加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息谁用过NETGEAR WGR614V6的无线网络路由器呀?
谁用过NETGEAR WGR614V6的无线网络路由器呀?我刚买了一个,不知道如何安装!无法进入说明书上的那个网页,大家有谁用过吗?教教我怎么安装这个东西吧?老公发脾气,说怎么买了个这样的鬼东西??
回复: 谁用过NETGEAR WGR614V6的无线网络路由器呀?给我,我帮你试试
Baby tell me how can I tell u that I love u more than life. Show me how can I show u that I am blinded by ur light. When u touch me I can touch u to find out the dream is true. I love to be loved by u.回复: 谁用过NETGEAR WGR614V6的无线网络路由器呀?我也是用netgear的路由器的你是用什么网??一般连网线去 1-4其中一个接口,然后在网络浏览器打192.168.1.1就可以去设置界面了简单说dsl的就要设置上网帐号密码,rogers一类的就直接插就能用了
回复: 谁用过NETGEAR WGR614V6的无线网络路由器呀?这个支持 tomato or dd-wrt 么
Baby tell me how can I tell u that I love u more than life. Show me how can I show u that I am blinded by ur light. When u touch me I can touch u to find out the dream is true. I love to be loved by u.回复: 谁用过NETGEAR WGR614V6的无线网络路由器呀?但是我上不去那个网192.168.1.1可能是跟我的网关冲突了、
回复: 谁用过NETGEAR WGR614V6的无线网络路由器呀?先用网线将你的电脑连接到任何一个Lan口,打开路由器电源大约半分钟后,在电脑上打开浏览器输入:,你看一下说明书,有些路由器默认是192.268.2.1
回复: 谁用过NETGEAR WGR614V6的无线网络路由器呀?是先用有线的网络吗?我试了,就是不能打开192.168.1.1,但是192。268。2。1是没有这个的
回复: 谁用过NETGEAR WGR614V6的无线网络路由器呀?是二手的么?如果是的话就是被改过了
回复: 谁用过NETGEAR WGR614V6的无线网络路由器呀?啊,这样呀我也想可能是二手的,虽然我在是商店里买的,但买回来才看清是refurbished product 如果是这样可不可以退货呀?
回复: 谁用过NETGEAR WGR614V6的无线网络路由器呀?照下面步骤做:1、关掉路由电源,电脑关机2、连好所有线路,打开路由电源3、启动电脑4、在 run 键入cmd5、在dos窗内键入 ipconfig/all6、查看反馈信息,就能确定网关地址了7、在浏览器中输入网关地址,则自动出现设置网页8、按网页提示操作即可
_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________照下面步骤做: 1、关掉路由电源,电脑关机2、连好所有线路,打开路由电源3、启动电脑4、在 run 键入cmd5、在dos窗内键入 ipconfig/all6、查看反馈信息,就能确定网关地址了7、在浏览器中输入网关地址,则自动出现设置网页8、按网页提示操作即可点击展开...不用重启电脑吧如果dhcp没开咋办?估计还有密码
Baby tell me how can I tell u that I love u more than life. Show me how can I show u that I am blinded by ur light. When u touch me I can touch u to find out the dream is true. I love to be loved by u.回复: 谁用过NETGEAR WGR614V6的无线网络路由器呀?http://kbserver.netgear.com/products/wgr614v6.asp
Baby tell me how can I tell u that I love u more than life. Show me how can I show u that I am blinded by ur light. When u touch me I can touch u to find out the dream is true. I love to be loved by u.回复: 谁用过NETGEAR WGR614V6的无线网络路由器呀?Forgotten or Lost Router Password What do I do after I get online?Set up your security. By default, routers are in an unsafe configuration. Read Improving Your Default Security for an explanation, and simple instructions about how to be safer. The router username is always admin The default password is password or (for older routers) 1234 Try the default username and password before resetting the router to the factory defaults. When a router resets, it goes back to the state when it was new — all information that was entered by hand is lost! Examples are critical things you need to get online, such as ISP username, ISP password, IP addresses, security keys, and ports and services that were opened. It all needs to be re-entered.So, have your ISP information before resetting the router.Naturally, if you moved to a new city, or if you bought a used router, the old information in the router may not be of use to you. Contact your ISP if you can't connect any computer directly to the Internet. Then, if there is a connection problem when the router is added, see No Internet Access Through the RouterReset for most routers with a reset button on the rear panelWrite down configuration information such as IP addresses, security keys, opened ports and services, etc., that you modified. (The default username is admin and the password is either password or 1234. Try these before resetting the router.)Press the reset button on the back until the test light blinks. This takes about 10 seconds. (To avoid accidental resets, the small button is recessed. Use a pen or paperclip to access it.) Release the button. Wait for the router to reboot. Log in with the default password. If the router was not cleared, try these additional steps AFTER the router has finished rebooting.Unplug the router's power. Press and hold the reset button. While the button is held down, reconnect router's power. Continue to hold the reset button for 20 seconds after reconnecting the power. Wait for the router to reboot. Log in with the default password.
Baby tell me how can I tell u that I love u more than life. Show me how can I show u that I am blinded by ur light. When u touch me I can touch u to find out the dream is true. I love to be loved by u.回复: 谁用过NETGEAR WGR614V6的无线网络路由器呀?拿个牙签捅一下reset键,先不要接internet网线,这样缺省就是192.168.1.1,如果你有其他路由器,它会自动变成10.0.0.1也可以用浏览器输入routerlogin.net就可以进去了Netgear是挺烂的,我买了两个终于死心了,还是linksys好
回复: 谁用过NETGEAR WGR614V6的无线网络路由器呀?把自己网络连接中的TCP/IP协议中的IP地临时改为192.168.1.X(X为除1以外255以内的任何数),然后再在浏览器中输入192.168.1.1看看。
银行开户二三事CO-OP外的另项选择Practice Firm拿个牙签捅一下reset键,先不要接internet网线,这样缺省就是192.168.1.1,如果你有其他路由器,它会自动变成10.0.0.1也可以用浏览器输入routerlogin.net就可以进去了 Netgear是挺烂的,我买了两个终于死心了,还是linksys好点击展开...不刷第三方都烂
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