加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息加拿大学生手册
这是一个网上的,不知出处,认为有假。 Respect each other, ourselves, the school and property; 互相尊重,尊重自己,尊重学校和学校财产;Excel in all that we set out to do and should do; 出色完成我们要做到的和应该做到的;Accept ourselves and others; 接受自己也接受别人;Care about each other and each other's feelings; 互相关心及在乎别人的感受;Help when help is needed.在别人需要时帮助别人。
太阳升起也落下回复: 加拿大学生手册据说是中国的中国小学生守则 一、热爱祖国,热爱人民,热爱中国。好好学习,天天向上。 二、按时上学,不随便缺课。专心听讲,认真完成作业。 三、坚持锻炼身体,积极参加课外活动。 四、讲究卫生,服装整洁,不随地吐痰。 五、热爱劳动,自己能做的
太阳升起也落下回复: 加拿大学生手册这是我孩子圣诞前夜学校音乐会的2/3年级班的节目文本,我觉得理念很好,也传上来。LanguageWe were focusing on the beauty of,and the need for peace in our world.The children talked,wrote and shared their ideas at the Holiday Concert.Holiday Concert Presentation:Biliding A Peace TowerOpening;All:We are building a peace tower!Peace feels like a world that is no longer mad but instead is full of all those good feelings.Peace feels like the way you like to be treated. It feels like you're at the beach in the sun and sand,like you are swimming in good hot water.But the hot is not too hot,but is a good warm hot.I think that the whole world could have peace everywhere.The whole world could have a good peaceful dream in their sleep.() Peace feels like no war. Freedom from war. Peace sounds like no shooting of guns. Peace is very silent.()1. Feeling sympathy for others() Our buling block is red which shows feeling sympathy for others. Feeling for others makes frendship between me and the other person. Red means I have a heart.2.Mercy) This building block is purple.Purple is a royal colour. Mercy is royal:we have the power to forgive.3.Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.() Our building block is golden:the golden rule is treat others as you would like to be treated.4.Cooperation() The colour for cooperation is green because two sides are partners who are listening and sharing peacefully5. Calmness(() A calm colour is white.It is relaxing.White is like a silent sound.6. Fun(Ehson & Brian) The coulour for fun is blue because when you kick the soccer ball high it goes in the blue sky.Hey!7. Happy ,Glad,Joyful() Happy,glad,joyful.Our colour is yellow.If you are happy and glad you can do anything you want to!8. Love () The most imporant thing that lights the tower is love.9.Musical accompaniment by Chayna Closing; Peace feels like fairy dust is flowing around me.Its like the fairy dust is rewarding me for being kind,caring and being joyful always.() Peace is a symbol of freedom and love. If every one in the world would just live in peace then death would run away and there would be no more war.I would like to have millions of people help build a peace tower.() All: Come join us. We are building a Peace Tower!这是我小孩上的学校的我写上来xxPublic Shool Code of ConductI have the right to feel safe and will help others feel safe.I show respect for myself,others and all property.I take responsibility for my learning at school by: listening and following the instructions of all staff finisheing all the work that my teacher gives meI take responsiblity for the words I use,being sure they are friendly and helpful.I take responsibliity for my actions by keeping my hands and feet to myself.I am punctual and prepared for class.I follow the Toronto District School Board's On-line Code of Conduct at all times.这是午餐纪律xxP.S. Lunch Rules1.I will listen and co-operate with the lunchroom supervisors.2.I will use good manners at all times.3.I will walk quietly to and from the lunchroom.4.I will use an indoor voice in the lunchroom.5.I will sit to eat my lunch and clean up my garbage/recycling.6.I will be respectful towards all.这是一个成人高中的手册YORKDALE COMMON CODE OF CONDUCTTo promote safe and harmonious environments where all people can learn,work and plan,schooland school-sponsored activities must be free from:* conduct which endangers others,i.e. physical assaults,threats or intimidation and possession or use of weapons* disrespeactful behaviour* inappropriate dress(no beach or club wear,no hoods or sunglasses)*profane or inappropriate language*racial,ethnic or sexual harassment*alcohol,drug or substance abuse*gang insignias*trespassers*USE OF CELLPHONES ,PAGERS,AND ANY COMMUNICATION DECICES INCLUDING TEXTING AND PHOTOGRAPHSTchieve optimum success students are expected to;* attend and be punctual* prepare for and participate in the learning process* respect the rights of othersTo provide a secure,healthy and clean facility,students are expected to:*consume food and drink only whithin designated eating areas*take precautions for the security of their own property*show care and respect for the property of the Board and that of others*observe the Toronto District School Board policy of a smoke-free environment*deposit all garbage in the containers provided*strongly observe the parking and smoking regulations多伦多教育局Toronto District School BoardOperational Procedure PR.585Title:SCHOOL CODE OF CONDUCTAdopted:June 25, 20081Revised:Authorization:1.0OBJECTIVETo provide a template for individual school codes of conduct in accordance with policy P.044: Code of Conduct2.0RESPONSIBILITYAssociate Director3.0PROCEDURESBoard policy P.044: Code of Conduct instructs that “schools shall develop local codes of conduct…” (Section 4.4)School administrators will ensure that local codes of conduct comply with Board policy P.044: Code of Conduct.Attached is a template that schools may use to formulate their individual codes of conduct.4.0APPENDICESAppendix A: Template for School Code of Conduct5.0REFERENCE DOCUMENTSBoard Policy P.044: Code of ConductAppendix ATemplate for School Code of Conduct[Insert Name of School]CODE OF CONDUCTTEMPLATEOur Commitment[Name of school] is committed to providing a healthy learning and working environment by promoting respect, civility, safety, responsible citizenship and academic excellence. A positive school climate exists when all members of the school community feel safe, comfortable and accepted.The [name of school] Code of Conduct is developed in accordance with the Toronto District School Board’s Code of Conduct, the Board’s policies and operational procedures, the Education Act and the Provincial Code of Conduct2. The [name of school] Code of Conduct also reflects the values and expectations of the [name of school] community.The standards of behaviour outlined in the [name of school] Code of Conduct shall apply to all members of the school community, including students, parents and guardians, teachers and other school staff, Board members, volunteers and visitors:on school property;while traveling on a school bus that is owed by the Board or that is under contract to the Board;in-school sports activities;in off-site school-sponsored activities; orin circumstances where engaging in an activity will have an impact on the school climate1Standards of BehaviourAll members of the school community are expected to:respect and comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws;demonstrate honesty and integrity;respect differences in people, their ideas and opinions;treat one and other with dignity and respect at all times, and especially when there is a disagreement;respect and treat other fairly, regardless of their race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, gender, gender identity, family status, marital status, sexual orientation, creed (faith), socio-economic status, same sex partnership status, age or disability; respect the rights of others;show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others;take appropriate measures to help those in need;respect persons who are in a position of authority; respect the need of others to work in an environment of learning and teaching.Progressive DisciplineWhen students breach the code of conduct, consequences will be consistent with progressive discipline techniques. Progressive discipline is a whole-school approach that utilizes a continuum of interventions, supports, and consequences to address inappropriate student behaviour and to build on strategies that promote positive behaviours. When inappropriate behaviour occurs, disciplinary measures should be applied within a framework that shifts the focus from one that is solely punitive to one that is both corrective and supportive. Schools should utilize a range of interventions, supports, and consequences that include learning opportunities for reinforcing positive behaviour while helping students to make good choices.Interventions (in no particular order) may include:Discussion with a teacher, member of the support staff, vice-principal or principalAttendance / performance/ behaviour contractsTime Out Reflection Sheet Parental contact and involvement in applying an appropriate remedyLoss of privilege to participate in specified school activitiesPeer mediationIndividual or group counsellingWritten or oral apologyEssay / poster campaignDetentionRestitution for damage or stolen propertyCommunity serviceRestorative justice practicesStudent breaches of the Board’s Code of Conduct and [name of school]’s Code of Conduct will be dealt with in accordance with Operational Procedure PR697 Consequences of Inappropriate Student Behaviour. Cell phones and electronic devicesAll personal communication devices are to be powered off and stored out of view during an instructional class and other areas in the school, unless otherwise authorized by the principal.SuspensionThe behaviours for which a principal may consider suspending a student include:Uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person;Possessing alcohol or illegal drugs;Being under the influence of alcohol;Swearing at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority;Committing an act of vandalism that causes extensive damage to school property at the pupil’s school or to property located on the premises of the pupil’s school;Bullying;Wilful destruction of school property; vandalism causing damage to school or Board property or property located on school or Board premises;Use of profane or improper language;Use of tobacco;Theft;Aid/incite harmful behaviour;Physical assault;Being under the influence of illegal drugs;Sexual harassment;Racial harassment;Fighting;Possession or misuse of any harmful substances;Hate-motivated violence;Extortion;Distribution of hate material;Inappropriate use of electronic communications/media; and/orAn act considered by the principal to be a breach of the Board’s or School’s Code of Conduct.ExpulsionThe behaviours for which a principal will consider recommending to a Committee of the Board that a student be expelled include:Possessing a weapon, including possessing a firearm;Using a weapon to cause or to threaten bodily harm to another person;Committing physical assault on another person that causes bodily harm requiring treatment by a medical practitioner;Committing a sexual assault;Trafficking in weapons or in illegal drugs;Committing robbery;Giving alcohol to a minor;Possession of explosive substance; and/orAn act considered by the principal to be a serious breach of the Board’s or School’s Code of Conduct.[NOTE: Individual schools may insert specific expectations and requirements provided they are consistent with the Board’s and the Provincial Code of Conduct]For Example:Attendance and late policiesStudent will be on time for classes and will attend classes regularly. Students are responsible for the work missed due to absence. Students who skip classes or repeatedly arrive late may receive consequences based on the principle of progressive discipline and in accordance with Operation Procedure PR.697 Consequences of Inappropriate Student Behaviour.School Dress CodeIt is expected that, subject to the discretion of the principal to permit exceptions regarding compliance in appropriate circumstances, every student in the school will comply with the Dress Code.The Dress Code does not apply to religious, cultural or similar forms of attire. The Dress Code does not restrict, in any way, a student’s right to dress in a manner that is prescribed by religious, cultural, ethnic or similar tenets and custom.“Dress Code” is the appropriate dress policy established by the school in consultation with parents through the school council, and may include a school uniform.“Inappropriate Dress” refers to a standard of attire, which does not meet the school community standards of decency. Inappropriate Dress at [Name of School] includes:(a) language and/or any representations on attire that indicates gang affiliation;(b) attire that depicts violence, profanity, racial or gender discrimination or discrimination of any kind whatsoever;(c) attire that otherwise demeans an identifiable individual or group;(d) [add any other types of inappropriate dress]The Dress Code applies to all students in [Name of School]. Failure to comply with the dress policy may result in disciplinary consequences, up to and including suspension.“School Uniform” refers to any common standard of attire with respect to colour and design which students are required to wear at school.LockersLockers are the property of the Board and are subject to inspection by the Administration at any time.
太阳升起也落下回复: 加拿大学生手册如果谁有大学,高中,初中的欢迎跟帖。
太阳升起也落下回复: 加拿大学生手册如果有一些天主教学校,私立学校,艺术学校也敬请。罗马不是一日建成的,只有事实才最有说服力,也会有对家园同志的切实贡献。我只能说中加是不同的教育体系,各有千秋。
太阳升起也落下回复: 加拿大学生手册网上搜来的学生手册1.学校介绍:1.位于加拿大最大城市多伦多, 离多伦多市中心和国际机场只有十五分钟车程, 邻近大型购物中心, 附近的公车,地下铁,及高速公路四通八达。2.提供Grade12大学预科课程及E.S.L..3.提供宿舍,学生停车场,操场,餐厅等。2.广泛的学科选择:英语,电脑,家庭学习,数学(如代数,几何,微积分,Finite Math等),商业(如会计,经济,市场学,管理,行政等),科学(如物理,化学,生物,环境科学等),历史(如北美历史,法律等),地理(如加国环境及经济等),艺术(如视觉艺术,戏剧艺术等)3.特色:1.高品质的教育:多伦多英比利学院的成绩斐然,每年毕业生成功升读美国及加拿的大学,并获得奖学金。2.选择的多样性:修完大学先修学分的学生可依其成绩向英,美,加等和各大学申请入学就读,单是加拿大就有90多数所可颁发学位的学校。3.世界最高的生活品质:根据联合国一份不同国家生活品质比较的年度报告,加拿大是世界上最佳的居住地点。4.加拿大学生签证的高接受率:为了便利学生,大部分真正欲赴加求学的学生申请学生签证是被接受的。4.入学资格:1.初中毕业生2.高中在校生3.高中,高职毕业或同等学历五:开学日期每年于一月,四月,七月,九月及十一月开学。学生行为指引Code of Student Behaviour本院主旨我们关心快乐和尊严我们关心学习和生命中的成就我们关心互相尊重我们关心公平和了解英比利学院为所有同学提供同样的一套规则保证一个舒适安全的环境拥有一个友善的合作气氛对教职员和同学都有很高水准的期望提供一个真正成功的机会期望:1.出席率学生必须准时并全心投入出席所有课堂。我们的学期不长,重复缺席会造成该科目不及格。学生若请假,仍须补测验,考试,及交作业。2.迟到学生若常迟到会对其他同学的学习造成中断和影响。学生若迟到15分钟以上会被视为缺席, 也不会容许上课。3.行为全部同学必须尽心尽力去受教育, 而他们在本学院的行为也必须反映他们的尽心用功。要求全部同学:尊重全体教职员和老师们定下的教室规矩。对全部教学活动也全面投入。专心上课并遵守老师的需要。在课堂上只准说英语。市政府和学校规则均为禁止任何人在学校内吸烟。所有食物必须在餐厅内食用,所有垃圾必须放置于垃圾箱内。绝对禁止私藏酒精或药物, 如有违规会被驱逐出校或受法律制裁。学生必须负责修理或补买被破坏或遗失的学校公物。学生在校内应该穿着整齐,端庄大方,适合学生身份。学术诚实无论是测验或作业,学生绝对不可抄袭别人的言语,主意,或想法。这种行为会得到0分或更严重后果。公平机会这是安大略省政府的政策让全部省内的学生得到公平教育的机会。所有学科均公开让合格的学生修读,不论他们的年龄,性别,或种族背景。并积极鼓励学生参与所有适合其能力,兴趣,和工作目标的课程。宿舍规则Dormitory Regulations考试规则和评分办法:Examination Rules & Evaluation1.学生必须准时进入会场就座。2.学生迟到10分钟以上不准许参加考试。3.学生必须依试卷要求正确填写名字,班级等。4.试场里不容许有参考书,课本等,犯此过失的学生将会被停课。但字典和老师准许的课本除外。5.考试时必须保持安静。6.全体学生必须于考试时间终了时交出试卷。犯规的学生可能被停课。7.考试中以任何方式作弊或舞弊均被视为严重违反考试规则,并会导致停课处分。8.学生因生病或意外而不能参加考试时,须在考试前通知学校管理人, 否则当作缺席论,也会使考试以0分计。英比利学院保留修改规例和法则的权利,并不会另行通知。考试规则和评分方法:Examination Rules & Evaluation学生于英比利学院会接受定期的学习评估。A.分数计算方法总分包括:60% - 70% 为: 课堂,出席率, 参与程度,论文 报告,讲座,家庭作业, 测验30% - 40% 为: 期末考成绩单总分数为100%B. 成绩单 期间成绩单每月寄给家长。 学期成绩单于期末寄出。 成绩单包括分数,缺席率,迟到记录,和老师的评语。 ICT 课程 前言ICT Curriculum Preface校长的话很荣幸欢迎各位同学加入多伦多英比利学院, 在此继续你的高中学业。你已经知道本校的宗旨是提供一个高教育素质,富启发性,娱悦的学习环境。以本学院的用心及你们的期望,我们将会一起为你们明天的成功作出努力。 我相信同学们一定会充分在本学院渡过一个求学时光。我和全体英比利学院的教职员预祝各位同学有一个成功的学期。J.L.Austin B.A., B.P.E.校长科目选择这个学期甚至于下学期的学科选择是你的学业中重要的一步。对于选择科目,依据你的人生目标和教育局的规定,你有绝对的权力,但我们诚恳地请你作谨慎的考试和选择。在英比利学院内,各科老师和辅导老师可以协助你。更改科目在学期的首星期,学生可以把已缴学费转去修读别的学科。 这只限于开学后一个星期内进行。出席率准时出席是学生们学习上的重要程序,这并且是评估学生表现的重要因素。习惯缺席的学生会在评估分数时吃亏,因为他们的参与热忱太低。因同学们已接受劝导和指引,而仍然不愿意准时出席上课,该学生将不会给予所选读的学分。(Program and Diploma Requirements, OSISD, Ministry of Education, 1989.)准时出席上课是成功完成一个科目最重要的关键。你必须每天出席时间表上所安排的科目。若是有社会突发的紧急事故,则你必须与你的科目教师或是办公室职员联络,同时你也要在事后负责向老师们解释。如果没有医生处方证明你生病或无法证明你的理由,那就全部当作缺席论。其它一般事故若你须要请假,你必须于缺席前出示请假信让科目老师准许。但是你要负责自己错过了的功课。假若你因为生病而错觉过了成绩评估的机会,你必须在请假前通知学校。若不能出示有效的医生或其它证明文件,所有分数将会转作0分。倘若你连续缺席10天而没有通知学校, 你的名字将会在班上名册中被删除,而你也不被准许参与期终考试。不规律的出席率非但会影响你的学习进度,而且还会对班上同学带来负面的影响。正常出席率在此处是解释作出席所选修科目总上课时间的85%以上(即最多只可以缺席10次)。学生若不能保持规律性的出席率将会被提醒其后果。如果种种解决学生缺席总是的方法均不可行,则该学科的学会将会被取消,而学生将会得到不完整的分数。ICT课程英比利学院的学科昌为学生预备进入专上学院及大学而设,所有学科都是根据现有的安省指引来制定, 本学院备有详细学科介绍和资料供同学和家长们参考。某些学科限于报名人数不足,可能不会开班。学科编号制度每一学科是以六位数目或字母的编号识别,如:ENG3A1编号的解释如下:ENG 英文科的一般代号 3 这是11年级的课 A 学习难度是为预备修读高等课程而订。 1 相当于1 个学分OAC 安大略省学院课程安省学院课程(OAC)是安省各中学均开办的大学预备课程。OAC的学分也可当作必修科目的学分,即16个必修科目中申请就读各大学必须具有6个或以上OAC学分。学生应与辅导老师商议应选读那些科目以符合申请大学的条件,详细阅读学科介绍以查明所修学科是否需要一些先修科目。学会制度成功完成一个课程以后,学生会得到1个学会,其条件如下:上课时间须110小时或以上指定功课要与上课时间相等学生必定要在经由安省认可,能给学生学分的中学上课最少要成功的通过一个正式考试。中学毕业证书必修学分安省教育厅规定, 学生要有30个学分或以上, 才可领取安省中学毕业证书(OSSD),其细节如下:最少要有5科英文学分(包含两个高年级英文学分)最少要有1科第二语言学分最少要有2科数学学分最少要有2科科学学分最少要有1科加拿大地理学分最少要有1科加拿大历史学分最少要有1科高级社会科学学分最少要有1科文科学分(美术,戏剧,音乐)最少要有1科体育学会最少要有1科商科或是科技学分:必修科目16学分,自选科目14学分,总共30学分同学们于1993年9月1日或以后就读第九班,那些第九班的科目可以当作相等学分(必修或选修),成功完成第九班的课程是获取OSSD的先决条件。OS:IS及第九班课程同学们若于1993年9月1日后就读中学,必须遵照OS:IS和M.E.T.115条例领取中学毕业证书. 这条例说明学生必须成功完成第九班课程, 并可以拿在8个相等学分, 用作领取安省中学毕业证书. 所有必修科目学分必定要根据OS:IS的指引.代替学分学生可以从OS:IS必修理工科目表上选取修理工不多于两面三刀科以代替任何两科未修理读的必修科学分. 但学生必定要得到家长, 监护人, 校长们的同意以确定这是令同学得益的方法去修读学分. 学生若要利用代替学分, 必须经学生辅导处以书面通知安省教育厅.相等教育学分(QEE)若学生从末修过任何安省学分, 但学生在其国家所获取的课程可最高得到23个安省相等科目的教育学分(QEE), 以作继续修读OSSD的用途.安省以外学分(QSE)此为加拿大安省以外的省份所修读的学分.独立(自修)课程若时间表有冲突或科目因为学生人数不够而取消, 学生可以修读独立(自修)课程. 学生可以免除出席部份课堂而独立自修, 但必须要有老师监督. 科目内所作的功课时间须相等于110小时正常课堂的功课. 老师会帮助学生明白课程内容, 评估学生进度, 及激励学生自我约束以确保能完成该课程.学生必须负责与教师约定会面时间来接受教学指导, 制定功课和家庭作业. 学生也必须负责在指定时间内完成功课及作业和接受所有的定期评估(包括大测验, 小测验和考试).独立(自修)课程的申请表必须于学期开课当天递交, 以便通过对学生选读独立(自修)课程学科的手续.英文科不可以先读独立(自修)课程.指定先修学科指定先修学科是为了让同学选读某些科目前可以对该科目更有认识及更熟习. 某些科目有指定先修学科要先修读, 以打好知识, 技术, 和学习态度的基础, 每一科指定先修学科已详细列于英比利学院的课程介绍上, 欢迎垂询.若有同学或家长申请豁免选读指定先修学科, 必须由校长作决定.安省学生记录(O.S.R.)管理学生记录的法例于1990年纳入教育动议内. 学生记录显示每一位学生的学习进度, 记录学生的出席率, 就读学科及学业成绩等. 所有其它有关学生的资料一般会夹在学生卷宗, 只有当校长认为这些资料对指导学生有帮助时才会被列入学生记录.参阅权利每一个学生有权利去参阅自己的学生记录. 若学生未达成年, 学生家长或监护人有权利参阅学生记录.参阅学生记录并不是任何人都有权利参阅学生记录, 同时也不被允许用作任何其它用途如法律诉讼等.安省学生成绩总报告中学生用以领取中学毕业证书的完成科目, 得到的学分, 以及教育资料都会被收录在安省学生成绩总报告中. 所有符合安省教育局规定的学科必须要有安省教育局指定的公用编号, 记录在成绩总报告上.学生辅导计划Guidance Program学生辅导是为英比利学院的所有学生而设的。 英比利学院的学生主要是想在一至两年进入大学就读的海外留学生,因此学生辅导是帮助学生们准备收集资料,升学就业辅导,及填写大学申请表等等。学生们都是住校或是外住,因此学生辅导计划提供学生独立自律的支持和鼓励。学生辅导计划的目的:学生辅导计划应该提供学生以下机会:A.扩大学生们的知识和了解自我,以及培养对个人潜能对社会贡献的珍惜。B.发展对有效人际关系的了解。C.发展知识,技术和正确的态度去决定及选择适当的大专教育以及适应中学至大专及外出工作的转变。D.探索他们未来的带来前途,教育出路,和他们理想的生活方式。E.协助同学们发展知识,技术,和态度去成为独立学习者和养成照顾自己的能力。学生辅导计划的主旨:A.独立约见同学以建立关系。B.与每一位学生讨论教育,就业,和个人目标。C.随着学生们的要求协助学生如何去寻找不同的专上学院,大学,就业机会的资料。D.联系各不同专上学院及大学的代表人,以及安排至各学校参观。E.为学生提供申请表和资源去申请安大略省各专上学院和大学,但也包括全加国和美国。F.若有需要,协助学生填申请表。G.确保学生办妥所有文件和依照要求寄出。H.为同学解决任何有关申请表的事宜。I.时时与同学沟通以确保他们有资格领取OSSD以及确定学生们为他们所要选读的大学科系已就读过适当的学科。J.为同学作出选择次选科目提供意见。K.英文水准测验(如TOEFL,YELT,IELTS等等)对不同专上学院或大学个别要求提供资料。L.辅导同学的个人问题,以及让同学知道哪些不同的机构也可为他们提供协助。M.为同学们可能的居住问题作出协助。N.为其他教师和职员提供资料,使他们可以参与实行学生辅导计划。O.帮助同学适应加拿大,尤其是多伦多的独立生活。P.适当指导学生如何取得有助他们生活需要的资源。学生辅导计划参与人士:所有在英比利的教师和职员均为辅导计划的一员,主要负责人包括学生辅导主任,管理秘书,校长,及宿舍监督。亲爱的家长/监护人:关于:合法年龄贵子弟将会于今年满18岁或已经是18岁以上, 在法律眼中,18岁已经是成年人,拥有成年人享有的权力和应当分担的责任. 其中一项和学校有关的权利是隐私权, 详述于地区性资料和隐私自由条例.在此条例下,成年学生有独立权利处理他/她的学校纪录和全部资料. 除了学生本人,若要把他/她的资料外泄,先必须要得到学生本人同意.此信是提醒家长/监护人, 一但贵子弟到达18/岁, 学校不可以于未得到学生同意下与你联络和透露学生资料, 这包括学生的成绩单. 请与贵子弟商讨于他/她18岁后如何处理学校成绩事宜.若学生同意继续于成年后仍然让家长/监护人知道自己的资料, 学校须要学生签署同意书,并交回英比利学院. 若下页为空白, 学校会当作成人学生不同意资料外泄. 请交回此两页同意书.若你有疑问, 请打电话给我们学校查询.J.Austin(校长)学生姓名:___________________出生日期:_______________________________________________ _______________________________ 学生签名 家长/监护人签名合法年龄同意书地区性资料和隐私自由条例(1991)清楚列明学生到达18岁后的地位. 在法律眼中, 18岁已是成人, 因此拥有所有权利, 并承担成人责任, 包括隐私权. 因此当学生过了18岁生日后即拥有全部自主权, 与学校沟通均是由学生直接和学校接触行使之, 学校必须得到学生同意才可以和他/她的家长联络.本人__________________________同意容许英比利学院的教职员继续和本人的父母/监护人联络沟通有关本人的学业成绩, 出席率, 行为等, 此均为本人成功地完成在校学业的根本.若我仍为本校学生, 学校仍可继续与本人家长/监护人沟通联络, 直到我以书面通知学校终止此项联络.立于____________月____________日, _____________年成人学生签名:__________________________ 出生日期:__________________________
太阳升起也落下回复: 加拿大学生手册看到或听到华人圈里的一些事,很让人不快。我们最需要的是做事情,不要总是在议论批判,更不能出于利益或狭隘的意识去混淆一些存在的事实。真善美,没有真,何来善与美。用事实说话,实事求是做贡献。
·学习交流 纽卡斯尔大学的MBA
·生活百科 出口有限按需