本帖不讨论如何申请信用卡, 而是如何选择信用卡 个人经验, 欢迎纠正All credit card we discuss here no annual fee. (except US dollar credit card) Reward and cash rebate card: 1. RewardCITI petro-points mastercard: $1, 10 points and save 2 cent at pump.PC Financial mastercard: $1, 10 points (20,000 PC points = $20 in free groceries or other rewards)CanadianTire option mastercard: Earn Canadian Tire MoneyTD GM Visa: %3 for GM car. If you do want to buy a GM car, a good choice.......others2. Cash RebateCIBC divident (0-1500 0.25% 1500-3000 0.5% 3000+ 1%)AMEX Costco Platinum Cash Rebate ( 0-2000 0.25% 2000-5000 0.5% 5000+ 1%)Capital One Cash Back Platinum MasterCard 1%3. AirlineAmerican Express Air Mile credit card $20, 1 air mileBMO Airmile mastercard $40, 1 air mile (garbage..) Low rate on Balance transfer Credit CardCIBC divident 2.99% Currently till Aug 31 2007American Express (Most) 3.99% 6 monthMBNA credit card 3.9% (Be careful of this one. 1% Transaction Fee applied on Cash Advance)PC Mastercard 3.97% until balance is paid in full Gold/Platinum card (for Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage Insurance)TD Gold Select Visa CardMBNA Gold/PlatinumRBC Visa GoldNo-Fee ScotiaGold VISA cardCapital One Platinum card US Dollar credit cardCIBC US Dollar Visa, $35 annual feeTD U.S. Dollar Advantage Visa Card, $25 annual fee (Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage Insurance) To be continued...... 能用信用卡的地方要用信用卡,原因2个:攒点、累积信用 介绍一下几个大家可以用信用卡的地方1 Rogers www.rogers.ca2 Bell www.bell.ca上面这2各大家基本都用网上银行付款,不合适啊。每月100多块,1000多点就没有了。到他们的网站上注册后就可以用信用卡付款了。 3 epost.ca不知道地主多不多,如果要交水费、电费可以到www.epost.ca上注册你的电子帐单,就可以通过epost.ca用信用卡付款...........Attention, not confirmed yet至今不知道如何用信用卡给煤气付款,哪位大虾知道说一声.... 此外多伦多的地税也无法通过信用卡付款 此外foodbasic、pricechopper收Visa/MastercardNoFrills只收mastercard
Boxing day deal@生活百事 逛街 信用卡 预付费 So it is written, so it shall be done. 赏

本人亲自找女朋友,欢迎联系why did you say BMO Airmile mastercard is garbage?点击展开...comparing with AMEX air mile, yes.
Boxing day deal@生活百事 逛街 信用卡 预付费 So it is written, so it shall be done. 赏 2006-10-27#4

另外BMO的美金卡是免年费的%0.5 cash reward
另外BMO的美金卡是免年费的%0.5 cash reward点击展开...heard of that. But can't find it online. Even in BMO this noon, the teller knew nothing about it.
Boxing day deal@生活百事 逛街 信用卡 预付费 So it is written, so it shall be done.研究过一阵子,看过一篇不错的文章:http://www.redflagdeals.com/deals/main.php/articles/credit2/ ....点击展开...Thx for the articile. Seems something common, right?
Boxing day deal@生活百事 逛街 信用卡 预付费 So it is written, so it shall be done. 赏 2006-10-27#9

租房攻略报税问答班芙班芙 赏 2006-10-27#10

租房攻略报税问答班芙班芙问个弱智问题,也是刚碰到的问题:我要参加一个考试,必须是网上付费,而且标价是美圆,我用信用卡付了钱,卡里并没有钱,上TD的网上查询,我的credit limit仍然是1000刀,这样我就不知道我是不是已经成功付费了,还是一定要在卡里存上相应数量的金额才行或是隔几天才会charge你的account?点击展开...I might be several days delay. I always met such situation, don't worry.
Boxing day deal@生活百事 逛街 信用卡 预付费 So it is written, so it shall be done.这边如果网上消费是按美圆计算,怎么折算?TD网上怎么查不到消费的明细?一般消费到还款的期限是多少?直接可以网上转帐到credit card上去吗?点击展开...1. sorry, don't know2. wait several days3. 3-4 weeks depends on different credit card4. yes.
Boxing day deal@生活百事 逛街 信用卡 预付费 So it is written, so it shall be done.这边如果网上消费是按美圆计算,怎么折算?TD网上怎么查不到消费的明细?一般消费到还款的期限是多少?直接可以网上转帐到credit card上去吗?点击展开...当日汇率+几个百分点只有TD的信用卡才能够查到大多是20几天可以,利息从当日开始计算,有的卡还收手续费
存在问题:好吃饭、好泡妞、好抽烟、好喝酒。 分析原因:饭好吃、妞好泡、烟好抽、酒好喝。 总结经验:吃饭好、泡妞好、抽烟好、喝酒好。 整改措施:饭吃好、妞泡好、烟抽好、酒喝好。 努力方向:吃好饭、泡好妞、抽好烟、喝好酒。本帖不讨论如何申请信用卡, 而是如何选择信用卡 个人经验, 欢迎纠正All credit card we discuss here no annual fee. (except US dollar credit card) Reward and cash rebate card: 1. Reward CITI petro-points mastercard: $1, 10 points and save 2 cent at pump. PC Financial mastercard: $1, 10 points (20,000 PC points = $20 in free groceries or other rewards) CanadianTire option mastercard: Earn Canadian Tire Money TD GM Visa: %3 for GM car. If you do want to buy a GM car, a good choice .......others2. Cash Rebate CIBC divident (0-1500 0.25% 1500-3000 0.5% 3000+ 1%) AMEX Costco Platinum Cash Rebate ( 0-2000 0.25% 2000-5000 0.5% 5000+ 1%) Capital One Cash Back Platinum MasterCard 1%3. Airline American Express Air Mile credit card $20, 1 air mile BMO Airmile mastercard $40, 1 air mile (garbage..) Low rate on Balance transfer Credit Card CIBC divident 2.99% Currently till Aug 31 2007 American Express (Most) 3.99% 6 month MBNA credit card 3.9% (Be careful of this one. 1% Transaction Fee applied on Cash Advance) PC Mastercard 3.97% until balance is paid in full Gold/Platinum card (for Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage Insurance) TD Gold Select Visa Card MBNA Gold/Platinum RBC Visa Gold No-Fee ScotiaGold VISA card Capital One Platinum card US Dollar credit card CIBC US Dollar Visa, $35 annual fee TD U.S. Dollar Advantage Visa Card, $25 annual fee (Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage Insurance)To be continued......点击展开...都是些没年费的卡卡
存在问题:好吃饭、好泡妞、好抽烟、好喝酒。 分析原因:饭好吃、妞好泡、烟好抽、酒好喝。 总结经验:吃饭好、泡妞好、抽烟好、喝酒好。 整改措施:饭吃好、妞泡好、烟抽好、酒喝好。 努力方向:吃好饭、泡好妞、抽好烟、喝好酒。 赏 2006-10-27#15 M 205 $0.00 问大家一个问题,各位一般有多少种信用卡?为什么问这个问题,因为有人说信用卡太多会影响你的信誉,这个说法对吗?
多伦多中医针灸按摩诊所http://guo.weebly.comMSN:[email protected] 赏 2006-10-27#16

泉涸,鱼相与处于陆,相嘘以湿,相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖 赏 2006-10-27#17 S 4,320 $0.00 现在很多国内办的信用卡也可以在国外用吧,不知道有没有人在加拿大还经常用国内办的信用卡,好用吗?
manni 说: 问LZ一个问题,LZ一共拥有多少种信用卡?为什么问这个问题,因为有人说信用卡太多会影响你的信誉,这个说法对吗?点击展开... 本人一共拥有过5种信用卡,LD大人3种 关于影响信用,我的理解是 每次申请信用卡都会调查你的信用,都是对你的信用的一种伤害。如果你在短时间申请多张信用卡,会一定程度影响你的信用。
Boxing day deal@生活百事 逛街 信用卡 预付费 So it is written, so it shall be done. 赏 2006-10-27#19

shunlife 说:现在很多国内办的信用卡也可以在国外用吧,不知道有没有人在加拿大还经常用国内办的信用卡,好用吗?点击展开...可以用啊 反正我会暂时留几年的
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