加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教OHIP问题
我在安大略政府网站上看到获得OHIP的资格要求挺严格的。“If you are a newcomer to Ontario, , the waiting period begins on the date you establish residence in Ontario. You are also required to be present in Ontario for 153 days of the first 183 days immediately following the date residency is established in Ontario (you cannot be absent for more than 30 days during the first 6 months of residency).”我的情况是,1月份短登,2月份回国,孩子预产期在8月份。如果我想去加拿大生孩子,是不是预产期前3个月就得到加拿大,才能享受医疗保险,否则要自己付医药费?多谢大家。顺祝新年快乐。
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