加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Canadian transit number
Canadian transit numbers are regulated by the Canadian payments association. A number has the following form:XXXXX-YYY where XXXXX is a Branch Number, and YYY is a Institution Number. The dash between the two parts is an integral part of the routing number, making 9 symbols in total.As a general rule, Bank institution numbers start with 0, 2, 3, or 6, Credit Union and Caisse Populaire institution numbers start with 8, and Trust Company institution numbers with 5.Examples:XXXXX-001 Bank of MontrealXXXXX-002 The Bank of Nova ScotiaXXXXX-003 Royal Bank of CanadaXXXXX-004 TD Canada TrustXXXXX-006 National Bank of CanadaXXXXX-010 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (incl. PC. Financial)XXXXX-016 HSBC CanadaXXXXX-039 Laurentian Bank of Canada00000-117 Bank of Canada (Canadian central bank)XXXXX-219 ATB FinancialXXXXX-614 ING Direct CanadaXXXXX-809 Credit Union Central of British ColumbiaXXXXX-828 Credit Union Central of OntarioIn a Canadian bank transit number, the last digit of the branch number, with few exceptions, indicates the geographical location of the branch. For example, the number 58876-004 indicates that the associated account is held at an Eastern Ontario branch of TD Canada Trust (58876 is the branch number, and 004 is the institution number).Branch codes ending with:0 are located in British Columbia1 are located in Western Québec including Montreal and surrounding area2 are located in Ontario including Toronto and surrounding area3 are located in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland4 are located in New Brunswick5 are located in Eastern Québec6 are located in Eastern Ontario including Ottawa and surrounding area7 are located in Manitoba and North-Western Ontario8 are located in Saskatchewan9 are located in AlbertaPlease see http://www.cdnpay.ca/rules/pdfs_rules/rule_d4.pdf for a listing of current and historical financial institution ID numbers
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