加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民紧急求助,使馆天天回信,但是消息不好
很郁闷! 我这个星期每天写信,第二天都会得到答复.但是很不好呀 因为我曾经在澳大利亚读书\生活过2年,老婆也一起去了半年.因此这次要我们做澳大利亚的无犯罪记录.我们2005年3月千辛万苦的做了.8月告诉我们要给原始证明.-- 我们给的是原始的呀!!!?? 这星期一又去email问,星期二得到使馆答复如下:Please be advised that further processing of this application will resume upon reception of Australia police certificate for you, and a completed supplement to schedule 1 form for your spouse. A request for completion of these outstanding statutory requirements, including instruction, has already been sent via postal service on Jan20/2006. 我星期二又发email如下:I am worrying about you mentioned "A request for completion of these outstanding statutory requirements, including instruction, has already been sent via postal service on Jan20/2006". I haven't received that requirement! 星期三又得到使馆答复:You may go ahead to apply the following documents without the letter mentioned below. 1)Australian police certificate for your wife.2)Complete "Supplement to schedule 1 -declaration " for you wife. (go to our website for this form) 我不明白了:1\ 到底是需要谁的无犯罪记录呀? 我只有复印件了,没有原件了,已经给你们了.??? 2\ 到底是要我老婆的整个schedule(4页), 还是只要最后一页的declaration(1页)??? 各位大侠们请给个建议,我怎么办呀?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]第一天--光;第二天--天空;第三天--陆地、植物;第四天--日月星辰;第五天--鱼、鸟;第六天--动物、人类;第七天--安息日。然后----- 超赞 赏 tonyga1 0$(VIP 0) 3,7672006-03-16#2 不懂..顶一记
超赞 赏 qjf 0$(VIP 0) 2,0422006-03-16#4 有在澳洲呆过的朋友吗?给楼主看看
爱下围棋的中年人 说:很郁闷! 我这个星期每天写信,第二天都会得到答复.但是很不好呀 因为我曾经在澳大利亚读书\生活过2年,老婆也一起去了半年.因此这次要我们做澳大利亚的无犯罪记录.我们2005年3月千辛万苦的做了.8月告诉我们要给原始证明.-- 我们给的是原始的呀!!!?? 这星期一又去email问,星期二得到使馆答复如下:Please be advised that further processing of this application will resume upon reception of Australia police certificate for you, and a completed supplement to schedule 1 form for your spouse. A request for completion of these outstanding statutory requirements, including instruction, has already been sent via postal service on Jan20/2006.我星期二又发email如下:I am worrying about you mentioned "A request for completion of these outstanding statutory requirements, including instruction, has already been sent via postal service on Jan20/2006". I haven't received that requirement! 星期三又得到使馆答复:You may go ahead to apply the following documents without the letter mentioned below.1)Australian police certificate for your wife.2)Complete "Supplement to schedule 1 -declaration " for you wife. (go to our website for this form)我不明白了:1\ 到底是需要谁的无犯罪记录呀? 我只有复印件了,没有原件了,已经给你们了.???2\ 到底是要我老婆的整个schedule(4页), 还是只要最后一页的declaration(1页)??? 各位大侠们请给个建议,我怎么办呀?点击展开... 据使馆周三的答复看, 是要:1 你太太的无犯罪证明,2 是你太太的declaration, 希望你也请别的筒子再次帮你确认!谢谢。
超赞 赏 反馈:爱下围棋的中年人 Redrose 0$(VIP 0) 1,1242006-03-16#6 1 你老婆的. 没原件了可以先解释一下(估计是寄丢了),不行只有重办2 最后一页DECLARATION
忙工作忙学习忙儿女忙家务忙院子忙投资, 住得越久越喜欢加拿大! 超赞 赏 反馈:爱下围棋的中年人 太阳雨 0$(VIP 0) 2,2202006-03-16#7 使馆两次说的确实不同,我个人觉得你就按星期三答复的做,做好了把这个邮件复印一份放进去寄给使馆,然后写信告诉他们你已经按要求办好了,呵呵。
超赞 赏 反馈:爱下围棋的中年人 开心糖果 0$(VIP 0) 6912006-03-16#8 supplement to schedule 1 form for your spouse. 这个表格是必须的,你可以在坛子里找,也可以到官方网站上下载
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]第一天--光;第二天--天空;第三天--陆地、植物;第四天--日月星辰;第五天--鱼、鸟;第六天--动物、人类;第七天--安息日。然后----- 超赞 赏 皮皮包 0$(VIP 0) 1,8892006-03-16#11 楼主不要着急,使馆就是这样了!对于出过国的人都是审来审去的呢首先提交你和你老婆在澳的无犯罪证明,虽然只要你老婆的了,你的也一起提交巴,省的以后再来信催你。如果你手里没有原件,就提交复印件,然后补充说明何时提交原件给使馆了。因为本人已经好几次被要求重复提供资料,我只好向使馆说明了具体提交时间,并把复印件传真使馆后,它们就又都找到了,然后回复认可资料收到了。我觉得他们从来不好好找资料,更不妥善管理资料,简单一看没有就向你要,哎,存心折腾人呢,真是无法说这些人了!!
海的那一边是我的家吗?! 超赞 赏 反馈:爱下围棋的中年人 爱下围棋的中年人 0$(VIP 0) 1,1042006-03-16#12 问题解决了澳大利亚警察局给了一个很有利的支持 哈哈 今天得到了澳大利亚的email. Dear Ma, Thank you for your enquiry. The Australian Federal Police Criminal Record Check Certificates are in black and white. They are computer generated, including the signature. If there are any more problems, we can be contacted on 02 6202 3333. Quote the reference number and we can confirm all details are on our database. Kind Regards, Jenna van der VlistContractor/Outsource AustraliaCriminal Records UnitAustralian Federal Police02 6202 3333 应该没问题了吧.
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