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[FONT=&quot]VIN: WVWUK63B33P031248是一辆2004 passat W8引擎的车看上哪个引擎了,价格也便宜谢谢先[/FONT]

漫游温哥华 INSPIRING VANCOUVER 超赞 赏 赔 赔钱高手 0$(VIP 0) 8742012-08-16#2 回复: 哪位朋友帮我查一下一个vin号码AccidentCheckNot all accidents / issues are reported to AutoCheck. Information Reported! AutoCheck shows accidents reported to AutoCheck for this 2003 Volkswagen Passat W8 (WVWUK63B33P031248). Below you will find the date and location reported for the accident. Not all accidents or damage events are reported to AutoCheck. Accidents Reported on This Vehicle Accident No.Reported DateLocation1 11/21/2003 CAMBRIDGE, ON Reported accidents or damage events are a result of vehicle collisions or other non-collision incidents such as vandalism or theft. Not all accidents or damage events are reported to AutoCheck. Title and ProblemCheck Your Vehicle Checks Out! AutoCheck's database for this 2003 Volkswagen Passat W8 (WVWUK63B33P031248) shows no negative titles or other problems. When reported to AutoCheck, these events can indicate serious past damage or other significant problems, and disqualifies the vehicle for AutoCheck Buyback Protection. Check the Vehicle Use and EventCheck for reported accidents that can affect vehicle safety and value. 0 Problem(s) Reported:15 Title/Problem areas checked: No abandoned title record No damaged title or major damage incident record No fire damaged title record No grey market title record No hail damage title record No insurance loss title or probable total loss record No junk or scrapped title record No manufacturer buyback/lemon title record No odometer problem title record No rebuilt/rebuildable title record No salvage title or salvage auction record No water damaged title record No NHTSA crash test record No frame/unibody damage record No recycling facility record OdometerCheck Your Vehicle Checks Out! AutoCheck examined the reported odometer readings reported to AutoCheck for this 2003 Volkswagen Passat W8 (WVWUK63B33P031248) and no indication of an odometer rollback or tampering was found. AutoCheck uses business rules to determine if reported odometer readings are significantly less than previously reported values. Not all reported odometer readings are used. Title and auction events also report odometer tampering or breakage. 0 Problem(s) Reported:MileageDate Reported1,000 11/11/2002 3,500 11/11/2002 108,359 05/07/2012 Kilometers Note: Odometer readings can be in mixed unit of measure -- kilometers and miles. Vehicle Use and EventCheck Information Reported! AutoCheck shows additional vehicle uses or events reported to AutoCheck for this 2003 Volkswagen Passat W8 (WVWUK63B33P031248). This includes reported vehicle uses such as rental or lease, and events such as whether the vehicle has been reported to have had a loan/lien or a duplicate title issued. Other events show if the vehicle has a reported accident and how many calculated accidents or if it has been reported stolen or repossessed. It is recommended to have pre-owned vehicles inspected by a third party prior to purchase. 0 Event(s) Reported: 6 Vehicle uses checked: No fleet, rental and/or lease use record No taxi use record No police use record No government use record No livery use record No driver education record 1 Event(s) Reported: 9 Vehicle events checked: 1 Accident record(s) reported through accident data sources No corrected title record No duplicate title record No emission/safety inspection record No loan/lien record No fire damage incident record No repossessed record No theft record No storm area registration/title record Full HistoryBelow are the historical events for this vehicle listed in chronological order. Any discrepancies will be in bold text.Report Run Date 2012-08-16 20:56:18.650 EDTVehicle: 2003 Volkswagen Passat W8 (WVWUK63B33P031248) Event dateLocationOdometer readingData SourceDetails11/11/2002 KITCHENER, ON 1,000 Dealer Record VEHICLE IN DEALER INVENTORY 11/11/2002 KITCHENER, ON 3,500 Dealer Record VEHICLE IN DEALER INVENTORY 02/21/2003 KITCHENER, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 05/09/2003 Independent Source VEHICLE MANUFACTURED AND SHIPPED TO DEALER 05/26/2003 KITCHENER, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 08/28/2003 KITCHENER, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 11/21/2003 CAMBRIDGE, ON Accident Source ACCIDENT OR VEHICLE DAMAGE REPORTED: NON-COLLISION 09/01/2004 KITCHENER, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 07/28/2005 KITCHENER, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 08/31/2006 KITCHENER, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 05/31/2007 KITCHENER, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 06/28/2007 KITCHENER, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 09/28/2007 KITCHENER, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 11/28/2008 KITCHENER, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 11/27/2009 KITCHENER, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 10/29/2010 KITCHENER, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 09/29/2011 KITCHENER, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 05/07/2012 CANADA 108,359 Auto Auction REPORTED AT AUTO AUCTION This Vehicle's GlossaryBelow are the specific definitions for events that appear in this vehicle's report.More information is available in the full AutoCheck glossary. TermSection LocationDefinitionAccident or Vehicle Damage Vehicle Use and EventCheck Reported accidents or damage events are a result of vehicle collisions or other non-collision incidents such as vandalism or theft. Not all accidents or damage events are reported to AutoCheck. Certain accident or damage events are reported by the source to have resulted in minor, moderate or severe damage to the vehicle, or the events are calculated by AutoCheck to have resulted in minor, moderate or severe damage based on the information reported. It is recommended to have pre-owned vehicles inspected by a third party prior to purchase.

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漫游温哥华 INSPIRING VANCOUVER 超赞 赏 D David Liu 0$(VIP 0) 1,8182012-09-14#5 回复: 哪位朋友帮我查一下一个vin号码谁能帮查下WDDGF54X28F113478,谢谢!

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