加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 芝加哥会议中心骗局 SEC已经进入起诉阶段


希望中介给顾客推荐项目时有点良心 不要为虎作伥The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has filed charges and is seeking to freeze the assets of an Illinois man, whom it alleges defrauded 250 foreign investors of $11 million in a scheme that purported to use a federal government program that Iowa also is trying to use as an economic development tool.The SEC said Friday alleges that Anshoo R. Sethi fraudulently sold more than $145 million in securities and collected $11 million in administrative fees from more than 250 investors primarily from China. Sethi and his companies duped investors into believing they would be financing construction of the “World’s First Zero Carbon Emission Platinum LEED certified” hotel and conference center near Chicago’s O’Hare Airport.Sethi allegedly told his investors that in return for their investment, his company would provide the expertise to get them visas to emigrate permanently to the United States, through a legitimate U.S. government program called EB-5.EB-5 visas can be granted to foreigners who invest in U.S. companies that provide at least 10 jobs for two years for each investor. The Iowa Economic Development Authority, like other states, is looking at that visa program as a way to attract foreign investment to fuel economic development.In the past, the state had tried to use the program to help Iowa dairy farmers, but recently Iowa expanded the program to the entire state and has contracted with a firm called CMB located in the Quad Cities to administer the program.Kim Atteberry, vice president for project development for CMB,) told the Business Record on Wednesday that her company is looking to help finance a multi-million construction project using foreign investors and the EB-5 program.The Des Moines Partnership facilitated a meeting Thursday to help spread the news about the program.The SEC alleges that Sethi and his companies falsely boasted to investors that they had acquired all the necessary building permits and that several major hotel chains had signed onto the project. They also provided falsified documents to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) — the federal agency that administers the EB-5 program — in an attempt to secure the agency’s preliminary approval of the project and investors’ provisional visas.Meanwhile, according to the SEC, Sethi and his companies have spent more than 90 percent of the administrative fees collected from investors despite their promise to return this money to investors if their visa applications are denied. More than $2.5 million of these funds were directed to Sethi’s personal bank account in Hong Kong.Read more: http://www.businessrecord.com/Conte...-EB-5-visa-program/-3/248/56453#ixzz2KLMmt8rT

回复: 芝加哥会议中心骗局 SEC已经进入起诉阶段我们美国律师去年8月应客户要求审查了该项目,认为存在重大问题,不可靠。专门撰文解释原因。现在附上。另外附上SEC起诉书。再次敬告所有投资人要聘请美国律师对所有项目文件做尽职调查,避免踩上EB5地雷。有需要律师代理追讨投资款的客户请与我们联系。www.fenglaweb5.comQQ: 1055867626

回复: 芝加哥会议中心骗局 SEC已经进入起诉阶段这项目在论坛早就臭了 受到各方大侠的猛烈抨击。估计上这论坛的没人会投这项目。不过国内中介确实是猛推它。这论坛上也有中介推的。

回复: 芝加哥会议中心骗局 SEC已经进入起诉阶段哪些中介推了该项目?

回复: 芝加哥会议中心骗局 SEC已经进入起诉阶段哪些中介推了该项目?点击展开...去年我们早就讨论了很多有关这个项目的疑点,今天终有结局!看看国内的中介:鲲鹏国际,北京金鹰投资,美加金联,上海国服,深圳亚美欧等如何收场! 如何向投资人交待。http://www.jintengvisa.com/zhijiage.html http://www.visa160.com/usaall/zhijiage/[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]http://www.kpeng.com.cn/index.php/index/News/detail/id/2162http://www.can-goldlink.com/zhuanti/usalecture1/http://www.gasheng.com/usa/pj/pj_004.shtmlhttp://www.rongkai8.com/rkcases.aspx?type=success&id=6[/FONT]

回复: 芝加哥会议中心骗局 SEC已经进入起诉阶段去年我们早就讨论了很多有关这个项目的疑点,今天终有结局!看看国内的中介:鲲鹏国际,北京金鹰投资,美加金联,上海国服,深圳亚美欧等如何收场! 如何向投资人交待。 http://www.jintengvisa.com/zhijiage.htmlhttp://www.visa160.com/usaall/zhijiage/[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]http://www.kpeng.com.cn/index.php/index/News/detail/id/2162[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]http://www.can-goldlink.com/zhuanti/usalecture1/[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]http://www.gasheng.com/usa/pj/pj_004.shtml[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]http://www.rongkai8.com/rkcases.aspx?type=success&id=6[/FONT]点击展开... 希望投资者的资金能尽早收回!我估计本金不会受损。发行费会有些损失。不知道SEC是怎么盯上这个项目的。不会是Michael这个EB-5警察所为吧。不知道这个印度人小子和他爸胆子怎么就那么大?!真难理解。 一个 bad apple.

回复: 芝加哥会议中心骗局 SEC已经进入起诉阶段my god!

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