原文:I've decided to start mountain biking to get in shape and enjoy the scenery around my area, so I took my bike into a cycling shop to get a tune up. My bike was in pretty bad shape, so I wasn't sure if it would serve my needs. However, the man at the shop adjusted my breaks, oiled the chain, fixed my flat tire, and adjusted the spokes in my wheels. He suggested that if I do a lot of heavy riding, I should get self-sealing bike tubes that don't puncture as easily over rough terrain. I'm thinking about getting a lighter bike, but my current bike will have to do for now. I also bought a new bike helmet to protect my head in case I fall off the bike or fly over the handle bars on my rides. Finally, I bought a water hydration backpack so I can drink water and still have my hands free to ride. 请教三个词组的意思:adjusted my breaks 修了车折断的地方?self-sealing bike tubes 一种耐扎的车胎?a water hydration backpack 彻底晕掉的喝水背包
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]2012,在路上 赏

6,368 $0.00 回复: 请教Mountain Biking的三个短语的意思Breaks are the key parts of bicycles, "车刹" as we call it. Self sealing tubes are pre treated with a proprietary sealant that will never harden and can seal punctures up to 1/8 inch. Water hydration backpack is a backpack style hydration systems commonly used with hikers and mountain bikers, to keep the body hydrated while riding long distances.评论
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal回复: 请教Mountain Biking的三个短语的意思谢谢天使版主,我原来以为spokes是车闸,看来应该是车轮的辐条了Water hydration backpack 原理解为不用手就能喝水的东东