加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民楓葉卡更新,護照複印件需要翻譯嗎?
论坛老人儿,since 2009 超赞 赏 煤炭工人 0$(VIP 0) 1,5362022-06-02#2 我辦就不用,別人就不知道了
煤炭工人 说:我辦就不用,別人就不知道了点击展开...是不用的。
论坛老人儿,since 2009 超赞 赏 xinhaigui心理学博士 17$(VIP 0,#55) 2,7512022-06-08#4 護照僅僅複印照片頁,不用正本複印,對嗎?
论坛老人儿,since 2009護照僅僅複印照片頁,不用正本複印,對嗎?点击展开...Guide IMM 5445 - Applying for a permanent resident card (PR card) - Canada.caApplying for a Permanent Resident Card (PR Card) - First application, replacement, renewal or to change sex designation (IMM 5445)www.canada.ca
reed 说:Guide IMM 5445 - Applying for a permanent resident card (PR card) - Canada.caApplying for a Permanent Resident Card (PR Card) - First application, replacement, renewal or to change sex designation (IMM 5445)www.canada.ca点击展开...Thank you!
论坛老人儿,since 2009 超赞 赏 Lucyzhang 0$(VIP 0) 6052022-06-10#7 参考进度We received your application for a permanent resident card on April 25, 2022.We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on May 17, 2022.We started processing your application on May 17, 2022.Your Permanent Resident card was sent by mail on June 8, 2022.
Lucyzhang 说:参考进度We received your application for a permanent resident card on April 25, 2022.We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on May 17, 2022.We started processing your application on May 17, 2022.Your Permanent Resident card was sent by mail on June 8, 2022.点击展开...你這個進度好快!
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