加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车过火车路口一定要小心!Alberta又发生汽车、火车相撞事故,42岁女司机当场死亡、18岁儿子重伤


Woman killed when train hits car in DayslandBy Laura Drake and Ben Gelinas, edmontonjournal.comJanuary 14, 2010 7:15 PMEDMONTON - A freight train slammed into a car in the town of Daysland Thursday, killing a woman and seriously injuring her son.Canadian Pacific spokesman Kevin Hrysak said the loaded grain train struck the car at a controlled crossing where all lights and bells were in working order. There were no arms preventing the car from crossing, RCMP said.The train crew applied the emergency brakes, but RCMP said the train was going approximately 50 km/h at the point of impact.Officers have identified the woman as Daysland resident Tamara Anne Cameron, 42. Her 18-year-old son Tyler John Element was the lone passenger in the car.Wayne Lewis works at the Daysland Reddi Mart across from the intersection where the accident happened. He was inside the store when it happened, but heard the train whistle blowing frantically.“I had a customer getting gas and he said ‘There’s a little blue car there and I don’t think it made it,’” Lewis said. His Pepsi distributor was the first person on the scene. Lewis said he was distraught. The train struck the driver’s side, where the woman had been sitting, killing her. Emergency crews had to cut the top of the car away to remove her body.“The lights were flashing, the train was blowing his horn like crazy. What she was doing, we have no idea,” Lewis said.RCMP are investigating, and Killam/Forestburg Sgt. Phil Wilson said they’ve ruled out alcohol. The car appeared to be moving when it was struck, and Wilson said the driver apparently did not see the train or lights or hear the bells. There is no indication that she had a medical episode.“Sometimes people are momentarily distracted or their mind is elsewhere,” Wilson said. “It’s hard to explain how someone could drive out in front of a train but it does happen, more than we’d care to believe.” The mother and her son both lived in Daysland and were customers of his, Lewis said, and her death has hit the small town, 140 kilometres southeast of Edmonton, hard.The woman was planning a move to Edmonton with her boyfriend and she also had a young daughter around 12 years old.Element was airlifted to the University Hospital in stable condition, and RCMP said he is conscious and talking to hospital staff. The two people aboard the train were unhurt, but RCMP said they saw the car coming.“Our crew is being relieved and offered critical stress counselling. It’s extremely hard for them,” Hrysak said.

回复: 过火车路口一定要小心!Alberta又发生汽车、火车相撞事故,42岁女司机当场死亡、18岁儿子

回复: 过火车路口一定要小心!Alberta又发生汽车、火车相撞事故,42岁女司机当场死亡、18岁儿子

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