加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民谁能告知,十二月二十七日到一月二日中温哥华的Sin卡办理部门倒底有几天工作的,是哪几天啊?
无比着急, 短等就这几天,办不成就惨了.
Is this the second time you asked this question? If yes, I answer it again:Dec25,26 holiday. Dec30,31 weekend.Jan1 holiday (not sure about Jan 2)Then you have Dec27,28,29 to work on. Lot of people take vacation between Christmas and New Year. But I think it will open.The thing is if you don't stay for a while, then the Sin Card is useless to you. You can apply for it when you return next time.
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