加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车BC省Richimand哪家汽修厂信誉好?



eleclan 说:都一样的点击展开...请问前辈,如果我打算自己喷漆,所有需要用的东西,下面单子和链接里都有了吗? Plastic Spreaders: https://amzn.to/2oNDfWb Body Filler: https://amzn.to/2oJ4AZu Compound: https://amzn.to/2o6C9UV Polish: https://amzn.to/2njtHlc Microfiber Towels: https://amzn.to/2o0294A Sponges: https://amzn.to/2o1WURN *Wax: https://amzn.to/2OuZMlo Respirator/Mask: https://amzn.to/2sTIaYa Goggles: https://amzn.to/2nZ9XUe

https://boereport.com/前辈算不上啊最重要的喷枪呢?点击展开...截图里面有没有? 就是那种可以喷雾的瓶装漆,还要另外买喷枪么?ps:下面网站上也有卖喷枪的,配大的罐装漆/我忘了上链接了/截图的东西都是这个网站的,各品牌车的漆号都有。 把油漆添加到购物车,后面各种工具都有,没看到喷枪。Car Paint Custom-Mixed for Your Vehicle | Exact-Match Automotive Paint | Easy-to-Use Auto Touch-Up Paint | AutomotiveTouchupTrust your car's paint job to the experts in precision color-matching: AutomotiveTouchup's auto paint is custom-mixed to exactly match any shade of OEM automotive paint. Buy high-quality car paint by the bottle or by the gallon today! at AutomotiveTouchupwww.automotivetouchup.com

https://boereport.com/ 超赞 赏 STILLWELL 0$(VIP 0,#526) 9,9242020-10-26#6 How Much Touch Up Paint Do I Need?Find out how much paint to order using the chart below, or click the chart to download the PDF. Also, make sure to scroll down under the chart to see more considerations which may affect your paint quantity.This is a guideline for a small to medium sized cars - we designed it to be the most accurate as possible. We will not be responsible if you order too much, or not enough. Here are some things that affect usage:Technique:How close are you to the car? Too close and it won’t be even, you’ll need more to cover the thin areas. Too far away and you’ll get some overspray and some of your paint will go downwind.Panel Size:Some bumpers are huge, some are small. Cars aren’t perfectly proportional. One car may have a huge bumper in the front, and a small one in the back. Some cars have a huge hood and a smaller bumper.Paint Color:Some colors cover better than others. Today’s lead free red, yellow, and orange don’t cover as well as paints from the olden days. Light silver doesn’t cover as well as grey, black, or white. Our colors have some of the best coverage on the market, but each color may have different hiding properties.Spray Guns:Some spray guns are better than others. Our entry level spray gun isn’t going to be as perfectly efficient as a $500 professional spray gun used in a body shop.Urethane:Urethane clear goes further than lacquer. If using lacquer clearcoat please order 50-100% more product. This chart will soon be updated to reflect a better number.Ready To Spray Paint Coverage:Front Bumper Cover – Base:14 oz, Clear:16 ozHood – Base:16 oz, Clear:16 ozFender – Base: 10oz, Clear:12 ozMirror – Base:6 oz, Clear:8 ozFront Door – Base:10oz, Clear:12ozRear Side Door – Base:8oz, Clear:10ozQuarter Panel – Base:8oz, Clear:10ozSail Panel - Base:6oz, Clear:8ozRear Hatch/SUV Trunk – Base:14oz, Clear:14ozRear Bumper Cover - Base:16oz, Clear:16ozTrunk – Base:12oz, Clear:14ozRoof – Base:14oz, Clear:16ozRocker – Base:6oz, Clear:8ozAerosol Spray Paint CoverageFront Bumper Cover –base: 3 cans, clear:4 canHood – Base: 3 cans, Clear: 4 cansFender – Base: 2 cans, Clear:3 cansMirror – Base: 1 can, Clear: 1 canFront Door – Base: 2 cans , Clear: 2 cansRear Side Door – Base: 2 cans, Clear: 2 cansQuarter Panel – Base: 2 cans, Clear: 2 cansSail Panel - Base: 1 cans, Clear: 1 cansRear Hatch/SUV Trunk – Base: 3 cans, Clear: 4 cansRear Bumper Cover - Base: 3 cans, Clear: 4 cansTrunk – Base: 3 cans, Clear: 3 cansRoof – Base: 3 cans , Clear: 4 cansRocker – Base: 1 cans , Clear: 1 cans

https://boereport.com/喷漆罐?那你要适当降低对工程效果得期望 ?点击展开...车价值不到1万。所以...

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