加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 8/3或8/10, 在芝加哥举行首届EB-5天使投资人座谈会,报名啦!


EB-5投资在本质上和美国的Angel Investment 很相似, EB-5 团购就是美国的Angel Investment Group. 目前EB-5的状况是投资人散兵运作,因为没有正规的渠道得到投资项目的实际资料,很容易被项目方及其中介遮掩关键资料,让投资人无法分析项目的实际风险来决定是否投资。美国的Angel Investment也是走过同样的过程。现在EB-5的投资火热,需要一个投资人联合起来,组成团体,联合力量和资源,集中投资可行靠谱的项目。我们这个组织可以说是美国第一个EB-5 Angel Investor Group.Angel Investor Groups are a collection of individual angel investors that come together to source and review investment opportunities. The angel investor group may invest as a whole or in some cases they may split the investment among a few select angel investors who particularly like one deal.Due DiligenceIf things go well with your pitch to the group you’ll begin the Due Diligence process. At this point the group will assign a certain number of members to form a sub-committee to review your deal more closely. Often this is done so that they can assign people with much greater subject matter expertise in your particular market or field.Due diligence can vary in depth and duration, but realize that the investors are just trying to make sure that everything you are telling them checks out. They want to make sure they understand where your projections are coming from, whether your product really works, and a little bit more about the people you have behind your idea. It’s a big commitment they are making, so you shouldn’t be alarmed that they will want to kick the tires a bit before making an investment.Number of Active Angel Investor GroupsAccording to the Angel Capital Association (ACA), there are between 10,000 and 15,000 angels believed to belong to angel investment groups in the U.S. Just under 7,000 of them belong to 165 member angel groups that make up the ACA. The ACA estimates that there are about 225,000 people who have made an angel investment of some sort in the past two years.

回复: EB-5 团购 - 1st EB-5 Angel Investor Group In USAWhat is an angel investor group?An angel investor group is simply a group (usually between 10 and 150 wealthy individuals) that meets in order to pool knowledge and resources for the purpose of investment in startup companies. These companies may be in the seed stage with only a concept from which to work or they may be new businesses with some revenue already.Who are the angel investors?Many times angels are retired businesspeople or exited entrepreneurs who actively invest in companies close to them geographically. Angel investors typically are knowledgeable in the market or industry of their investments and want to be involved with the daily operations. However, performing the necessary due diligence on a large number of companies take significant time and resources. Angel investor groups are helpful to angels because of the additional resources and support that can be provided. Costs can be reduced with the help of these groups. Typically individual angels may invest between $10,000 and $1,000,000 in a deal. However, angel investor groups may combine resources to do even larger deals more akin to venture capital firms.

回复: EB-5 团购 - 1st EB-5 Angel Investor Group In USAEB-5 团购组织的功能:Strategies to Enhance Performance The historical picture of angel group investor outcomes offers lessons in the practice of angel investing. These include:Due diligence time – Investors experienced better returns in the deals where they exercised more due diligence. Sixty-five percent of the exits with below-average time spent on due diligence reported a return that was less than their original investment. Losses occurred in only 45 percent of the deals where investors did above-average due diligence.Industry expertise – Analysis indicated that expertise has a material impact on angel investors’ returns. Returns were nearly double for investments in ventures where the investor had related industry expertise.Participation – After an angel makes an investment, his or her participation in the venture – through mentoring, coaching, and financial monitoring – is significantly related to that venture’s returns, according to the study.

回复: EB-5 团购 - 1st EB-5 Angel Investor Group In USA今年8月初, 我准备召集EB-5投资人和美国的潜在的EB-5项目方在洛杉矶开Meeting EB-5 Investors 的高峰会。美国的一些潜在的EB-5项目方的反应很热烈。国内的EB-5投资人也在报名。在这个见面会上我想邀请才女 “蔷薇”,还有 Wesley 等来这个见面会上给大家介绍他们EB-5 自投的经历和心得。 两位给面子吗?以下是我在另个论坛发的一个帖子,就是鼓励投资人自投EB-5."加州洛杉矶有位才女,马甲名叫因风飞过蔷薇,直投EB-5, 并自己动手申请526, 没给中介,移民律师赚一分钱的机会 (抠门了点?)。她的真实经历给哪些诅咒直投项目的有关人士一记响亮的耳光。我们多次联络喝咖啡,估计要等8月开Meeting EB-5 investors 高峰会的时候再见了。回复: 开帖记录一下我这个山寨EB5的进程10月终于盈利了,这期间的种种纠结种种辛苦也就觉得烟消云散了,盲目乐观主义者最大的优点就是好了伤疤忘了痛。10月筹备了一个新部门,这样10个全职也就满了。新部门3个小兵是新招的,就11月这第一个星期的销售来看,这个部门盈利也是指日可待的,那么可以说这10个全职就没有一个是砸钱凑人头的了。做EB5的时候曾经想的最坏场景没有出现,这反过来说明的一个问题就是:EB5项目本身的设计还是有可行性的。我并不是一个女强人,在一些商业机会和判断上我屡屡看错,内心不够强大,眼光不够精准,所以我并不是一个很多人想象中能干的人,但我觉得在EB5创业这件事上,我貌似做得不错,好歹走在了通往成功的路上。我想说的是,这并不是因为我能干,而是EB5自主创业本身就没那么难。任何事情只要你下定决心去做了,千沟万壑跨过后回头并不会觉得沟壑有多深。在这里观望的很多人绝对比我有眼光绝对比我能干,你们比我更容易成功。在投资移民中,我属于穷的那批,所以创业对我来说不仅仅是绿卡,而是一个营生,我希望我能有一份跟本地美国人一样的收入,我也希望我的生活能有一个跟本地市场本地社会接轨的窗口,我见识得多我才能很好地跟自己孩子聊天沟通,我一直奋斗着才能给孩子一个很好的榜样。前天家长会,老师问我家老大长大了要做啥,我家老大说要做科学家,老师再问,那你觉得怎样才能做科学家,我家儿子的回答差点让我掉了眼泪,他说:WORK HARD AND KEEP TRING, LIKE WHAT MY MOM DOES."

回复: 8/3或8/10, 在芝加哥举行首届EB-5天使投资人座谈会8/3或8/10, 在芝加哥举行首届EB-5天使投资人座谈会,内容如下1. 申请EB-5的项目方的文件组成2. EB-5项目的文件的核查3. 如何分析区域中心的就业报告4. 考察芝加哥地区的EB-5项目5. 与EB-5项目方见面交流

回复: 8/3或8/10, 在芝加哥举行首届EB-5天使投资人座谈会8/3或8/10, 在芝加哥举行首届EB-5天使投资人座谈会,内容如下 1. 申请EB-5的项目方的文件组成2. EB-5项目的文件的核查3. 如何分析区域中心的就业报告4. 考察芝加哥地区的EB-5项目5. 与EB-5项目方见面交流点击展开... 第四条非常可能触犯美国证券法的规定。现在美国证监会正在审查这种违法证券法的事件。建议你咨询一下证券律师。

回复: 8/3或8/10, 在芝加哥举行首届EB-5天使投资人座谈会第四条非常可能触犯美国证券法的规定。现在美国证监会正在审查这种违法证券法的事件。建议你咨询一下证券律师。点击展开...谢谢。已经咨询过了。

回复: 在芝加哥举行首届EB-5天使投资人座谈会,报名啦��为什么不在洛杉矶开,洛杉矶的投资人更多

8/3或8/10, 在芝加哥举行首届EB-5天使投资人座谈会,报名啦��在洛杉矶只能开座谈会,不能考察项目和与项目方见面。 只是证券法的一些问题,无法规避。

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