加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息【讨论】宝宝抓周的list(ZT)
baby's first brithday party. According to Chinese tradition, in the party parents prepare items representing different professions that the baby will possibily take on in the future, for example book means scientist, money means rich business man... you get the idea. Put the items at some distance from the baby and see what the baby grap at the end. This is called 抓周. 我大儿子一周岁的时候,我准备了笔记本电脑、小钢琴、笔,印章,口琴等,我儿子毫不犹豫抓了电脑和钢琴。现在儿子五周岁多了,还真的很喜欢电脑和钢琴。选幼儿园事先参观时,有电脑的他就要去。钢琴是四岁多时他自己要学的。不过妈妈最大的愿望就是孩子永远轻松、快乐、健康。
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