加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息CNE tickets update ( save 36% )


Dear Mr. ,Please be advised that the CNE discount code previously published in the Members' email newsletter has been deactivated due to abuse.To access discount tickets to the CNE, please follow these steps and use the new code below.How to Buy Tickets:. Visit www.theex.com. Click on "Buy Tickets Online". Click on "Corporate/Group Partners". Enter access code: OSC124544CNE. Print tickets on your own printerScience Centre Members save 36% on a Fun Pass or Magic Pass to the Canadian National Exhibition, August 15 to September 1! (Member prices $9 and $29, regular prices $14 and $45.) Please note that this discount code is for Science Centre Members only and sharing it on-line will result in it being deactivated again. Thank you and enjoy the Ex!The Membership OfficeOntario Science [email protected] The Ontario Science Centre communicates with members by email to send newsletters, notify you about upcoming events, last minute additions to our programming and important information regarding your membership. If you prefer to not receive any emails from the Science Centre, please let us know by email at [email protected] or by phone at 416-696-3142. We'll be happy to accommodate your request. Membership to the Ontario Science Centre is subject to the terms and conditions outlined on the Science Centre website.

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