加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息how to cancel"hbc credit card"
one month age ,i bought something in "the bay",a guy told me i would get 90% discount if i had a hbc credit card,so i did it. but today i get a statement for "hbc credit card ",it tell me to pay $5 for it per month !!i want to cancel it right now !!who can me any advice for cancelling it !!!
回复: how to cancel"hbc credit card"call credit card company directly to cancel it.
回复: how to cancel"hbc credit card"关注。我也有一张。一直就没用过。
2001年11月fn,北京 2004年12月28日体检 2005年1月补料后19日变12 2005年3月末催问,说材料已全,最后阶段。 2005年5月末催问,说12周。 2005年7月中旬两次催问,7月21回复说application has been finalised ,即将邮寄visa。状态还是12,ip。7月22日晨1时,状态变13,cic还是ip,早9时接到使馆邮件,通知7月26日取签。7月25日21时,cic状态DM7月26日14:05,北京使馆顺利取签。7月28日9时,北京1711月3日机票,哈尔滨-汉城-多伦多。 one month age ,i bought something in "the bay",a guy told me i would get 90% discount if i had a hbc credit card,so i did it.but today i get a statement for "hbc credit card ",it tell me to pay $5 for it per month !!i want to cancel it right now !!who can me any advice for cancelling it !!!点击展开...套牢了。
回复: how to cancel"hbc credit card"可能是要了保险了,这个卡很讨厌的,打电话cancel掉吧
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