加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???


本人想从专业的角度给大家些意见:(JASON HONDA:416-569-2339)1, 什么车好, 应该相信谁? --- 要看北美汽车市场历年的销量排行榜, 北美汽车消费者是最聪明的和最现实的. 群众的眼睛是雪亮的. 那些保值性好的2手车, 绝对是好车. 如HONDA, 因为它的质量受到了历史的检验. 发动机, 变速箱, 臂震器,轴承等等关键部件十年照样呱呱叫的.2, 和谁买? ---- 二手车的质量是非常关键的, 否则一些故障隐患会导致生命的代价. 所以强烈建议大家和大车行买二手车, 不要为省几百元而从个人或者小公司买没有CARPROOF 等相关历史记录的车. 规模大的车行, 信誉好, 有质量保证, 他们一般不敢隐瞒故障历史记录, 受法律约束! 3, 最好买有原车厂证明的二手车, 如Honda Certified Used Vehicles. 买这样的车有和新车一样的质量保证, 简直就是买便宜的新车, 没有任何后顾之忧!欢迎大家到本公司法部2手车网站挑选喜欢的2手车. 本公司所有这些手车保证是无事故车, 1手车主, 非出租车, 非吸烟和宠物车, 无事故隐患. 基本上都是本公司LEASE 到期的好车.(大公司都是选好的留下自己卖, 差的批发与小DEALER, 自然价格质量都会好)JASON HONDA: 416-569-2339http://www.parkwayhonda.com/en/usedc...ndex.spy#hondaHonda Certified Used VehiclesYou know every Honda is green, safe and fun. And a certified used Honda is no exception. You get all the benefits of a new Honda, including peace of mind and the confidence that comes with a factory warranty. That's because every certified Used Honda must pass a series of dealer inspections to ensure it meets the most stringent Honda standards. That means every Certified Used Honda upholds the same dependability, quality and reliability Honda is known for.Here are some highlights of the Honda Certified Used program:6 years / 120,000 km transferable Powertrain warranty coverage, with option to upgrade to a comprehensive extended warranty.7 days / 1,000 km exchange privilege.100-point inspection.Carproof Vehicle History Report.Vehicle Eligibility Requirements:Vehicles eligible to become Honda Certified Used Vehicles have to undergo rigorous inspections in order to provide our customers with that 'New Honda' feel, even though you get it from a Used Honda. All Honda models (such as used Civic or used Accord) originally imported, or manufactured, by Honda Canada Inc. for sale in Canada.All vehicles five model years or less prior to current are eligible.Vehicles that have been in service less than 6 years or 120,000 km.Routine maintenance is current or was brought up to current level with appropriate inspection for age and mileage.Warranty has not been cancelled (e.g. stolen, flood damage, etc.).Odometer has not been tampered with or the kilometres are known.No body or suspension modifications.No aftermarket sunroof or bush bar. Accessories like remote starter, alarms, audio, etc. qualify after inspection to ensure they will not cause any problem.No engine, emission or exhaust system modifications.No indication of significant body repair or frame damage that would affect the long-term durability, function or performance of the vehicle.Must pass a 100-point mechanical & appearance inspection.Must meet appearance & reconditioning standards.Vehicle History must be verified with a CarProof Vehicle History Report.How it works:All of our Honda Certified Pre-Owned vehicles pass through a number of departments so the appropriate Managers can inspect the vehicle. Outlined below in brief detail are the overall steps taken to ensure Certification.Vehicle Selection by Sales DepartmentOur Sales Manager selects the vehicles that are to be inspected for possible inclusion in the program (for example: a used Honda Civic or a used Honda Fit). The Sales Manager then initiates the inspection and possible service process by completing the top portion of the Vehicle Inspection Form. The Sales Manager: Enters vehicle’s specifications - such as VIN, mileage, model, etc.Checks for documentation - such as Warranty Manuals, Owner’s Manual, etc.Obtains a CarProof Vehicle History report to confirm that the vehicle complies with eligibility requirements as outlined in “Vehicle Eligibility Requirements” section of this policy manual.Completes a Repair Order requesting the inspection, as per the Dealership policies.Routes the vehicle to service for inspection and reconditioning cost estimates.Vehicle Inspection by Service DepartmentOur Service Manager designates qualified, experienced service personnel to perform the inspections. A designated service manager will oversee the entire servicing process.A vehicle inspector is assigned to the vehicle.We make sure to thoroughly test-drive the vehicle and perform a vehicle full underbody inspection with the vehicle on a hoist.The service manager designates service and/or repairs that will bring the vehicle up to Certified condition according to the checklist requirements. The inspector receives detailed instructions on what to inspect.The reconditioning inspection "is not to be used to increase service department revenues or profits beyond what is reasonable to meet required reconditioning standards".With these parameters in mind, the vehicle is inspected and estimates are made. When all estimates have been compiled, documentation of required repairs and costs for those repairs is returned to sales management for approval. Sales management must then decide to either accept the vehicle with the understanding that - if accepted ? all designated service and/or repairs will be made. The service and/or repairs designated by the service department are not negotiable.Mechanical InspectionFurther to the aforementioned service checkup, every detail of your next used Honda undergoes thorough visual inspection.Our vehicle inspector confirms that the following materials are available: Owner’s Manual.Vehicle Warranty Manual. Order new manuals if they are missing or not in "near-new" condition.Radio theft code.Key code.Wheel locks, if equipped.Other important pointers include: Confirm that maintenance is up-to-date or update it to current. Record service history in the Owner’s Manual (if not already recorded there) and sign or stamp the Service Record.Perform all necessary checks and mandatory parts replacement per the Mechanical Inspection checklist.Be sure to use Genuine Honda parts for mandatory replacement.If brake vibration is present, perform on-vehicle refinishing of the front rotors (rotor replacement is necessary only if rotors are worn to their service limit).For most 1993 and newer models, timing belt/water pump replacement is needed at 100,000 km intervals under most operating conditions. Consult the applicable Owner’s Manual for the specific recommended replacement interval.Be sure to advise the new owner of the need for 100,000 km timing belt/water pump replacement (as may be applicable).Any automatic-transmission failure must be repaired by installing a Genuine Honda re-manufactured transmission. Dealer disassembly is not allowed for certification and is not allowed by the Honda Certified Used Vehicle Limited Warranty. A Genuine Honda re-manufactured transmission must be used.Appearance InspectionAll Honda Certified Used Vehicles must meet the complete Appearance Standards as identified in the Appearance Inspection checklist. Discrepancies must be identified and corrected before the vehicle can be given Honda Certified Used Vehicle status.Appearance Repair Standards"Paintless dent repair" is recommended where possible."Glass repair" is recommended for repairing windshield stone chips where possible.Honda procedures for repairing acid-rain and environmental-fallout paint damage are followed to ensure Certification.

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???欢迎大家到本公司法部2手车网站挑选喜欢的2手车. JASON HONDA: 416-569-2339http://www.parkwayhonda.com/en/usedcars/listing/index.spy

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???路过

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???打起来了?

Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard 超赞 赏 大 大乐乐2005 0$(VIP 0) 8572012-06-28#6 回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???路过

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???虽然你说的三点我都同意,但是总是打上厂商名字,和自己联系方式,有打广告含义阿。

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???哈哈, 说得对, 有同感! 但如果不顺带赢得些客户挣点小钱, 又怎么会有劲敲字呢? 尽量做到利人利己吧

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???利用空闲时间,再给大家一些购买的专业建议: 1,我应该买什么车好?经常看到不少朋友问这个问题。其实这主要应该是问你自己了,根据你自己的喜好和经济情况了。各大车厂都有各自的特点,都有各自特别出色和热卖的车型,都有各自的文化和历史,有各自的高招,否则怎么生存?比如,德国鬼子其实并不是很聪明,他们只是有把简单的事情做复杂的变态喜好,简单的东西就让人感觉便宜,复杂的自然让人感觉价高了,所以德国车豪华炫,乘坐舒服,车内装饰豪华,传动系统和避震结构复杂,也自然要经常花大钱维护维修,性价比也很离谱,但人家不是在卖车和发动机,是在买光环。所以有钱人不在乎,他就要炫耀,他就是不在乎被宰。小日本具有我们东方民族的细腻、手巧、吝啬和我们所没有的变态认真和自虐,所以造出的东西也有日本民族特点(但我们似乎也应学点变态认真,否则我们的东西只能进DOLLAR MAR 了)。美国车,想想美国人的特点是怎么样的,他的车就怎么样了。韩国高丽车呢?中国车呢?哈哈,想想去。但我特别反对大排量的车,有钱人要炫不要紧,但没有权利去破坏我们大家的环境和资源,对吧?2,对于2手车,最好能买各大公司认证保修的2手车,但这些车也贵些。想便宜怎么办?首先一定不要买到出过大事故的车,如请有经验的人帮查看有没有车体结构的断裂,车身是否变形,里面的一些镜子、按钮等小东西怎样,有没有被水泡过的痕迹?发动机,变速箱,传动系统有没有故障的噪音,加速性能怎么样?油箱和制动系统的状况怎样,外壳是否重新翻新的?要提醒大家的是,现在的翻新车间很牛的,干出来的活一般人看不出来是出大事故的车。所以碰到外表特别漂亮,但价格又离谱的,就别犯傻了,记住,天上不会掉大饼的,有也是变质的。教个小招,去看看边角是不是有些锈?北美几年旧车有锈是正常的。是不是有点自己手工喷的?这也是正常的。3,能折腾的,就花钱去修车行让师傅吊起来帮看看,用设备查查。没有MONEY,一些小事故,能花点时间和小钱搞定的就不要计较了,总体状况是最重要的。 人在北美,车就是我们的脚,是我们生活中不可缺的东西,非常重要。还是那句话,事关我们的生命安全和家庭幸福,省不得也马虎不得。 还有非常重要一点,不要把安全寄托在所谓最安全的车上(君可见到有撞不散的车?除非坦克吧,但里面人也会被震裂的),应该寄托在你的身上,每天开车上路都要打起100%的精神,眼观六路,你不撞人,阿3老外要撞你。一旦分神,就要提醒自己,脚踩在油门上,稍不留神就会走上不归路。速度不要太快,否则出现状况,神仙都帮不了我们的。所以,看到路上老外残疾人很多,我经常在想,这和他们开车习惯有关的,呵呵,幽默一下了。 最后祝我们的同胞们都走运,买到心仪和安全的车,开始我们在北美的艰辛、幸福和充满希望的历程。

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???请问楼主CRV的CR-V EXCR-V EX-L除了座椅外,还有什么区别谢谢

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???楼主是本田dealer吗?是city centre的那家吗?本田的Insight hybrid油电混合动力车可有售?你给的连接打不开。

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???每一条建议都是诱导性广告。既然想做广告,何不把广告和真正的建议分开写?以免这些建议被人怀疑有诱导目的。

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???速度不要太快,否则出现状况,神仙都帮不了我们的。所以,看到路上老外残疾人很多,我经常在想,这和他们开车习惯有关的,呵呵,幽默一下了。 这样写,以后新手们因为开车太慢在高速上被追尾,心里就有了可以问候的人了。

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???还有非常重要一点,不要把安全寄托在所谓最安全的车上(君可见到有撞不散的车?除非坦克吧,但里面人也会被震裂的),应该寄托在你的身上,每天开车上路都要打起100%的精神,眼观六路,你不撞人,阿3老外要撞你。 2012雅阁号称碰撞5星世上最安全车之一,这是在打广告 还是在摆乌龙?打广告的话也该有一些简单的逻辑推理:绝对的安全是不存在的,存在的只有相对的更安全。安全气囊是重要的,但是更重要的是,起码车身还有容得下安全气囊和头部的空间。

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???楼主是本田dealer吗?是city centre的那家吗?本田的Insight hybrid油电混合动力车可有售? 你给的连接打不开。点击展开... 本公司是多伦多最大的本田公司(比city centre 的要大两倍多), 在密市和万市的本田是我们的分公司. 我JASON 在公司总部, 欢迎大家光临惠顾.公司总部地址: Parkway Honda1681 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto, ON M4A 1J6 http://www.parkwayhonda.com/en/info/contact/index.spy honda insight hybrid 当然有售, 但我不太推荐与朋友, 因为混合动力的车虽然省油(百公里4.6L), 但电池费用太贵, 结果反而不经济了. 其实最经济,省油和环保的4门轿车应该是HONDA CIVIC 和FIT, 百公里油耗才5L.

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???请问楼主CRV的CR-V EXCR-V EX-L除了座椅外,还有什么区别谢谢点击展开... CRV EX $30890, CRV EX-L $33190, 价格差两千多. 配置差别主要是皮电动座椅, 卫星接收7喇叭音响. 别的都一样了. 具体可看网站:http://www.parkwayhonda.com/en/newcars/specs/index.spy?make=Honda&model=CR-V

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???速度不要太快,否则出现状况,神仙都帮不了我们的。所以,看到路上老外残疾人很多,我经常在想,这和他们开车习惯有关的,呵呵,幽默一下了。 这样写,以后新手们因为开车太慢在高速上被追尾,心里就有了可以问候的人了。点击展开... 哈哈, 请大家不要太快并不是要象蜗牛, 而是不要超速了. 其实在高速上90--100KM 是安全速度(据统计), 这个速度还基本可以控制住车

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???本公司是多伦多最大的本田公司(比city centre 的要大两倍多), 在密市和万市的本田是我们的分公司. 我JASON 在公司总部, 欢迎大家光临惠顾.公司总部地址: Parkway Honda1681 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto, ON M4A 1J6 http://www.parkwayhonda.com/en/info/contact/index.spy honda insight hybrid 当然有售, 但我不太推荐与朋友, 因为混合动力的车虽然省油(百公里4.6L), 但电池费用太贵, 结果反而不经济了. 其实最经济,省油和环保的4门轿车应该是HONDA CIVIC 和FIT, 百公里油耗才5L.点击展开...除了fit,楼主有什么省油的两厢车推荐?我喜欢两厢,讨厌3厢

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???可以考虑CR-Z, CITY 百公里才5.6L, 但感觉稍微贵了. 各公司1.5L 的小车都挺省油

回复: 怎么样才能买到质量可靠的二手车???可以考虑CR-Z, CITY 百公里才5.6L, 但感觉稍微贵了. 各公司1.5L 的小车都挺省油点击展开...CRZ好像只能坐两个人把?我三口之家,有一个小baby,要放婴儿车神什么的。看图片CRZ似乎有点小了。我想要两厢车就是觉得两厢车空间利用率高一点,

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·生活百科 地板隔热层



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