加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车安省路考规定之官方文件


针对新移民的规定: Out Of Country DriversApplies to:All applicants from jurisdictions that do not have a reciprocal1 licence exchange agreement with Ontario; and are unable to provide written authentication of their driving experience.1Reciprocal exchange agreement exist between Ontario and: other Canadian provinces, Canadian Forces Europe, U.S.A., Japan, Korea, Switzerland, Germany, France, Great Britain, Austria, Belgium, Australia and Isle of Man. Requirements for all Out of Country driver's licence applicants:All applicants must declare their driving experience on the driver's licence application form.All applicants for an Ontario driver's licence at the time of application are required to;present a valid foreign driver's licence (if it is not in English or French, it is to be accompanied by a written translation from a qualified translator)present written authentication of their foreign driving experience from the originating licensing agency, or from the Embassy, Consulate or High Commissioner’s office representing the jurisdiction, in order to get credit for their driving experience.pass a vision test and a written knowledge test regarding Ontario's traffic rulespay all applicable feesProvide acceptable proof of identity.PLEASE NOTE:An applicant who applies for an Ontario driver’s licence and only presents a valid out-of-country driver’s licence (if it is not in English or French must be accompanied by a written translation from a qualified translator) may declare up to a maximum of 12 months of driving experience.An applicant who applies for an Ontario driver’s licence without presenting a valid out-of-country driver’s licence and a translation of that licence into English of French (if required) at the time of application, and obtains a G1 licence, will not be eligible to return at a later date to be credited with any driving experience either by self-declaring or by presenting an authentication document. These applicants will be required to serve all GLS mandatory wait periods.Applicants who fulfill these requirements may obtain a G1 licence - This policy only applies to applicants for Class G licenses. Length of Experience:Applicants declaring less than 12 months driving experience within the preceding three years:The ministry will recognize the amount of driving experience declared on the driver's licence application.Applicants must have 12 months driving experience before attempting the G1 road test.If an applicant successfully completes a ministry-approved Beginner Driver Education course, the mandatory waiting time, prior to taking the G1 road test, will be reduced from 12 to 8 months.The 8-12 months may be a combination of driving experience in the foreign jurisdiction and experience in Ontario.Applicants declaring more than 12 months driving experience but less than 24 months within the preceding three years:The ministry will recognize the amount of driving experience declared on the driver's licence application.Applicants declaring more than 12 months driving experience but less than 24 months within the preceding three years will receive 12 months driving experience and may proceed to take the G1 road test without having to fulfill the mandatory 12-month G1 wait period.If the applicant passes the G1 road test, they will be issued a G2 licence and will not be subject to the six restrictions of the G1 licence, including the requirement to have a fully licensed driver accompany them in the vehicle and prohibition from driving on 400-series expressways.To obtain recognition for more than 12 months driving experience, applicants are required to obtain written authentication of their foreign driving experience from the originating licensing agency, or from the Embassy, Consulate or High Commissioners' offices representing the jurisdiction. The authentication letter must be on official letterhead and be written in either English or French. The letter of authentication must be dated within six months preceding the date of application for an Ontario driver's licence. If the Authentication Letter is in a language other than English or French, it must be accompanied by a Letter of Translation from a qualified translator.The ministry will recognize the applicant's foreign driving experience as certified on the authentication letter.Recognized driving experience will be applied towards the G2 12-month waiting period prior to taking the G2 road test.If applicants do not provide a letter of authentication, applicants must fulfill the 12-month mandatory waiting period prior to taking the G2 road test.Applicants declaring a minimum of 24 months driving experience within the preceding three years: To obtain recognition for more than 12 months driving experience, applicants are required to obtain written authentication of their foreign driving experience from the originating licensing agency, or from the Embassy, Consulate or High Commissioners' offices representing the jurisdiction. The authentication letter must be on official letterhead and be written in either English or French. It must be dated and cannot be more than 6 months old. If the Authentication Letter is in a language other than English or French, it must be accompanied by a Letter of Translation from a qualified translator.The ministry will recognize the applicant's foreign driving experience as certified on the authentication letter.Applicants have the option of attempting either the G1 or G2 exit road tests (mandatory wait times are waived) when a valid "Letter of Authentication" indicating a minimum of 24 months of foreign driving experience is submitted.If the applicant chooses to attempt the G1 road test and successfully completes it, the applicant will then be eligible to attempt the G2 road test.Upon successfully passing the G2 exit road test, applicants will be issued a G licence.If applicants do not provide a letter of authentication, applicants must pass the G1 road test and must fulfill the 12-month waiting period prior to taking G2 road test. 来源:http://www.drivetest.ca/en/license/OutOfCountryDrivers.aspx

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