加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于联邦旧政诉讼,TIM律师的回信


[FONT=arial,sans-serif]A few consultants with backlogged investor files have raised the same concern but neither they nor I have followed through. Yes, certainly I am willing to assist. There are, however, two problems: the first is setting a price and the second is the issue itself.[/FONT][FONT=arial,sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=arial,sans-serif]I have not set a price because I always get the same comment: "others will join". How can I set a price when I do not know how many will be in the case. For the skilled worker litigation, I knew that the potential was enormous, but for the investor (a) the volume is much lower, (b) I suspect a very high percentage would be unwilling to litigate and (c) most have lawyers who would jump in once I opened the door. Therefore, other than knowing that the fee would have to be higher than for the skilled worker, I have not set a fee.[/FONT][FONT=arial,sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=arial,sans-serif]The second problem is the issue itself. For the skilled workers, it was clear that the Minister was processing later applicants before older ones. For the investors, it may just be a backlog issue with which the Court will be unlikely to interfere. As our managing judge said at our first meeting: "the Court usually requires a four to five year delay before intervening". Most investors have not reached that stage. Therefore, I am not confident that the Court will intervene whereas I was confident for the skilled workers.[/FONT][FONT=arial,sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=arial,sans-serif]I do, however, share your fear that the Minister may just close all the old files and give no weight whatsoever to anything he says to the contrary. He has proven that his word means nothing in comparison to his political ambition.[/FONT][FONT=arial,sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=arial,sans-serif]A third factor is my current litigation. It just never seems to end. However, the judge should be making a decision in the near future on the fate of my 1,200 litigants. If he enforces the agreement, I'm freed of that responsibility; if he is too cowardly to do so, I will be relieved of full responsibility because other counsel are also arguing against the closure and I will be letting them take the lead.[/FONT][FONT=arial,sans-serif]Thank you for your query. I welcome this opportunity and, once I have a better idea of how many litigants we might have, I will be in a better position to set a price. Tentatively, I would say $1,500 initially and, if successful, another $1,500.[/FONT] 英语好的同学,可以帮忙翻译一下,我暂时时间有限,就不翻译了。另外如果诉讼发起人覃先生所描述的,TIM的确没有意识到,我们也被新政插队了。

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