加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息如果在国内为加拿大雇主工作并且在国内生产的
有个移民朋友人这2年一直在国内,但是还是继续为她在加拿大的公司工作(因为是IT工作)并且正常的支付税、EI等。她现在怀孕了并且准备在国内生。从EI的网站上看到“If you are permanently residing in a country other than Canada or the United States, you may be eligible for maternity, parental & sickness and compassionate care benefits if you have worked in a job in your country of residence that is insurable under Canada's EI program”。但是她打了几个电话给专门申请EI的中介,他们说如果在国内生的话,申请的时候要公司出封说明信,说她是被派到国内的分部工作的。所以想问问有经验的同学:1。除了ROE,确实需要这样一封信吗?2。像她这种,因为个人原因回国,只是因为她雇主觉得她工作还可以所以给她工作让她在国内作,可以申请吗?3。她可以就当作是在加的人来申请吗?因为她一直都交税的,而且工作什么都和在加拿大一样的,也有在加的地址等。4。大家申请过程中,Service Canada有要过加拿大医院出的任何证明吗?因为她人在国内,打不了政府的免费电话,问我,我也刚来,不太懂,口语也不好,大家帮帮忙吧。
移民水落石出篇http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=205171正积极准备早日让父母来加视察回复: 如果在国内为加拿大雇主工作并且在国内生产的话,可以申请产假吗?大家帮忙回答一下哈,朋友比较着急,这几天正愁到底要不要来加生呢,我告诉她太愁对婴儿不好。。。
移民水落石出篇http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=205171正积极准备早日让父母来加视察回复: 如果在国内为加拿大雇主工作并且在国内生产的话,可以申请产假吗?看来,你是看过网站的了。可以参看这个做法:http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/information/outside_canada.shtml#fileHow to file a claim for Canadian EI benefits for people residing outside Canada You may file your claim for Canadian EI benefits online. If you are residing in the United States and claiming regular benefits you must be available and actively seeking work and, most importantly, you must provide proof that you are legally authorized to work in the United States. You will also need to submit your Record of Employment from your Canadian employer.If your employers issue ROEs in paper format, you will need to submit your ROEs from all your Canadian employers who issued ROEs in paper format in the last 52 weeks. However, if your employer submits your ROE to Service Canada electronically, you do not need to submit a copy of your ROE to Service Canada, since we will have received it from your employer. On the same day your employer submits it, you will be able to view and print copies of your ROE online using My Service Canada Account If you are residing outside Canada in a country other than the United States, you may be eligible for maternity, parental or compassionate care benefits only. Regular benefits are not payable to a person residing in a country other than Canada or the United States.All claims received from people residing outside of Canada are processed by the office in Belleville, Ontario. For more information, please call the toll-free number 1 877 486-1650.========1、提供公司委派到中国工作的《证明》和加拿大公司的ROE2、可以申请;3、在加国外的人;4、在加国内申请,不需提供医生证明(参看:http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/faq/faq_special.shtml#Who..... 5.# Do I need to provide a medical certificate when I apply for maternity benefits?No, but at the time you apply you will be asked to prove your pregnancy by signing a statement declaring the expected due or actual date of birth. )
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790回复: 如果在国内为加拿大雇主工作并且在国内生产的话,可以申请产假吗?学习!
2009.3.25 寄buffalo (xpressUSA)3.30 签收;6.8收FN,B0556917**[PPS]; 2010.3.23 Email:转纽约;4.20自行体检;6.2 Ecas:IP;10.19 Ecas: Medical received. 10.25信:RPRF,新IMM8表;11月18日寄出。2011.5.17 PPR Email.办理护照换新中...准备用美国的地址收护照,因为加拿大邮政工人24日要罢工了,回复: 如果在国内为加拿大雇主工作并且在国内生产的话,可以申请产假吗?wlh75谢谢你的及时详细回答。可对于第一个问题,你说要提供公司委派到中国工作的《证明》,这个我并没有找到官方要求阿。您划出的红字“you must provide proof that you are legally authorized to work in the United States”按我的理解是针对于在美国的加拿大人如果要申请Regular EI,就需要提供可以合法在美国工作的证明,我的理解是工作签证之类的。可是我朋友申请的是Maternity Leave, 哪里看出是需要委派证明的呢?是你在实际操作中碰到过需要提供该材料的吗?如果确实需要这个委派证明,但她担心不是委派,是自己先回去的,然后重新为加拿大公司工作的,这个证明怎么出呢?如果实话说了情况,会不会Service Canada因为非委派就拒绝呢?
移民水落石出篇http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=205171正积极准备早日让父母来加视察回复: 如果在国内为加拿大雇主工作并且在国内生产的话,可以申请产假吗?就让加拿大公司给个证明,说明她是加拿大公司在中国的职员便可。这样就可证明是委派的了。如果你不想开这个证明,那就先申请,将ROE寄出,看它要不要你补料。如果它要你补,那再补也可以。
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790回复: 如果在国内为加拿大雇主工作并且在国内生产的话,可以申请产假吗?那只有告诉她先申请试试了。。。
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