加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 520大桥一期,胜利在望!


细心的读者可以从移民局2月14日公布的EB-5审批政策指南中,对照以往版本,在第5页可以看见移民局的特别指出:法律并没有规定投资风险必须达到何种程度。 520大桥一期的项目律师,美国前移民局总顾问、代理局长Robert C. Divine,日前跟移民局询问项目审批进展,移民局回答说,现在由于申请量太大,很多项目的审批都逾期滞后了。问这个项目有什么问题吗?移民局回答说:还在审理中,尚未发现任何问题,也没有补料通知。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关 超赞 赏 visatousa 0$(VIP 0) 4,2302013-02-19#2 回复: 520大桥一期,胜利在望!想一想为什么移民局要特别加上这一句?

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关 超赞 赏 C curber 0$(VIP 0) 222013-02-19#3 回复: 520大桥一期,胜利在望!想了一下午 没想明白,请明示,这句话以前版本就有的。

回复: 520大桥一期,胜利在望!细心的读者可以从移民局2月14日公布的EB-5审批政策指南中,对照以往版本,在第5页可以看见移民局的特别指出:法律并没有规定投资风险必须达到何种程度。520大桥一期的项目律师,美国前移民局局长Robert Devine,日前跟移民局询问项目审批进展,移民局回答说,现在由于申请量太大,很多项目的审批都逾期滞后了。问这个项目有什么问题吗?移民局回答说:还在审理中,尚未发现任何问题,也没有补料通知。点击展开...我就这么说一句吧,别说前局长,就是奥巴马都不能随便去过问一个case,参议员(senator)询问都必须要走正常的程序。美国可不是中国,你可以随便问问。而且此人没当过移民局局长,只是暂时代理过一段时间。历史上只有3个局长 Eduardo Aguirre,Emilio T. Gonzalez,Alejandro Mayorkashttp://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/us...nnel=2f436782d3c37310VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD

回复: 520大桥一期,胜利在望!代理局长算不算局长? 作为本案项目律师,可不可写信询问移民局? Mr. Divine has represented and assisted employers and other parties in some of the largest immigration enforcement investigations and prosecutions as well as private RICO actions. He provides strategic advice and training for employers in their immigration compliance efforts. Mr. Divine also has litigated significant business matters, including contract, commercial, product liability, antitrust, ERISA benefits and business torts (including RICO, misrepresentation, Consumer Protection Act).By presidential appointment, Mr. Divine served in Washington, D.C., from July 2004 until November 2006 as Chief Counsel of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the world's largest immigration services agency within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. From July 2005 until July 2006, he served as Acting Director and then Acting Deputy Director of USCIS, spearheading the USCIS Transformation Program, testifying in Congress about the E-Verify system, enhancing operational security, and increasing transparency of rules and procedures. In early 2004 he served as an expert retained to assist the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom in its congressionally mandated study on the expedited removal process. He has testified as an expert on immigration law for courts in the United States and abroad.Mr. Divine represents many business developers in creating, managing and using "Regional Centers" that can create indirect jobs toward the 10 new U.S. jobs whose creation can give rise to EB-5 permanent residence for investment in the developers' projects. He was elected Vice President of the national industry association of "EB-5" Regional Centers, Association to Invest in USA (IIUSA). He represents developers similarly using other parties' Regional Centers. He coordinates this work with attorneys supporting securities law compliance in offerings to investors, with economists identifying "targeted employment areas" and projecting indirect job creation, with licensed securities brokers coordinating offerings, and with attorneys obtaining U.S. Government (OFAC) licenses to serve investors from restricted countries (Iran). He also represents individual investors in obtaining conditional permanent residence and in removing conditions from permanent residence. Since 1994, Mr. Divine has authored Immigration Practice (Juris Publishing, 2010 – 11 ed.), a well-regarded 1,700 page practical treatise on all aspects of U.S. immigration law, which is republished each year to incorporate the constant changes in the field. Mr. Divine is a frequent speaker on U.S. and international immigration rules, policies and procedures, and regularly appears before employers, investors, individuals, policy makers, other immigration lawyers and foreign governments. Click here for a transcript of Mr. Divine's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on December 7, 2011 regarding the job-creating effects of the EB-5 immigrant investor program and the importance of renewing the regional center authorizing legislation. He also authors numerous alerts on immigration-related topics and maintains the Firm's Immigration Blog.

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