加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民【求助】money order 和 bank draft 有区别吗?在线等回答
怎么才能在国内开到money order, 或者certified check
超赞 赏 叶 叶公好龙 0$(VIP 0) 2922005-09-19#3 不是登陆费,是交给FBI的无犯罪证明申请费。北美很多地方好象只认money order
如果以下解释对楼主有帮助,别忘了给我加SW。我觉得从国内付款到境外,要么用T/T(电汇),要么就让银行(中国银行或中信实业银行什么的)开Bank draft(银行汇票)。如果自己去境外旅游不想带现金,可以带旅行支票或者信用卡。Q:What is the difference between a money order, cashier's check, certified check, traveler's check and bank draft? Which one is the most secured method of payment? A:All of these methods of payment are a way of involving a financial intermediary in the transaction to provide some security and reassurance that the seller is receiving good funds from the buyer. Transaction fees, guarantees, convenience and security all factor into which is preferred as the method of payment -- not just security. Money order: Issued by both financial and nonfinancial institutions, it is a financial instrument that allows the named individual, or payee, on the order, to receive the amount of cash specified on the money order. The United States Postal Service explains the features of its money orders on its Web site and should be used as a benchmark when comparing other money order providers. The Bankrate feature, "Phony money orders cause increase 'holds' for all," discusses how fraudulent money orders have made banks more cautious in accepting these financial instruments. Cashier's check: A check drawn by a bank on itself, signed by a cashier or bank officer and payable to a third party, named by the customer. An instrument used to guarantee funds are available. There is usually a fee associated with cashier's checks.Certified check: A check drawn on a bank account where a cashier or bank officer certifies sufficient funds are available in the individual's account for the check to clear. Funds in the account are earmarked to pay the certified check upon presentation to the bank. A certified check differs from a cashier's check in that the cashier's check is drawn on the bank's funds and a certified check is drawn on the account owner's funds. Bank draft: A check drawn by the bank against funds deposited into its account at another bank that authorizes that bank to make payment to the individual named on the draft. A sight draft is payable on demand, whereas a time draft is payable at some future date or payable under certain circumstances.Traveler's check: A check issued by a financial institution in denominations like cash that functions as cash, but the financial institution protects the check holder against its loss or theft prior to its use in a transaction. Unlike a money order, a traveler's check is cashed by the person that purchased the check. Some issuers provide travelers checks free of charge to existing customers. Otherwise, the individual purchasing the traveler's check pays a commission on the purchase. There are potential fraud issues with all of these forms of payment. It falls to the seller of goods and services to decide what form of payment he will accept, and what recourse he will have in the face of fraud. The buyer, unless it's his intent to defraud, is looking to exchange money for goods or services. In selecting acceptable methods of payment for goods it is definitely "seller beware." Of these methods of payment, the cashier's check is my preference because it is the bank's check drawn on the bank's funds.
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