加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南
从这个指南看出,以后有还款协定的项目,都没法通过。链接http://www.uscis.gov/USCIS/Outreach...morandum for Comment/drafteb5adjudication.pdf
回复: 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南搞了这么长时间,还是DRAFT FOR COMMENT ONLY 讨论期从2013情人节到愚人节
回复: 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南定义了什么是重大变化
回复: 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南没有通篇仔细看完,但感觉CanAm发明的贷款模式,今后可能不容易再被认可了。 总的感觉,移民局对债务担保形式,倾向于不认可这部分资金at risk。 谢谢Columbiaman这么快就给转载出来了!
回复: 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南没有通篇仔细看完,但感觉CanAm发明的贷款模式,今后可能不容易再被认可了。 总的感觉,移民局对债务担保形式,倾向于不认可这部分资金at risk。 谢谢Columbiaman这么快就给转载出来了!点击展开...不仅是CanAm,包括CMB所有搞借贷类型的项目,以后是有明文禁止了
回复: 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南大虾们本人英文不灵,是否以后只有入股形式的靠谱点?还款协定具体指什么?
回复: 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南简单看了一下,这个草案还有个重大改变,就是投资人526批准后,如果项目没有按计划进行,转项目,投资人要重新申请526。只要新项目和老项目属于同类行业,足够就业产生,投资人仍然可以申请829并被批准。现在material change的定义差不多是投资行业的改变,会导致829被拒。
回复: 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南简单看了一下,这个草案还有个重大改变,就是投资人526批准后,如果项目没有按计划进行,转项目,投资人要重新申请526。只要新项目和老项目属于同类行业,足够就业产生,投资人仍然可以申请829并被批准。现在material change的定义差不多是投资行业的改变,会导致829被拒。点击展开...我的感觉是对829移民局更尊重商业现实,更灵活。但他们希望有个度。此外就业创造从526被批准6个月开始计,忘记在第几页了,大家再仔细研读一下。
回复: 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南至少移民局会审查项目在526批准的6个月加两年是否会完成。如果项目不能在这个时间里完成创造就业,移民局未必会批准526。所以投资人选择项目的时候,也要注意项目完成就业的时间问题。那些大型项目,建筑周期长的项目,就未必适合EB-5投资。
回复: 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南我的感觉是对829移民局更尊重商业现实,更灵活。但他们希望有个度。此外就业创造从526被批准6个月开始计,忘记在第几页了,大家再仔细研读一下。点击展开...526批准之后,2年+1年
回复: 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南526批准之后,2年+1点击展开... 昨晚简单过一遍的时候看到的。现在有机会找出来。17页上的原文是这样的: For purposes of the Form I-526 adjudication and the job creation requirements, the two-year period described in 8 C.F.R. § 204.6(j)(4)(i)(B) is deemed to commence six months after the adjudication of the Form I-526. The business plan filed with the Form I-526 should reasonably demonstrate that the requisite number of jobs will be created by the end of this two-year period. 是说2年的创造就业的时间是从526被批准后6个月算起的。
回复: 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南大虾们本人英文不灵,是否以后只有入股形式的靠谱点?还款协定具体指什么?点击展开... 严重误读!借贷类可以做。以往的审判官手册就是这样描述解释的。 要区分开NCE和JCE,以及投资者有没有权力要求赎回。 EB5申请人和EB5区域中心项目之间: 绝无保证还款EB5区域中心项目与创造就业机会项目之间: 可以有还款担保和抵押。
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关简单看了一下,这个草案还有个重大改变,就是投资人526批准后,如果项目没有按计划进行,转项目,投资人要重新申请526。只要新项目和老项目属于同类行业,足够就业产生,投资人仍然可以申请829并被批准。 现在material change的定义差不多是投资行业的改变,会导致829被拒。点击展开...我觉得这个可能是给CANAM那99个狮门影业829的。狮门影业那99个转华纳的,有戏了。
回复: 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南我觉得这个可能是给CANAM那99个狮门影业829的。狮门影业那99个转华纳的,有戏了。点击展开...但是,现在影业项目是否被移民局承认呢?这99个人真倒霉,现在829还没批。希望他们很快通过。看来CANAM失败的项目还是不少的,都是靠转项目才救活这些投资人,
回复: 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南严重误读!借贷类可以做。以往的审判官手册就是这样描述解释的。 要区分开NCE和JCE,以及投资者有没有权力要求赎回。 EB5申请人和EB5区域中心项目之间:绝无保证还款EB5区域中心项目与创造就业机会项目之间:可以有还款担保和抵押。点击展开...建议你不要玩这种文字游戏。申请人和区域中心的合约,是不能有还款保证的,所以即使即使区域中心和项目方之间的任何协议,实际上和申请没有半毛钱关系。也就是说随便一个项目中介或者律师吹得天花乱坠,申请人和区域中心的协议,不能有任何还款协定。只要没有协定,eb5说白了还是良心工程。
回复: 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南建议你不要玩这种文字游戏。申请人和区域中心的合约,是不能有还款保证的,所以即使即使区域中心和项目方之间的任何协议,实际上和申请没有半毛钱关系。也就是说随便一个项目中介或者律师吹得天花乱坠,申请人和区域中心的协议,不能有任何还款协定。只要没有协定,eb5说白了还是良心工程。点击展开... 这不是文字游戏,倒是需要给很多人搞清楚一些概念,以免说外行话。 EB5申请人investor和EB5新建商业企业(NCE)之间:绝无保证还款,分配权力在NCE EB5新建商业企业(NCE)与创造就业机会项目(JCE)之间:可以有还款担保和抵押。precedent decision Matter of Izummi早就有了,不是什么新鲜事,这部分以前的政策也是这样写的。 Nothing, however, precludes an investor from receiving a return on his or her capital during or after the conditional residency period, so long as the return was not previously guaranteed to the investor and so long as the funds are not a return of the investor’s principal. ==========================================新的审批政策草案,哪个地方说“贷款模式”不行?对于还款协定也是看investor有没有权力可以要求赎回全部投资或部分投资。在过了有条件绿卡期之后,NCE公司是单方面有权行使call option的,而investor不可以。
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关建议你不要玩这种文字游戏。申请人和区域中心的合约,是不能有还款保证的,所以即使即使区域中心和项目方之间的任何协议,实际上和申请没有半毛钱关系。也就是说随便一个项目中介或者律师吹得天花乱坠,申请人和区域中心的协议,不能有任何还款协定。只要没有协定,eb5说白了还是良心工程。点击展开... 这不是文字游戏,倒是需要给很多人搞清楚一些概念,以免说外行话。 EB5申请人investor和EB5新建商业企业(NCE)之间:绝无保证还款,分配权力在NCE EB5新建商业企业(NCE)与创造就业机会项目(JCE)之间:可以有还款担保和抵押。precedent decision Matter of Izummi早就有了,不是什么新鲜事,这部分以前的政策也是这样写的。 Nothing, however, precludes an investor from receiving a return on his or her capital during or after the conditional residency period, so long as the return was not previously guaranteed to the investor and so long as the funds are not a return of the investor’s principal. ==========================================新的审批政策草案,哪个地方说“贷款模式”NO? See 8 C.F.R. §204.6(j) (it is the new commercial enterprise that will create the ten jobs).It is also important to note that the full amount of the immigrant’s investment must be made available to the business(es) most closely responsible for creating the jobs upon which EB-5 eligibility is based. Thus, in the regional center context, if the new commercial enterprise is not the job-creating entity, then the full amount of the capital must be first invested in the new commercial enterprise and then placed into the job-creating entity. Matter of Izummi, 22 I&N Dec. at 177.
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关这不是文字游戏,倒是需要给很多人搞清楚一些概念,以免说外行话。 EB5申请人investor和EB5新建商业企业(NCE)之间:绝无保证还款,分配权力在NCE EB5新建商业企业(NCE)与创造就业机会项目(JCE)之间:可以有还款担保和抵押。precedent decision Matter of Izummi早就有了,不是什么新鲜事,这部分以前的政策也是这样写的。 Nothing, however, precludes an investor from receiving a return on his or her capital during or after the conditional residency period, so long as the return was not previously guaranteed to the investor and so long as the funds are not a return of the investor’s principal. ==========================================新的审批政策草案,哪个地方说“贷款模式”不行?对于还款协定也是看investor有没有权力可以要求赎回全部投资或部分投资。在过了有条件绿卡期之后,NCE公司是单方面有权行使call option的,而investor不可以。点击展开...虽然你用了很多颜色来强调你说的,我建议你先读读原文,才开始自己理解。我现在把原文贴在这里,你自己读读吧。If the immigrant investor is guaranteed the return of a portion of his or her investment, or is guaranteed a rate of return on a portion of his or her investment, then that portion of the capital is not at risk. Matter of Izummi, 22 I&N Dec. at 180-188. For the capital to be “at risk” there must be a risk of loss and a chance for gain. In our precedent decision Matter of Izummi, 22 I&N Dec. at 183-188, the AAO found that the capital was not at risk because the investment was governed by a redemption agreement that protected against the risk of loss of the capital and, therefore, constituted an impermissible debt arrangement under 8 C.F.R. § 204.6(e) as it was no different from the risk any business creditor incurs. Furthermore, a promise to return any portion of the immigrant investor’s minimum required capital negates the required element of risk. Thus, if the transactional agreements provide that the investor may demand return of or redeem some portion of capital after obtaining conditional lawful permanent resident status (i.e., following approval of the investor’s Form I-526 and subsequent visa issuance or, in the case of adjustment, approval of the investor’s Form I-485), that portion of capital is not at risk. Similarly, if the investor is guaranteed the right to eventual ownership or use of a particular asset, such as a home or other real estate interest, then the value of the guaranteed ownership or use of such asset will be subtracted from the total amount of the investor’s capital contribution in determining how much money was truly placed at risk. Nothing, however, precludes an investor from receiving a return on his or her capital during or after the conditional residency period, so long as the return was not previously guaranteed to the investor and so long as the funds are not a return of the investor’s principal. Additionally, an investor’s money may be held in escrow until the investor has obtained conditional lawful permanent resident status if the immediate and irrevocable release of the escrowed funds is contingent only upon approval of the investor’s Form I-526 and subsequent visa issuance or, in the case of adjustment, approval of the investor’s Form I-485.
回复: 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南这不是文字游戏,倒是需要给很多人搞清楚一些概念,以免说外行话。 EB5申请人investor和EB5新建商业企业(NCE)之间:绝无保证还款,分配权力在NCEEB5新建商业企业(NCE)与创造就业机会项目(JCE)之间:可以有还款担保和抵押。 precedent decision Matter of Izummi早就有了,不是什么新鲜事,这部分以前的政策也是这样写的。 Nothing, however, precludes an investor from receiving a return on his or her capital during or after the conditional residency period, so long as the return was not previously guaranteed to the investor and so long as the funds are not a return of the investor’s principal. ========================================== 新的审批政策草案,哪个地方说“贷款模式”? 对于还款协定也是看investor有没有权力可以要求赎回全部投资或部分投资。在过了有条件绿卡期之后,NCE公司是单方面有权行使call option的,而investor不可以。点击展开...你这个英文,正好说明了,可以事后还款,但是不能在前面的合同规定,也不能还本金(Principal),所以只能是投资收益。移民局规定合同不能有任何本金的担保,对于投资人来说,哪有任何保证???靠区域中心做好事吗???so long as the return was not previously guaranteed to the investor and so long as the funds are not a return of the investor’s principal.
回复: 移民局终于出了526的审批程序指南这不是文字游戏,倒是需要给很多人搞清楚一些概念,以免说外行话。 EB5申请人investor和EB5新建商业企业(NCE)之间:绝无保证还款,分配权力在NCE EB5新建商业企业(NCE)与创造就业机会项目(JCE)之间:可以有还款担保和抵押。precedent decision Matter of Izummi早就有了,不是什么新鲜事,这部分以前的政策也是这样写的。 Nothing, however, precludes an investor from receiving a return on his or her capital during or after the conditional residency period, so long as the return was not previously guaranteed to the investor and so long as the funds are not a return of the investor’s principal. ==========================================新的审批政策草案,哪个地方说“贷款模式”NO? See 8 C.F.R. §204.6(j) (it is the new commercial enterprise that will create the ten jobs).It is also important to note that the full amount of the immigrant’s investment must be made available to the business(es) most closely responsible for creating the jobs upon which EB-5 eligibility is based. Thus, in the regional center context, if the new commercial enterprise is not the job-creating entity, then the full amount of the capital must be first invested in the new commercial enterprise and then placed into the job-creating entity. Matter of Izummi, 22 I&N Dec. at 177.点击展开...贷款模式被定义为debt,eb5的投资被定义为capital,在CMB组10的补件里面,专门说了组10的贷款的debt不能算作是capital。所谓贷款模式,就是要还本金的,不然就不叫做贷款模式了。现在明文禁止事先约定要还本金的项目。
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