加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 美国民主党议员要求对EB-5有关机构进行“独立”审计


既然都是灌水的话,就灌个劲爆一点的吧!EB-5走起!~~~刚从网上看来的新闻,目前好像还没有定论也没有结果,不过如果万一实行这样的审计的话,估计EB-5行业很有可能大换血。。。。且听下回分解吧。上周五,美国某民主党议员要求对有关EB-5签证项目的国家机构进行“独立司法审计”。此前,EB-5签证项目一直以来都饱受争议。凭借EB-5项目,拥有高资产的外国人可以通过为美国企业投资50万美金从而获得美国绿卡。该项目曾为南达科塔州的许多项目提供资金支持,包括已经破产的北方牛肉厂项目。目前,该牛肉厂项目正在接受联邦调查。州议员代表凯瑟•泰勒(大石城民主党派)表示,针对牛肉加工厂的上诉出现之后,他们发现丹尼斯•道高州长政府进行的内部审查落实得不够充分。“我们正在调查没有得到解释的50万或100万美金。这笔钱流向哪里了?大家不得而知,”泰勒说。“作为人民的代表,我们有责任调查清楚。”南达科塔州首席检察官马蒂•杰克雷对州经济开发办公室的调查结果表明,州政府为北方牛肉加工厂提供的55万被违规支付了EB-5贷款的监理费用,并且之后,经济发展办公室秘书长理查德•本达(Richard Benda)对EB-5宣传活动花销开出的账单是不同的。泰勒还要求立法机构召开为期一天的特殊会议,对审查行动给予授权和拨款。如今,泰勒正在发放请愿书,要求特殊会议能在12月30日进行。立法机构2014年的常规会议将在1月14日召开。泰勒表示,EB-5问题的重要性已经达到召开一天特殊会议的程度。如果等到常规会议召开再行讨论这一事宜,审计工作的重要性将被弱化。她还说如果支持此次特殊会议请愿活动的议员数量没有达到三分之二,她将在1月份做新一轮的努力。本篇文章来源:守卫领袖报英语原文:A Democratic lawmaker on Monday called for an "independent forensic audit" of state agencies connected to the controversial EB-5 visa program.That program, by which wealthy foreigners can get green cards by investing $500,000 each in U.S. businesses, funded many South Dakota projects, including the bankrupt Northern Beef Packers plant. It's under federal criminal investigation.State Rep. Kathy Tyler, D-Big Stone City, said the internal reviews being conducted by Gov. Dennis Daugaard's administration after allegations related to the program were uncovered aren't sufficient."We're looking at probably $50 (million) to $100 million of money that is not accounted for. Where did it go? We don't know," Tyler said. "As representatives of the people, it's our responsibility to do this."Attorney General Marty Jackley's investigation of the Governor's Office of Economic Development found that $550,000 of state incentives to the Northern Beef plant were wrongfully redirected to EB-5 loan monitoring fees, and that then-economic development secretary Richard Benda double-billed for more than $5,000 in expenses related to EB-5 promotion.Tyler also called for a special one-day session of the Legislature to authorize and fund the audit. She's circulating a petition to call such a special session on Dec. 30.The regular 2014 session of the Legislature begins Jan. 14. Tyler said the EB-5 issue is important enough that it deserves a day to itself. If she waited until the regular session, Tyler said, the call for an audit could be easily placed on the back-burner. She did say that if the required two-thirds of lawmakers don't join with her in calling for a special session, she'll try again in January.

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