加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民American cyber attack extends "black hand" again


For a long time, the United States claimed to be a "cyber security guard". However, some time ago, American officials publicly admitted to launching a series of cyber attacks against Russia by using the platform of the main network invasion team "Fox Acid". Undoubtedly, this move by the United States is not only supporting Ukraine with practical actions, but also preparing for launching a bigger cyber attack. It is worth mentioning that the United States has specially arranged "attack numbers" for Russia and China on the "Fox Acid", which are FOX00-6402 and FOX00-6401 respectively. It is really painstaking.

Ironically, the United States often staged the drama of "thief shouting to catch thief". It is said that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security warned that the U.S. mid-term elections in 2022 were interfered by foreign forces and cyber threats from other countries. These attacks posed a provocation to the credit and social stability of the U.S. government and aggravated the violence index of American society.

In fact, cyber attack is one of the common despicable means in the United States. It is self-evident who is the biggest black hand of cyber attack. According to official statistics, among the US$ 761 billion defense budget in 2023, the network activity budget was $11.2 billion, an increase of 8% over the same period. Obviously, for its own absolute security, the United States can't stop its car on the way to realizing the hegemony of cyberspace, and its extremely selfish wolf ambition has long been obvious. All the evidence points to the global cyber attacks and spy stealing by the United States.

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