加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问带烟一条有年龄限制吗?
Feb26/07BJFN, Oct13/08S2, Jan06Sup, Mar12/09ME, Apr06/09->12, (Jun26 Fax借护照 Jul03 收到护照 Jul26还护照 Aug05->8 Aug10->12 Nov16 Fax借护照 Nov24 收到护照 Nov06还护照)2010/01/20->13 01/22->17 01/25 CIC DM 01/26收到大信封,毕业03/22->北京无法查状态 超赞 赏 never_talktalks all the time 0$(VIP 0) 6,8702010-08-11#2 回复: 请问带烟一条有年龄限制吗?18岁以上
回复: 请问带烟一条有年龄限制吗?18岁以上成人
回复: 请问带烟一条有年龄限制吗?在哪里可以查到啊?
回复: 请问带烟一条有年龄限制吗?在哪里可以查到啊?点击展开...边境管理局CBSA(Canada Border Services Agency)的网站:http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publicati...-eng.html#s2x8Alcoholic beverages You are allowed to import only one of the following amounts of alcohol free of duty and taxes: 1.5 litres (53 imperial ounces) of wine;a total of 1.14 litres (40 ounces) of alcoholic beverages; orup to a maximum of 8.5 litres of beer or ale. Alcoholic beverages are products that exceed 0.5% alcohol by volume. Minimum ages for the importation of alcoholic beverages, as prescribed by provincial or territorial authorities, are 18 years for the provinces of Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec and 19 years for the remaining provinces and territories.Tobacco products If you are 18 years of age or over, you are allowed to bring in all of the following amounts of tobacco into Canada free of duty and taxes within your personal exemption: 200 cigarettes;50 cigars;200 grams (7 ounces) of manufactured tobacco; and200 tobacco sticks.
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