We trust that this information will be of assistance. Immigration SectionConsulate General of Canada12th Floor, Tower 1, Exchange Square8 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong Websites / Sites web:www.HongKong.gc.cawww.cic.gc.cawww.goingtocanada.gc.ca For all e-mail correspondence with our office, we request you to use the enquiries form at:https://dmp-portal.cic.gc.ca/cicemail/intro-eng.aspx?mission=hong kongAlways include the applicant's full name, date of birth, and file number in your message
风云 超赞 赏 frankben 0$(VIP 0) 7722012-02-28#2 回复: 求助,发email给大使馆,大使馆的回信,求解读。要你给传真号呢
回复: 求助,发email给大使馆,大使馆的回信,求解读。我知道大概的意思。但是什么信号呢? 我是给中介的传真还是我的传真号,要是认为留的跟中介不一样咋办,会有影响吗?
风云 超赞 赏 view canada 0$(VIP 0) 4,1952012-02-28#4 回复: 求助,发email给大使馆,大使馆的回信,求解读。感觉不太好。那意思似乎是一句两句说不清,要你提供传真号,把他们认为的证物传给你看似的。赶紧给他号码,让他们传过来,看看到底是什么物证,总这样拖着急死人。知道他们的真实想法,才好想对策啊。
超赞 赏 F fengyun 0$(VIP 0) 1862012-02-28#5 回复: 求助,发email给大使馆,大使馆的回信,求解读。有道理,郁闷,我还以为会给我传真PL信纸了。。
风云 超赞 赏 我 我爱功夫 0$(VIP 0) 192012-02-28#6 回复: 求助,发email给大使馆,大使馆的回信,求解读。也有可能给你取签证信,你就给他们你的传真就行了
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