小美你好,看到大家都非常的称赞您的助人为乐的精神,好感动哦! 我在蒙特利尔的坛子里也看到一个特别乐于助人的szshenhua,他的:“蒙特利尔,孕妇最爱 ”非常受人喜欢!http://post.iask.ca/canadameet/topic/9925 我老婆也怀孕了,看了他的贴后,很喜欢蒙特利尔对待孕妇的环境,可是我却很想到卡尔加里,毕竟这里的工作机会要大得多! 所以我很希望能够有更多的小美帮助我发现卡尔加里有关孕妇的情况! 有劳大家了,非常感谢!!
2001.11 FN2004.10 ME2005. 2.1 DM2005. 4.26 PL2005.10.5 Landing Calgary孙小美的卡城日志 http://bjfy.spaces.live.com我家宝宝的故事 http://annikababy.spaces.live.com 赏 2006-03-19#3

ben616 说:小美你好,看到大家都非常的称赞您的助人为乐的精神,好感动哦! 我在蒙特利尔的坛子里也看到一个特别乐于助人的szshenhua,他的:“蒙特利尔,孕妇最爱 ”非常受人喜欢!http://post.iask.ca/canadameet/topic/9925 我老婆也怀孕了,看了他的贴后,很喜欢蒙特利尔对待孕妇的环境,可是我却很想到卡尔加里,毕竟这里的工作机会要大得多! 所以我很希望能够有更多的小美帮助我发现卡尔加里有关孕妇的情况! 有劳大家了,非常感谢!!点击展开...Don't worry. All the costs are covered by the health insurance other than the pharmacy. Especially, your health insurance will be effective when landing at Calgary as soon as your application has been done.The first step is to find a family doctor. He/she will refer your wife to a maternity doctor. Then all your have to do is to see the doctor once a month. That's all.During preganancy, you are elligible for a plan of best beginning once a week which offers pregnant women a course regarding pregnancy, and basic food such as milk, rice, fruits, vitamins, bread, and so on. Please see the below link for details:http://www.crha-health.ab.ca/health_info/mat_new/feb2006updates.pdf
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