加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 加州TEA区指定批准的新规定
http://eb-5center.com/node/1042 No averaging of census tracts will be allowed, unlike states of NY, FL, etc. However, where a new business is located in an individual census tract, a TEA certification for that project will be issued. CA Governor's Office appears to realize that this will put the CA state at a disadvantage. Actually, allowing a new business located in an individual census tract by pure luck to get TEA certification is senseless. This policy is even worse than the policy they had before. Not even "political subdivisions" will be allowed! In this respect, it could be argued that CA's new policy is in violation of the federal EB-5 law. We actually do not care what position CA takes on this issue, but you can kiss goodbye to CA attracting many EB-5 projects, especially in Los Angeles city area. CA Governor's Office just wants a simple method of issuing TEA certification letters. Grandfathering of past issued TEA certification EB-5 projects will be allowed but a cut-off date will be provided in future. Our conclusion is that the CA's new policy gives advantage to small RC based EB-5 projects and also non-RC EB-5 projects. We have to say CA at least has made its position very clear, regardless of whether we disagree with or like this new policy. However, we do sympathize with many new RCs or wanna-be RCs which might have spent a lot of time and money trying to set up EB-5 projects in TEA area, which will be very disappointed with this new CA policy, which is an exception rather than a rule among 50 states. 加州的新政策是不再允许用平均的方法来拼凑TEA区域了。单独CENSUS TRACT符合就业率要求的话,可以申请TEA资格。 这个新政策,使小型区域中心项目和非区域中心项目受益成为TEA,50万投资要求。 加州这个政策的改变可以看作移民局的政策的导向表,移民局一直都在和CA州政府探讨TEA设定的问题。移民局也会追求各州TEA批准的一致性。投资人可以把加州的政策看做TEA的试点工程吧。
回复: 加州TEA区指定批准的新规定加州这个新政策让TEA这个争议死灰复燃了。一个EB-5项目是否符合50万投资要求又成为一个未知数了。如果移民局内心的标准是这样,他们虽然依照法律,要承认各州的TEA的指定权,移民局仍然可以以城管的角色对投资人的项目刁难,穿小鞋来要求补材料。象纽约,佛罗里达州有较宽松的TEA政策的区域中心项目,投资人对这个问题要有心里准备。
回复: 加州TEA区指定批准的新规定加州这个新政策让TEA这个争议死灰复燃了。一个EB-5项目是否符合50万投资要求又成为一个未知数了。 如果移民局内心的标准是这样,他们虽然依照法律,要承认各州的TEA的指定权,移民局仍然可以以城管的角色对投资人的项目刁难,穿小鞋来要求补材料。象纽约,佛罗里达州有较宽松的TEA政策的区域中心项目,投资人对这个问题要有心里准备。点击展开... 其实USCIS内心的真实想法是想把TEA的认定权收归己有,这样的话对USCIS来说好处实在是太多了,于公疏通了执法渠道,提高了办事效率,少了被人指指点点的机会。。。于私,谁还会嫌弃手中的权大啊?! 但是美国各州都要维护自己的"地方利益",也是绝对不会轻易放弃这个"认定权"的;更为重要的是美国法律的立法精神就是"分权、分权、再分权",所以从法理上来说,"集权"也是极其难以行通的。所以我认为,除了有关区域中心及其项目方“自求多福”的“力证”自己的TEA身份之外,TEA的最终认定权肯定还会掌握在各州政府手里。 但是,USCIS肯定不会坐视局面混乱而不管不问的,EB5区域中心试行法案的执行过程中形成的一些"备忘录"和"案例解释"就是移民局的杀手锏,大家都知道这个杀手锏的威力有很多时候都大过法案本身。关于这一点从美国宪法和宪法修正案的立法和实施过程中就可见一斑:法案可以很简单,甚至于让你感觉到简单的到处都有"空子"可钻,但是你真的去钻钻看,极大的可能是你会碰到"一堵石墙"!当然会有一些运气好到操蛋的漏网之鱼存在,但是你敢确定你一定就是那群鱼中的一个吗? USCIS下一步肯定会从各个方面加紧对区域中心TEA方面的监管的,这一点毋庸置疑!
Jack Ma:because we don't think of making money, but we make a lot of money. 超赞 赏 U USCIS 0$(VIP 0) 3102012-06-21#4 回复: 加州TEA区指定批准的新规定看看那个被点名的宝石大厦能不能顺利批下来,就大概能知道阶段性的博弈结果。
回复: 加州TEA区指定批准的新规定看看那个被点名的宝石大厦能不能顺利批下来,就大概能知道阶段性的博弈结果。点击展开...奥巴马的一纸总统行政命令给了近80万16岁之前进入到美国境内的非法拉美移民一条生路,这说明美国是不差钱的,差钱的是那些EB5枭雄们!话说到这里,我更关心的是那帮EB5中国代理商和国内的中介公司下一步会作出什么对应的举措和调整,对于他们来说,也算是"老革命碰到了新问题了",靠!
Jack Ma:because we don't think of making money, but we make a lot of money.奥巴马的一纸总统行政命令给了近80万16岁之前进入到美国境内的非法拉美移民一条生路,这说明美国是不差钱的,差钱的是那些EB5枭雄们!话说到这里,我更关心的是那帮EB5中国代理商和国内的中介公司下一步会作出什么对应的举措和调整,对于他们来说,也算是"老革命碰到了新问题了",靠!点击展开...
回复: 加州TEA区指定批准的新规定EB-5 Visa Program is a Federal Government Program The EB-5 visa program is administered by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and is therefore governed by federal laws and regulations. It is not a program administered by a state agency, and is therefore not governed by California State law. If your project is NOT in a qualifying metropolitan statistical area, county, city, or individual census tract designated as a TEA by the State of California, your project does NOT qualify for certification from the state. However, you can still apply to U.S. Immigration Services without the state certification and provide evidence on your own showing that the new enterprise is in a high unemployment area. Investors who received special area designations in previous years may request a renewed certificate if it is for the same investment project, it covers the same subarea, and the then current unemployment data provides a high unemployment rate for the aggregated area. Such requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis and renewed certificates might be issued at the discretion of the state.
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关 超赞 赏 visatousa 0$(VIP 0) 4,2302012-06-21#8 回复: 加州TEA区指定批准的新规定Q. Can I link multiple counties, cities or census tracts together to create an area of high unemployment and receive a certification from the state? A. No, only projects that are located directly in a designated metropolitan statistical areas, counties, cities, or census tracts having high unemployment rates are eligible. Aggregating counties, cities, or census tracts are not in line with the state guidelines of the program as the intent of the state is to support projects in areas of high unemployment. -----加州政府一厢情愿的愿望 将来产生的结果:RCs located in other states will like this new CA policy because it will mean they will attract more EB-5 projects. 律师的质疑:This is crazy. Some census tracts are small, some are large, and some are somewhere in between. Obviously, a project in one census tract where the unemployment figure is "low" would certainly employ workers coming in from all sorts of "high" unemployment census tracts in the nearby area. For that matter, even a tanning salon in downtown Beverly Hills would probably employ workers who don't live in 90210. What is this obsession with ensuring high unemployment in the immediate area where the project is located? There is something called "transportation" that workers use to get from place to place when going to work. They take buses, drive cars, or heaven forbid, walk a few blocks to get to work. That passes them through several census tracts. The California state government is simply copping out on the EB-5 program because it's bankrupt and too incompetent to issue simple letters that will raise billions of dollars in investment for the state, investment that will result in provable job creation 2 years later. Only in California could such a thing happen.
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关Q. Can I link multiple counties, cities or census tracts together to create an area of high unemployment and receive a certification from the state? A. No, only projects that are located directly in a designated metropolitan statistical areas, counties, cities, or census tracts having high unemployment rates are eligible. Aggregating counties, cities, or census tracts are not in line with the state guidelines of the program as the intent of the state is to support projects in areas of high unemployment. -----加州政府一厢情愿的愿望 将来产生的结果:RCs located in other states will like this new CA policy because it will mean they will attract more EB-5 projects. 律师的质疑:This is crazy. Some census tracts are small, some are large, and some are somewhere in between. Obviously, a project in one census tract where the unemployment figure is "low" would certainly employ workers coming in from all sorts of "high" unemployment census tracts in the nearby area. For that matter, even a tanning salon in downtown Beverly Hills would probably employ workers who don't live in 90210. What is this obsession with ensuring high unemployment in the immediate area where the project is located? There is something called "transportation" that workers use to get from place to place when going to work. They take buses, drive cars, or heaven forbid, walk a few blocks to get to work. That passes them through several census tracts. The California state government is simply copping out on the EB-5 program because it's bankrupt and too incompetent to issue simple letters that will raise billions of dollars in investment for the state, investment that will result in provable job creation 2 years later. Only in California could such a thing happen.点击展开...
回复: 加州TEA区指定批准的新规定奥巴马的一纸总统行政命令给了近80万16岁之前进入到美国境内的非法拉美移民一条生路,这说明美国是不差钱的,差钱的是那些EB5枭雄们! 话说到这里,我更关心的是那帮EB5中国代理商和国内的中介公司下一步会作出什么对应的举措和调整,对于他们来说,也算是"老革命碰到了新问题了",靠!点击展开... 哈哈,还真有人以为美国是在乎那个50万才搞EB-5的吗?真可笑,人家没那么肤浅。一个家庭进入美国定居,吃穿住用行,哪个不需要花钱,人家是希望用消费带动整个社会经济运转,看看苹果,微软,FACEBOOK,哪个不是大把现金?人家欠债,可是孩子们依然坐着校车,享受着低价午餐,我们是债主,孩子们还是没车坐。。。。。
回复: 加州TEA区指定批准的新规定哈哈,还真有人以为美国是在乎那个50万才搞EB-5的吗?真可笑,人家没那么肤浅。一个家庭进入美国定居,吃穿住用行,哪个不需要花钱,人家是希望用消费带动整个社会经济运转,看看苹果,微软,FACEBOOK,哪个不是大把现金?人家欠债,可是孩子们依然坐着校车,享受着低价午餐,我们是债主,孩子们还是没车坐。。。。。点击展开...555555555~~哼!大海,我很快就要成为你的债主了,我好命苦啊。
Jack Ma:because we don't think of making money, but we make a lot of money.555555555~~哼!大海,我很快就要成为你的债主了,我好命苦啊。点击展开...
美国投资移民 超赞 赏 D duqle美国投资移民专家 0$(VIP 0) 1142012-06-29#13 回复: 加州TEA区指定批准的新规定http://lihanjun.com/index.php?optio...atid=69:2012-06-28-07-16-32&Itemid=76&lang=zh
美国投资移民 超赞 赏 老 老美签证网 0$(VIP 0) 482012-07-02#14 回复: 加州TEA区指定批准的新规定《TEA认证的乱象》http://www.visa2states.com/news_view.asp?articleid=156 USCIS要挑战这一权力,就涉及到修法,几乎是不可能的。
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