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纽约州政府专门负责批核TEA地区的官员Grain被逮捕,当中原因就包括纽约区域中心的大量项目弄虚作假,通过用高失业地区的TEA将明明不在目标就业区的项目也包装在内。这样的后果是,没有批准I-526的投资者将不会获得批准,已经获得I-526的投资者将会失去I-829的机会。 目前移民局对纽约,加州的区域中心项目正在调查,大量的EB5项目将被列为不合要求。所有要投资纽约和加州的中国投资者务必注意。 州政府官员为了让项目符合EB5要求,模糊了移民局TEA的要求。开发商用弄虚作假的技术来论证那些地区有高失业率。一个突出的例子就是位于曼哈顿钻石区第五大道旁边的国际宝石大楼(International Gem Tower),是美国最富裕的地区之一。整个大楼耗资7.5亿,20%用EB5投资。 联邦移民局局长Alejandro Mayorkas承认,这个项目需要更多的审查,其他联邦官员承认,纽约州相当一部分已批准的TEA并不符合法律的要求。可以说,纽约区域中心的项目都处于移民局的调查中。比如说,他们在选择失业率调查点的时候,竟然连时代广场(广场自然没有人居住)也算上,失业率自然就大大提高。

中国移不动纽约州政府专门负责批核TEA地区的官员Grain被逮捕,当中原因就包括纽约区域中心的大量项目弄虚作假,通过用高失业地区的TEA将明明不在目标就业区的项目也包装在内。这样的后果是,没有批准I-526的投资者将不会获得批准,已经获得I-526的投资者将会失去I-829的机会。 目前移民局对纽约,加州的区域中心项目正在调查,大量的EB5项目将被列为不合要求。所有要投资纽约和加州的中国投资者务必注意。 州政府官员为了让项目符合EB5要求,模糊了移民局TEA的要求。开发商用弄虚作假的技术来论证那些地区有高失业率。一个突出的例子就是位于曼哈顿钻石区第五大道旁边的国际宝石大楼(International Gem Tower),是美国最富裕的地区之一。整个大楼耗资7.5亿,20%用EB5投资。 联邦移民局局长Alejandro Mayorkas承认,这个项目需要更多的审查,其他联邦官员承认,纽约州相当一部分已批准的TEA并不符合法律的要求。可以说,纽约区域中心的项目都处于移民局的调查中。比如说,他们在选择失业率调查点的时候,竟然连时代广场(广场自然没有人居住)也算上,失业率自然就大大提高。点击展开...该治理!

回复: EB-5大新闻!村长,这个是真的假的? 要是真的,那觉得是大新闻啊。竟然没人关心?

回复: EB-5大新闻!同样关心ing

回复: EB-5大新闻!当初我就是觉得纽约的所谓TEA划定一直很让我起疑,连时代广场都算低失业率地区,所以毅然放弃纽约的所有项目

回复: EB-5大新闻!村长,这个是真的假的? 要是真的,那觉得是大新闻啊。竟然没人关心?点击展开... 村长也是在这里才听说的。还没有找到英文原文的文章。哪位有的话给一个?

回复: EB-5大新闻!海军基地也会影响吗。?

回复: EB-5大新闻!村长也是在这里才听说的。还没有找到英文原文的文章。哪位有的话给一个?点击展开... 大部分是从纽约时报摘下来的,但没有Grain 被抓的事。报纸点到的项目有NBA球场项目,钻石大楼,海军项目等。这些项目有可能会被移民局好好再查查。http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/19/n...nancing-for-visas-program.html?pagewanted=all

回复: EB-5大新闻!大部分是从纽约时报摘下来的,但没有Grain 被抓的事。报纸点到的项目有NBA球场项目,钻石大楼,海军项目等。这些项目有可能会被移民局好好再查查。http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/19/n...nancing-for-visas-program.html?pagewanted=all点击展开... 谢谢!感觉上的确NY的TEA认证非常非常aggressive。几乎没有做不到的。

回复: EB-5大新闻!。。。。飘过

回复: EB-5大新闻!据说这个Grain是因为虐童案发被逮捕后引发出TEA区域认定的案情。

Jack Ma:because we don't think of making money, but we make a lot of money. 超赞 赏 M mydii 0$(VIP 0) 1942012-06-10#12 ............................................

回复: EB-5大新闻!这篇文章是去年12月发表的,也不是什么新闻了大部分是从纽约时报摘下来的,但没有Grain 被抓的事。报纸点到的项目有NBA球场项目,钻石大楼,海军项目等。这些项目有可能会被移民局好好再查查。http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/19/n...nancing-for-visas-program.html?pagewanted=all点击展开...

回复: EB-5大新闻!这种所谓大新闻,根本就是一群傻帽圈子里的事,就像老鼠会(中国叫传销),再大的新闻,也与多数老百姓无关。

Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard 超赞 赏 G go2northamerica 0$(VIP 0) 5472012-06-10#15 回复: EB-5大新闻!对于有些公司来讲,傻子已经不够用了。

回复: EB-5大新闻!PRESS RELEASE: Defendant Leonard M. Gaines Who Distributed Child Pornography Pleads Guilty Albany Man Pleads Guilty to Distributing Approximately 100 Images of Child PornographyBy Frederica Cade on May 18, 2012 |From fredericacade.wordpress.comU.S. Attorney’s OfficeMay 16, 2012Northern District of New York(315) 448-0672Defendant Who Distributed Child Pornography Pleads GuiltyAlbany Man Pleads Guilty to Distributing Approximately 100 Images of Child PornographyALBANYUnited States Attorney Richard S. Hartunian and Clifford C. Holly, Special Agent in Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Albany Division, announced that Leonard M. Gaines, age 55, of Albany, New York, pled guilty today in United States District Court in Albany before District Judge Mae A. D’Agostino to one count of distributing child pornography.Pursuant to a written plea agreement, Gaines admitted that on December 19, 2011, while using a file sharing program, he distributed, via the Internet, multiple still images containing child pornography. Gaines also admitted that following the March 2, 2012 execution of a federal search warrant at his Albany residence, investigators recovered additional electronic still images and videos of child pornography.Sentencing was scheduled by Judge D’Agostino for September 6, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. in U.S. District Court in Albany, New York. Gaines faces a mandatory minimum sentence of at least five years’ imprisonment, up to a maximum of 20 years’ imprisonment. Gaines was released pending his sentencing.This case was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.Share this:Twitter

回复: EB-5大新闻!ALBANY A state economic development statistician was arrested at his state offices and charged with possessing and distributing child pornography, the U.S. Attorney's Office saidFriday.Federal agents led Empire State Development Corp. research specialist Leonard M. Gaines from 30 S. Pearl St. on Thursday and released him pending an arraignment March15.Gaines, 55, an $84,000-per-year data and statistics program research specialist at the state's job development agency, did not return calls to his Albany home. ESDC spokesman Austin Shafran said Gaines was suspended without pay on Friday. He referred further inquiries to federal agenciesinvolved.The U.S. Attorney's Office issued a release that said Gaines was indicted on a charge that he distributed child pornography on Monday Dec. 19 and on charges he possessed still images of child pornography on Friday March 2. If found guilty of the distribution charge, he faces at least five years imprisonment with a potential maximum sentence of 20 years imprisonment, and a maximum fine of $250,000. The other charges come with a maximum 10 years in prison and $250,000fine.Gaines also had been a lecturer at Empire State College, starting in 1998, and discontinued instruction there in March 2010, state records and a college spokesman said. A professor rating website, indicated that Gaines taught statistics in the mathematics department at Empire StateCollege.Rick Belliss, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney, said investigators believe he used only his personal computer for the pornography. Gaines was arrested at his ESDC, where he has worked for 14 years, because it was where the FBI could locate him after a warrant was issued for his arrest on Wednesday, [email protected] 518-454-5083 @JamesMOdatoRead more: http://www.timesunion.com/local/art...pornography-charges-3394584.php#ixzz1xSI42Ydl

回复: EB-5大新闻!去年年底的新闻,现在有什么新动向吗?

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