加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民帮我看一下这表如何填 ?


I hereby revoke my Authorization and Direction signed by me on which is contained in the Use of A Representative(IMM5476B) of my Application For Permanent Residence in the Family/Skilled Workers category authorizing the Department of Citizenship and Immigration to release information from my immigration records to and this shall be your good and sufficient authority for so doing. Here after this date, I further direct you to communicate with (me directly or with my new representative-new authorization enclosed) with respect to any and all matters pertaining to my application for permanent residence and to forward to (that person) any information and documentation that may be relevant to my application. Applicant’s signature DATE这是关于取消中介的,这第一格和第二格如何填 呢?

超赞 赏 ashley02 0$(VIP 0) 5922005-11-17#2 I hereby revoke my Authorization and Direction signed by me on(空格1) which is contained in the Use of A Representative(IMM5476B) of my Application For Permanent Residence in the Family/Skilled Workers category authorizing the Department of Citizenship and Immigration to release information from my immigration records to(空格2) and this shall be your good and sufficient authority for so doing.Here after this date, I further direct you to communicate with (me directly or with my new representative-new authorization enclosed) with respect to any and all matters pertaining to my application for permanent residence and to forward to (that person) any information and documentation that may be relevant to my application. Applicant’s signature DATE

超赞 赏 枫之尘 0$(VIP 0) 3732005-11-17#3 空格1是不是填你与中介签订的合同 contract ?空格2填 me 或 you 吧?(You 可能性大些)


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