加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?


Yaris2007的车,一个黄色的gas bar上面的ABS灯亮着,一个是速度表下面的红色灯,外面括号,里面感叹号。感觉以前没这样,什么原因呢?谢谢车长们赐教!1个月前因为早上没法启动车有趣轮胎店换过电池.

以佛修心,以道做人。 超赞 赏 北 北京范德彪 0$(VIP 0) 37,4402013-02-25#2 回复: 最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?第二个是胎压不够到加油站打气jike第一个应该是亮者的吧

回复: 最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?括号感叹号是手闸吧,

回复: 最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?括号感叹号是手闸吧,点击展开...大哥你能想象楼主两星期不放手闸开车么

回复: 最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?大哥你能想象楼主两星期不放手闸开车么点击展开...我知道有人不喜欢亮灯, 找块胶布把灯罩上,

回复: 最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?我知道有人不喜欢亮灯, 找块胶布把灯罩上,点击展开...木老师是知识分子不能够这么做得人直接闭眼

回复: 最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?我知道有人不喜欢亮灯, 找块胶布把灯罩上,点击展开...这可真是个好办法

​ 超赞 赏 sabre 175$(VIP 0,#15) 85,0652013-02-25#8 回复: 最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?我跟他说你真是多余, 上帝设计了眼皮, 早考虑到了这个情况,回头我写一个眼皮使用指南,

回复: 最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?又歪咯!懂行的快进啦啊!


回复: 最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?看说明书肯定是刹车系统的问题

回复: 最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?1 是防抱死刹车系统 Anti-lock braking system, 能够避免车辆失控,并一般能减少制动距离,以提高车辆安全性的技术。2。轮胎压力不足

回复: 最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?谢谢各位,那我放心了,明天加压去。

以佛修心,以道做人。Yaris2007的车,一个黄色的gas bar上面的ABS灯亮着,一个是速度表下面的红色灯,外面括号,里面感叹号。感觉以前没这样,什么原因呢?谢谢车长们赐教!1个月前因为早上没法启动车有趣轮胎店换过电池.点击展开... 为什么就不能开到车行去问呢?

回复: 最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?为什么就不能开到车行去问呢?点击展开...不懂哪儿车行。家园人才多,什么事都解决的。


回复: 最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?跟刹车有关. 检查刹车液是不是低于最低液位了.

回复: 最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?google查到的:My wife came home last night and said that when she left work, her ABS and Brake light came on. She didn't notice a difference in the way the car was driving until she was almost home. She said that when she was just a few blocks from the house, when she tried to stop, the ABS instantly engauged which made it almost impossible to stop, also, the speedometer was stuck at 20. It only done it once, she had stopped at a gas station cause it scared her. She turned the car off and let it sit for a minute and then restarted it, which helped with the ABS engauging instantly. When she restarted it, the lights went out but as she was driving, they came back on but no issues with stopping. When she got home, I went to drive it to see if I could try figure it out. When I started it, the lights were on. I went and drove it around the block and I kinda crammed the breaks a couple times, not too hard and the lights went out and have been out ever since. I used to work for one of the biggest dealerships here in Indianapolis and from working in the shop, I dealt with a lot of techs. One big thing they told me and I have seen for myself, is, gunk and buildup can coat one or more of the sensors and keep them from reading correctly, hense, the ABS and Brake light. We have been having alot of snow, ice, etc. We have lots of salt that has been thrown on our roads and alot of buildup. If this happens to you, it would be a good idea to take your car through a good carwash and a heavy pressurized underbody, I prefer Mike's Car Wash, to clean the undercarriage and get those sensors cleaned off. We are supposed to get rain within the next day or so, so I'm hoping with that, it will clean the buildup off. I hope this helps!

以佛修心,以道做人。 超赞 赏 木尘子 0$(VIP 0) 5,6392013-02-25#19 回复: 最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?The risk is that if the system is faulty, you don't know how it will react in an emergency and might not brake "straight".This sounds like an electrical issue rather than a physical component issue, but you can't be sure until its checked out.I'm in no way suggesting that you should ignore the manual and if you do continue to use the car, its at your own risk - but if it was mine, here's what I'd do....1) If you don't have to use the car, don't.2) If you really need to use it and have no alternative then...a) Check the brake fluid level. If its losing fluid don't drive it. Try the car on a slight incline with the brakes off. You don't want to drive it if a brake is stuck on... If the car rolls on a slight incline, with the handbarke off, then that suggests all brakes are "free". (or you could simply try pushing it on a level driveway to see if you can easily move the car...)c) Try driving the car at about 30mph on a wide roadway and try to brake firmly to a standstill. If the car pulls to one side or doesn't stop as it used to then again - don't use it.If all the above checks out ok, then it suggest that the basic system is still functional...If you then do decide to use the car, drive with more caution and try to plan ahead to avoid the need for hard braking....

以佛修心,以道做人。 超赞 赏 我的梦想我的路 0$(VIP 0) 20,6312013-02-25#20 回复: 最近一周车里2个灯一直亮着,到底什么原因?在下看了一下在下的 corrolla 2008 手册手册上如是说 if the indicator or buzzer comes on1. abs do this take vehicle to toyota dealer if brake system warning light is also on, stop immediately and contact toyota dealer2. brake do this if parking brake is off, stop immediately and contact toyota dealer

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