加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民救助! ME里的补料信
Supplement to Schedule 1 - Background / DeclarationTo be completed by the spouse,common-law partner or dependent child aged 18 years or older of the principal applicant. Have you previously been married or in a common-law relationship? No Yes Give the following details for each previous spouse or partner. If you do not haveenough space,provide details on a separate sheet of paper. Name of previous spouse or partner ________________ Date of birth (day-month-year) ________________ Type of relationship Marriage Common-law union From (day-month-year)___________to (day-month-year)___________ Do you have any child resulting from this previous marriage or common-law relationship? No Yes Give the following details of each child. Name Date of birth(day-month-year)Relationship Do you have legal custody of this child? Please provide documentary evidence to support your claims,e.g. divorce certificate,relationship documents,custody order etc. Name: ___________________ Signature: ___________________ Date: ___________________
回复: 救助! ME里的补料信象是要你前配偶及和前配偶可能有的孩子的资料。
回复: 救助! ME里的补料信我现在才发现,这次要补的料跟上次FN信里要补的料是一模一样的.
回复: 救助! ME里的补料信请问一下,上次FN里要求补的料那页上只有我母亲签名,如果这次签的话请问是全家都签还是需要母亲与我去签呢?
回复: 救助! ME里的补料信补料说明那里有写明是谁的!!现在这个时候应该是你啦,我估计!!
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