加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民【分享】04年北京的CASE,使馆来信啦!


04年1月北京的案子,今天收到使馆来信,全文如下: File number: B*********26.9.2005(EXI) Dear *********** To continue processing your application, a visa officer has required that you submit the following information and documents and return a copy of this letter to our office. Please submit for principle applicant ***********-Updated application form IMM0008 (06-2002) Generic (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008egen.pdf)-Updated application form IMM0008 (06-2002) schedule 1(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008_1e.pdf)-Updated application form IMM0008 (06-2002) schedule 3(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008_3e.pdf)-Family Composition and Details of Education and Employment(http://www.beijing.gc.ca/templetes/documents/IRPA%20ECU%20kit%20-%20E%2004-2004.pdf, pg.21-23)-Updated contact information and four (4) address labels with your complete name and address written clearly in Chinese characters Please submit for dependant ***********-Updated application form IMM0008 (06-2002) Generic (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008egen.pdf)-Updated application form IMM0008 (06-2002) schedule 1(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008_1e.pdf)-Family Composition and Details of Education and Employment(http://www.beijing.gc.ca/templetes/documents/IRPA%20ECU%20kit%20-%20E%2004-2004.pdf, pg.21-23) Note: All notarized booklets should contain photocopies of the original documents. Notarized statements are not adequate substitutes. Please note that if you fail to provide the documents required within 45 days of the date of this letter your application will be assessed based on the information you have provided. This may result in your application being refused. Please keep this office apprised of any change of address or telephone number. If you have not already done so, you should provide us with your current address in Chinese characters. Please access our website frequently to get information on your application and on our current processing times. Please note that we respond only to correspondence in English or French. If you must send us something in Chinese characters, please ensure it is accompanied by either an English or French translation. Thank you for your attention to this matter. 就象所有020304的朋友一样,4月份俺也收到了那封信,但俺只是更新了住申请的IMM0008(因为电话号码更改)和一个家庭成员表(因为原来信息有误),还有俺和老婆的清华学位认证。没有更新无罪证明,没有提供语言证明(俺10月烤鸭)。 但这封信中既没要求更新无罪证明,也没要求提供语言证明。最初递交材料时只提供一点证明语言水平的材料,俺自己认为这不足以证明俺的语言水平,所以一直在准备烤鸭。 各位朋友,清你发表一下你的看法。 BY THE WAY,从这封信中可以看出俺的VO是EXI? 有没有VO是EXI的朋友?



[font=幼圆]人有悲?滕合,月有?晴?缺,此事古膣全。[/font][font=幼圆]但?人樘久,千里共?娟。[/font] 超赞 赏 反馈:1人 蒙蒙牛普通游神§大智若 0$(VIP 0) 8,6032005-09-29#4 老花头,LZ就按要求补吧.

没什么作用,我也是2004年1月的, 5个月前就收到同样的信了,补完东西,现在一直是14.....

你5个月前收到的信的具体内容是020304的那个模版的,还是与我这次一样的? 没什么作用,我也是2004年1月的, 5个月前就收到同样的信了,补完东西,现在一直是14.....点击展开...

不清楚"020304的那个模版的"是什么内容,我感觉: 文字说明内容和你的全都一样, 只不过是打印在纸张上的; 不是电子邮件;比你要求多补充的3个内容是: 最新的无形公正和英语能力和照片.我补充的无形是04年12月份做的, 因为比较费钱,没有重做; 英语是04年10月考的呀司 5.5祝大家好运


05.1 FN,自评68,DIY。 07.1.23 收到大信封。07.7.19 开始在卡尔加里的生活09.4.27 毕业于SAIT09年5月 找到会计工作祝楼主好运!点击展开...


leo135 说:04年1月北京的案子,今天收到使馆来信,全文如下: File number: B*********26.9.2005(EXI) Dear *********** To continue processing your application, a visa officer has required that you submit the following information and documents and return a copy of this letter to our office. Please submit for principle applicant ***********-Updated application form IMM0008 (06-2002) Generic (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008egen.pdf)-Updated application form IMM0008 (06-2002) schedule 1(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008_1e.pdf)-Updated application form IMM0008 (06-2002) schedule 3(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008_3e.pdf)-Family Composition and Details of Education and Employment(http://www.beijing.gc.ca/templetes/documents/IRPA%20ECU%20kit%20-%20E%2004-2004.pdf, pg.21-23)-Updated contact information and four (4) address labels with your complete name and address written clearly in Chinese characters Please submit for dependant ***********-Updated application form IMM0008 (06-2002) Generic (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008egen.pdf)-Updated application form IMM0008 (06-2002) schedule 1(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008_1e.pdf)-Family Composition and Details of Education and Employment(http://www.beijing.gc.ca/templetes/documents/IRPA%20ECU%20kit%20-%20E%2004-2004.pdf, pg.21-23) Note: All notarized booklets should contain photocopies of the original documents. Notarized statements are not adequate substitutes. Please note that if you fail to provide the documents required within 45 days of the date of this letter your application will be assessed based on the information you have provided. This may result in your application being refused. Please keep this office apprised of any change of address or telephone number. If you have not already done so, you should provide us with your current address in Chinese characters. Please access our website frequently to get information on your application and on our current processing times. Please note that we respond only to correspondence in English or French. If you must send us something in Chinese characters, please ensure it is accompanied by either an English or French translation. Thank you for your attention to this matter. 就象所有020304的朋友一样,4月份俺也收到了那封信,但俺只是更新了住申请的IMM0008(因为电话号码更改)和一个家庭成员表(因为原来信息有误),还有俺和老婆的清华学位认证。没有更新无罪证明,没有提供语言证明(俺10月烤鸭)。 但这封信中既没要求更新无罪证明,也没要求提供语言证明。最初递交材料时只提供一点证明语言水平的材料,俺自己认为这不足以证明俺的语言水平,所以一直在准备烤鸭。 各位朋友,清你发表一下你的看法。 BY THE WAY,从这封信中可以看出俺的VO是EXI? 有没有VO是EXI的朋友?点击展开...典型的补料信,努力的补吧

少许找工经验,希望能对看到的朋友有所帮助加拿大不是天堂,中国不是地狱准备出发?一些行李准备的经验吧自制拉面吃到嘴 中国道德缺失现状及方向新移民上学的选择--石油行业典型的补料信,努力的补吧 点击展开...


  ·生活百科 来自原点的选择性率
·生活百科 太阳能池供暖



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