加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 如果你的项目涉嫌租赁就业模型,对已经投资的会有哪些影响?
But, what is to be done about the investors who have not yet made their investments? Although those investors may not be impacted, the impact on the developer and on the earlier investors is enormous. In many cases, EB-5 financing is being utilized because no other source of funding is available; and the developer relies on a certain amount of EB-5 investment money to go forward. If, for example, four I-526 petitions have been filed or approved on a project and, all of a sudden, based on application of the new economic policy announced by USCIS, there is insufficient job creation for the number of EB-5 investors required to complete the project, the project would not be able to continue to completion, resulting in untold consequences. Investors with already-approved I-526 petitions would be unable to remove conditions because the project did not move forward. Some investors with pending I-526 petitions may be able to get their money back, and some may not. For the developer, the consequences are enormous. The developer may have already invested millions of dollars on entitlement, architects, land acquisition deposits, legal fees, other professional fees, permitting, zoning and interest on bank loans. Developers may have personal liability on recourse loans, which could put the developer out of business. In addition to the millions of dollars of lost expenditures, usually hundreds of man hours have been devoted to getting the project to the point of filing an application with USCIS. Many employees may already be employed and will now have to be laid off. Construction jobs will be lost, and contractors and subcontractors will be dismissed. The economic consequences that would follow an unanticipated and unannounced change by USCIS can turn an EB-5 program from an economic benefit, the purpose of the program, to an economic detriment.
回复: 如果你的项目涉嫌租赁就业模型,对已经投资的会有哪些影响?那就是说租赁型的项目都无法起死回生了吗?应该还是会以个案来看吧!其实美国还是有很多的融资渠道,只不过前一阵子是比较难说服一般的投资者将钱投入新项目开发而已。 很多美国的私募基金投资人都认为过去2年是投资购买资产的好时机(主要就是价格跌了下来)。但在很多地区,如亚利桑那州的凤凰城虽在房地产市场中有着较高的银拍屋数量,但是毕竟还是个商业有在发展运作的城市,所以他的出租投资回报率还是比较高的。 Any,只是觉得这些已启动的项目在美国不会容易的就烂尾吧!这个移民局租赁就业模型的通知务必让EB-5融资产生难度,但并不代表说这个项目本身没有翻身的余地吧!美国的资本市场还是有很多办法的。
回复: 如果你的项目涉嫌租赁就业模型,对已经投资的会有哪些影响?过去的业绩,不代表将来的表现! 以前能过的,现在可不一定。217之后,租赁就业模型的项目就是很好的例子。 选项目不要回头看,要看当下,如能预见未来,那就更厉害了。
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关那就是说租赁型的项目都无法起死回生了吗?应该还是会以个案来看吧!其实美国还是有很多的融资渠道,只不过前一阵子是比较难说服一般的投资者将钱投入新项目开发而已。 很多美国的私募基金投资人都认为过去2年是投资购买资产的好时机(主要就是价格跌了下来)。但在很多地区,如亚利桑那州的凤凰城虽在房地产市场中有着较高的银拍屋数量,但是毕竟还是个商业有在发展运作的城市,所以他的出租投资回报率还是比较高的。 Any,只是觉得这些已启动的项目在美国不会容易的就烂尾吧!这个移民局租赁就业模型的通知务必让EB-5融资产生难度,但并不代表说这个项目本身没有翻身的余地吧!美国的资本市场还是有很多办法的。点击展开... 如果项目方是实实在在是做项目的,不会因为那点EB-5资金就放弃自己项目,完全可以用其他融资方式取代,可是为了办绿卡的投资人咋办?
回复: 如果你的项目涉嫌租赁就业模型,对已经投资的会有哪些影响?很简单,那些项目不再是合格的EB-5项目,想办绿卡的投资人就要去挑选合资格的EB-5项目。
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