加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车Is there any truck driver online now?


I'm glad I got a truck driving job within three months after get the # 1 drving lisence and finally I could drive a big rig every day and everywhere.However I just operate the 18 gears truck as a 9 gears one, because I'm not sure how to use the split up botton when gearing up. Wish some expert could give me instructions about this(hopefully in detailed steps).Thanks a lot.

回复: Is there any truck driver online now?天!!!

回复: Is there any truck driver online now?I'm glad I got a truck driving job within three months after get the # 1 drving lisence and finally I could drive a big rig every day and everywhere.However I just operate the 18 gears truck as a 9 gears one, because I'm not sure how to use the split up botton when gearing up. Wish some expert could give me instructions about this(hopefully in detailed steps).Thanks a lot.点击展开...很简单,升档, 基本档位上加速到1500-1600 RPM,然后松油门,然后推 splitter 加半档, 然后继续踩油门, 然后重复以上步骤继续升档比如 5 - 5.5 - 6 - 6.5 - 7 这样升档降档, 最好整档往下降

Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!! 超赞 赏 M mark_xiao 0$(VIP 0) 1862010-05-20#4 回复: Is there any truck driver online now?已经升在半档上,又如何整档降呢?松油门再踩油门动作要快。降档是看RPM变低,低于1200,感觉已经背档,松油门,操作SPLITTER DOWN,再踩油门即可。

回复: Is there any truck driver online now?Thanks a lot.

回复: Is there any truck driver online now?Get the Answer finally: Initial Start Up 1. . Make sure the range lever is down in the LO range position and thesplitter control button is rearward.2. Depress the clutch pedal to the floor.3. Move the shift lever to desired initial gear.4. Release the parking brakes on the vehicle, and apply the service brakes.5. Slowly release the clutch pedal and apply accelerator. Upshift Procedure CAUTION: Never move the range lever or the splitter control buttonwith the shift lever in neutral while the vehicle is moving. Splitter shift - LO Range "L" to LO Range "H" (LO "L" to LO "H")1. Pre-select just before making an upshift by moving the button forwardwhile maintaining accelerator position.2. Then, immediately, release the accelerator, depress the clutch pedalonce to break torque, release the pedal to reengage the clutch, allowthe engine to decelerate until the shift is complete. Continue drivingor upshifting. The transmission shifts from "L" to "H" when synchronousis reached.Combination Lever shift and Splitter shift - LO Range "H" to LO Range "L"(LO "H" to 1st "L")3. Pre-select just before making an upshift by moving the button rearwardwhile maintaining accelerator position.4. Move the shift lever, double-clutching, to the 1st speed gear position.5. Continue upshifting through the shift pattern. Double-clutching duringlever shifts, single-clutch during split shifts while the shift lever isin the same position.Combination Lever shift and Splitter shift - LO Range "H" to HI Range "L"(4th H to 5th L)... (Range shift)6. Pre-select just before making an upshift by moving the button rearwardwhile maintaining accelerator position.7. Pull up the Range Lever.8. move the shift lever, double-clutching, to the 5th speed gear position.9. Continue upshifting through the shift pattern. Double-clutching duringlever shifts, single-clutch during split shifts while the shift lever isin the same position.Splitter shift - HI Range "L" to HI Range "H" (5th L to 5th H)10. Pre-select just before making an upshift by moving the button forward while maintaining accelerator position.11. Then, immediately, release the accelerator, depress the clutch pedalonce to break torque, release the pedal to reengage the clutch, allowthe engine to decelerate until the shift is complete. Continue drivingor upshifting. The transmission shifts from "L" to "H" when synchronous is reached. Downshift Procedure Splitter shift - HI Range "H" to HI Range "L" (8th H to 8th L)12. Pre-select just before making a downshift by moving the button rearwardwhile maintaining accelerator position.13. Then, immediately, release the accelerator, depress the clutch pedalonce to break torque, release the pedal to reengage the clutch, acceleratethe engine until the shift is complete. Continue driving or downshifting.The transmission shifts from "H" to "L" when synchronous isreached.Combination Lever shift and Splitter shift - HI Range "L" to HI Range "H"(7th L to 6th H)14. Moving the button forward while maintaining accelerator position.15. Then, immediately move the shift lever, double-clutching, to thenext lower gear position. 16. Continue downshifting through HI range. Double-clutching duringlever shifts, single-clutch during split shifts while the shift lever is inthe same position.Combination Lever shift and Splitter shift - HI Range "L" to LO Range "H"(5th L to 4th H)... (Range Shift)17. Pre-select just before making a downshift by moving the button forwardwhile maintaining accelerator position.18. Push the range lever down, immediately move the shift lever, double-clutching, to the next lower gear position.19. Continue downshifting through LO range. Double-clutching duringlever shifts, single-clutch during split shifts while the shift lever is inthe same position. There are two points I doubt about though:1. If the driver could change the order of 6 and 7.2. In point 12 & 14, how could you “. . . . . . . while maintaining accelerator position”? Your right foot should be right on the brake at that moment.

回复: Is there any truck driver online now?Another answer, a little different from what I posted yesterday: Important tips 1. For all conditions, use the highest gear that is still low enough to start the vehicle moving with the engine at or near idle speed, and without slipping the clutch excessively. 2. Use the clutch brake to stop gear rotation when shifting into low(or 1st) or reverse when the vehicle is stationary. The clutch brake is actuated by depressing the clutch pedal all the way to the floor. For normal upshifts and downshifts, only a partial disengagement of the clutch is necessary to break engine torque. 3. Do not preselect with the splitter control button; after moving the control button, complete the shift immediately. 4. Do not shift from high range to low range at high vehicle speeds. Upshifting…… When in 4th overdrive and ready to shift up to 5th gear, use the range shift lever as follows: While in 4th overdrive, pull the range shift preselection lever up, into high range. The transmission will automatically shift from low to high range as the shift lever passes through neutral. Move the shift lever, double-clutching, to the 5th gear position. Just before making final clutch engagement, move the splitter control button to the direct (rearward) position; then engage the clutch and accelerate. Do not move the control button while the shift lever is in neutral.…… Downshifting …… While in 5th drect and ready for the downshift to 4th overdrive, push the range preselection lever down. Then, double-clutch through neutral and move the shift lever to the 4th gear position. Move the splitter control button to the overdrive(forward) position before engaging the clutch. Do not mover the control button while the shift lever is in neutral. Why not move the control button while the shift lever is in 5th gear position? Because, when push the range preselection lever down into low range while operating in high range, the splitter will become inoperative. So, except when downshifting from 5th direct to 4th gear, never push the range preselection lever down into low range while operation in high range. ……

回复: Is there any truck driver online now?谢谢!

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