加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车一位房主讲述了她停在车库里的一辆电动汽车起火后如何失去了一切。
詹妮弗·鲁托洛(Jennifer Ruotolo)在自己的汽车修理期间从经销商那里借了这辆电动汽车。但当梅赛德斯 EQE350+ 起火时,这位佛罗里达州居民 Nocatee 感到非常震惊,她告诉 WJXT,她希望自己从来没有把它带回家。Ruotolo 说:“它在车库里停了大约 22 个小时,然后着火了。” “我之前在工作。”“大约上午 8 点 30 分,我丈夫听到嘶嘶声和爆裂声,他走进充满烟雾的车库。车库被火焰吞没并爆炸。”更令人惊讶的是,她声称事故发生时梅赛德斯电动汽车没有插入充电器,因此事故的原因是一个谜。I wish I never brought an EV home - it destroyed my propertyA HOMEOWNER has told how she lost everything after an EV she parked in her garage caught fire. Jennifer Ruotolo had borrowed the electric vehicle from the dealership while her own car was getting r…www.the-sun.com
喜樂的心乃是良藥,憂傷的靈使骨枯乾。--箴言17:22http://bingoye.blog.sohu.com/http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_3723826467_0_1.htmlhttp://bbs.ipa001.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=322759&do=thread&view=me&from=space 超赞 赏 Bingoye 2$(VIP 0,#276) 5,5613 小时前#2 I wish I never brought an EV home - it destroyed my propertyA HOMEOWNER has told how she lost everything after an EV she parked in her garage caught fire. Jennifer Ruotolo had borrowed the electric vehicle from the dealership while her own car was getting r…www.the-sun.com
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